Bisect Duo 100 EC

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For the protection of structures from subterranean termite damage and for the control of termites and a range of other urban pests, and for the control of various insect and mite pests in a variety of crops, including turf, as specified in the Directions for Use Table

Restraints: DO NOT use as a foliar spray in banana plantations, or in situations and orchards where mite predators are established and providing effective mite control. DO NOT apply as a foliar treatment if rainfall is expected before spray deposits dry on leaf surfaces. DO NOT apply to bananas by aircraft.

Do NOT use this product at less than indicated label rates.
Do NOT apply to soils if excessively wet or immediately after heavy rain to avoid run-off of the

Bisect Duo 100 EC Termiticide & Insecticide is a contact and residual insecticide/miticide. It can be used as a protective treatment when applied at regular intervals or as a knockdown treatment to control existing pests. Best results are obtained when Bisect Duo 100 EC Termiticide & Insecticide is applied before pest populations build up to damaging levels. This product is not suitable for use in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs where mite predators are established and providing effective mite control.

Bisect Duo 100 EC Termiticide & Insecticide may be applied by either ground rig or aircraft.
Thorough coverage is essential to ensure adequate control. DO NOT apply as a fog or mist.
Dilute Spraying:
- Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of run-off and matched to the crop being sprayed.
- Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of run-off. Avoid excessive run-off.
- The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice.
- Add the amount of product specified in the Directions for Use table for each 100 L of water. Spray to the point of run-off.
- The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and operation may also need to be changed, as the crop grows.
Concentrate Spraying:
(a) Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is a sprayer which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of run-off) and matched to the crop being sprayed.
(b) Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume.
(c) Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (See Dilute Spraying above) for the crop canopy. This is needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate.
(d) The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following way:
Example only;
1. Dilute spray volume as determined above: For example 1000 L/ha.
2. Your chosen concentrate spray volume: For example 500 L/ha.
3. The concentration factor in this example is: 2 x (i.e. 1000 L ÷ 500 L = 2).
4. If the dilute label rate is 50 mL/100 L, then the concentrate rate becomes 2 x 50, that is 100 mL/100 L of concentrate spray.
The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100 L of water, and the sprayer set up and operation may need to be changed as the crop grows. For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry guidelines, undertake appropriate competency training and follow industry Best Practices.
Ground Application:
Applications should be made as a fine spray preferably using hollow cone nozzles and a droplet size of 150 to 200 microns. The application volume will depend on the type of crop to be treated.
The following are suggested:
Low volume broadacre applications to – e.g. cereals, canola, grain legumes, lucerne, subterranean clover: 50-200 L/ha.
Low volume row crops applications to tomatoes & navy beans: 50-200 L/ha.
High volume applications to row crops – e.g. trellised tomatoes: 200-1000 L/ha except as noted in critical comments. Use 200 L/ha from transplanting increasing to 1000 L/ha at maturity.
High volume directed spray:
Grapes: Apply by hand application, using a high volume coarse spray of 500 mL/vine (e.g. at approx. 2500 vines/ha = 1250 L/ha).
High volume application to Stone Fruits: 1000 to 2000 L/ha.
Foliar sprays to bananas: 300 to 500 L/ha.
Soil Applied Sprays:
High volume application
Stool treatment: Apply as a coarse spray at 500-750 mL per stool.
Band treatment: Apply as a band application with a side delivery boom and offset nozzles – 1 L of spray solution per stool.
Citrus: Apply as a high volume, directed spray to the ground under each tree. For optimum control apply to both sides of the tree. Total spray volume should be 5 to 10 L/tree (e.g. at 250 trees/ha = 1250 to 2500 L/ha).
In furrow applications:
Cotton, Sugarcane: Use a coarse spray: 60 to 100 L/ha as a band over the seed or sett before covering with soil – refer to critical comments for details.
Aerial Application: Use at least 20 L/ha of total spray volume. Spray during the cooler parts of the day or night. To reduce possibility of drift avoid spraying in calm conditions or when wind is light and variable. Preferably, spray in a crosswind. Use suitable application equipment and/or nozzles to deliver a fine spray with a droplet size of 150 to 200 microns.
A spraydrift minimisation strategy should be employed at all times when aerially applying sprays to, or near, sensitive areas. The strategy envisaged is best exemplified by the cotton industry’s Best Management Practice manual.

The smallest rate for cotton is based on a 1 m row spacing. If row spacing varies from 1 m then apply at the use rate according to mL/100 m of row.
The rate for sugarcane is based on a 1.5 m row spacing. If row spacing varies from 1.5 m then apply at the use rate according to mL/100 m of row.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Bananas0 l1
Beans50 - 200 ml
Clover50 - 200 ml
Winter barley50 - 200 ml
Spring barley50 - 200 ml
Canola50 - 200 ml
Peas50 - 200 ml
Lupines50 - 200 ml
Alfalfa50 - 200 ml
Winter wheat50 - 200 ml
Spring wheat50 - 200 ml
Peaches0 l1
Nectarines0 l1
Plums0 l1
Apricots0 l1
Citrus0 l
Cotton375 - 800 ml14
Grapes0 l
Alfalfa400 - 600 ml
Navy beans600 - 800 ml14
Pears0 l14
Sugarcane375 ml
Tomatoes600 ml1