Alphanex 100EC

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Active materials


Alphanex 100EC Insecticide is a contact and residual insecticide. It can be used as a protective treatment when applied at regular intervals or as a knockdown treatment to control existing infestations.


Low Volume and High Volume Applications by Ground Rig (Water Carrier):

  • Add the required quantity of Alphanex 100EC Insecticide to water in the spray tank and mix thoroughly. Maintain agitation during mixing and application.

Ultra Low Volume (ULV) Applications by Aircraft (Oil-Based Bulking Agents):

  • Mix Alphanex 100EC Insecticide with DC-Tron Cotton Spray Oil or other compatible products. Add the mixing partner to the spray tank first, then add the required quantity of Alphanex 100EC Insecticide with the agitator in motion. Do not mix with water and ensure no water is in the spraying system.

Dilute Spraying:

  • Use a sprayer designed for high volumes of water, applying to the point of run-off. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of run-off, avoiding excessive run-off. The required water volume may be determined from industry guidelines or expert advice. Add the specified amount of product per 100L of water.

Concentrate Spraying:

  • Use a sprayer designed for concentrate spraying, applying water volumes less than those for dilute spraying. Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume for the crop canopy. The concentration factor can be calculated based on the dilute spray volume and chosen concentrate spray volume.

Low Volume and High Volume Applications by Ground Rig or Aircraft (Water Carrier):

  • Apply with thorough coverage, preferably using a non-ionic surfactant. Apply during cooler parts of the day or night.

Ground Application (Water Carrier):

  • Use a total volume of 50-200 L/ha for field crops, except for specific crops like sweet corn, tomatoes, and tobacco which may require higher volumes. Apply as a fine spray, preferably with hollow cone nozzles.

Aerial Application (Water Carrier):

  • Avoid applying to trellis tomatoes by aircraft. Use a minimum spray volume of 20 L/ha. Apply in total spray volumes of 30 to 35L/ha, preferably in crosswinds, avoiding calm or very windy conditions.

Ultra Low Volume (ULV) Application by Aircraft:

  • Mix with specific ULV formulations for a minimum total spray volume of 1.5L/ha. Ensure droplet size is approximately 80-100 microns VMD. Apply during cooler parts of the day or night, avoiding calm or very windy conditions.


Low Volume and High Volume Application by Ground Rig or Aircraft (Water Carrier):

  • Compatible with various products including AZODRIN 400, DC-Trate, Synertrol, Bullet, Copper hydroxide, Glyphosate 450, and others. Do not mix with wettable powders and WDGs before addition to the spray tank.

Ultra Low Volume (ULV) Application by Aircraft:

  • Mix only with specific ULV formulations like Nudrin 225, Predator 300, and PBO synergists, following directions on the PBO synergist labels.

Registered for culturesRate
Cotton0.3 - 0.5 l
Chickpeas0.05 - 0.3 l
Canola0.05 - 0.4 l
Kohlrabi0 l
Chinese cabbage0 l
Cauliflower0 l
Cabbages0 l
Brussels sprouts0 l
Broccoli0 l
Asparagus0 l