Bitter bark

Alstonia constricta

Alstonia constricta, commonly known as the Devil's Guts or Milky Pine, is a perennial weed that can be found in various habitats, including forests, pastures, and disturbed areas. Here's a detailed description of this weed:

Detailed Appearance:

Devil's Guts is a woody shrub or small tree with a distinctive milky sap. The leaves are arranged oppositely along the stems and are elliptical in shape, growing up to 15 centimeters in length. The plant produces tubular, fragrant flowers that are typically white or cream-colored.

Key Characters:

One of the key characteristics of Alstonia constricta is the milky latex sap that oozes from broken stems or leaves. The opposite arrangement of leaves along the stem is another identifying feature. The flowers, although relatively small, emit a sweet fragrance, attracting various pollinators.


This weed has a well-developed root system, enabling it to compete with other plants for water and nutrients. The milky sap contains alkaloids, making the plant unpalatable to many herbivores. The physiological adaptations of Devil's Guts contribute to its ability to thrive in diverse ecosystems.

Population Dynamics:

Alstonia constricta can reproduce both by seeds and vegetatively. The seeds are dispersed by wind or by attaching to animals and clothing, aiding in the weed's spread over larger areas. The plant's ability to produce numerous seeds contributes to its population dynamics, making it resilient and adaptable to various environments.


Seeds of Devil's Guts can be dispersed over considerable distances by wind, enhancing its colonization of new areas. Additionally, the seeds may cling to the fur of animals or clothing, aiding in accidental human-mediated dispersal. Vegetative propagation can also occur when broken stems take root in suitable soil, further contributing to the weed's ability to spread.

It's important to manage the spread of Alstonia constricta, as it can become invasive and outcompete native vegetation in certain ecosystems.

Plant Protection Products