Flagship 200

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials


For the control of a wide range of Broadleaf Weeds in Fallow, Lucerne, Maize, Millets, Pastures, Poppies, Sorghum, Sugarcane, Sweetcorn, Winter Cereals. Also for the control of Woody Weeds in Agricultural Non-Crop Areas, Commercial and Industrial Areas, Forests, Pastures and Rights-of-way, as specified in the Directions for Use table.

DO NOT apply to plants which may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (waterlogged or drought affected), poor nutrition, presence of disease, or previous herbicide treatment as reduced levels of control may result.
Thorough coverage of both foliage and stems, to the point of runoff, is essential for high volume applications (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS; application methods WOODY WEED SITUATIONS section).
DO NOT spray if rain is likely within one hour.

- Legumes present at the time of spraying will be severely damaged.
HIGH VOLUME APPLICATION: Dilute product with water.

Weeds controlled:
Bathurst Burr, Noogoora Burr
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants up to 40 cm high
State: NSW, NT, Qld, WA only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 75

Weeds controlled: Black Bindweed (Climbing Buckwheat)
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants before flowering
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 300

Weeds controlled: Mimosa pigra
Weed growth stage: Apply from mid to late summer
State: NT, WA only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 300
Critical comments: Add Uptake* Spraying Oil (see General Instructions; oils and surfactants).

Weeds controlled: Common Sensitive Plant
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants up to flowering
State: Qld, WA only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 500
Critical comments: Add Uptake* Spraying Oil (see General Instructions; oils and surfactants).

Weeds controlled: Bellyache Bush
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants up to flowering
State: Qld, NSW, WA only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 500

Weeds controlled: Blackberry, Nightshade, Bokhara Clover
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants up to flowering
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 500

Weeds controlled: Caltrop (yellow vine) (Tribulus terrestris) (T. micrococcus)
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants up to 30 cm diameter.

Weeds controlled: Cobblers Pegs
Weed growth stage: Up to 15 cm high

Weeds controlled: Cockspur Thorn
Weed growth stage: Up to 3 m high

Weeds controlled: Creeping Lantana
Weed growth stage: At flowering

Weeds controlled: Crofton Weed, Mistflower
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants up to flowering.

Weeds controlled: Docks (Rumex spp.)
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and rosettes up to 30 cm high.
Critical comments: Add Uptake Spraying Oil (see General Instructions; oils and surfactants).

Weeds controlled: Hexham Scent
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants up to flowering
Critical comments: Boom spray: FLAGSHIP 200 at 0.3 L/ha + 0.5 L/ha of 2,4-D Amine (500 g/L).

Weeds controlled: Honey Locust
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants up to 2 m high

Weeds controlled: Small Flowered Mallow (Marshmallow) (Malva parviflora)
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants up to flowering

Weeds controlled: Yellowflower Devil’s Claw
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants up to flowering

Weeds controlled: Lantana
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and regrowth 0.5 to 1.2 m high
Critical comments: Apply to actively growing plants from October to April . Some regrowth may occur particularly when treating old woody plants with sparse canopies.

State: NSW, Qld only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 500

Weeds controlled: Lantana
Weed growth stage: Plants and regrowth 1.2 to 2 m high
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 1000
Critical comments: Apply to actively growing plants from October to April . Some regrowth may occur particularly when treating old woody plants with sparse canopies.

Weeds controlled: Blue Heliotrope
Weed growth stage: Flowering
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 1000

Weeds controlled: Limebush
Weed growth stage: Infestations up to 1.5 m high only
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 1000

Weeds controlled: Madeira Vine
Weed growth stage: Apply at time of active growth
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 500

Weeds controlled: Milkweed (Euphorbia heterophylla)
Weed growth stage: 3 leaf to flowering
State: Qld only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 1000
Critical comments: Repeat applications will be necessary to control subsequent germinations.

Weeds controlled: Common Sowthistle
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants up to bolting
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 500
Critical comments: Add a surfactant (See General Instructions; oils and surfactants).

Weeds controlled: Mother-of-Millions (Kalanchoe spp.)
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants before flowering
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 600
Critical comments: Add a surfactant (See General Instructions; oils and surfactants).

Weeds controlled: Prickly Acacia
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants up to 2 m high
State: Qld only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 750
Critical comments: Add Uptake Spraying Oil (See General Instructions; oils and surfactants).
Consult Tropical Weeds Research Centre, Charters Towers, for specific advice on application.

Weeds controlled: Sida spp.
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants up to flowering
State: NSW, NT, Qld, WA only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 1000

Weeds controlled: Broadleaf Pepper Tree (Schinus terebinthifolius), Flannel Weed (Sida cordifolia)
Weed growth stage: Mature leaves, fruiting
State: Qld only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 500
Critical comments: Winter application only. Contact Alan Fletcher Research Station for more information.

Weeds controlled: Snakeweed (Dark and Light Blue)
Weed growth stage: Seedling and young plants before flowering
State: Qld only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 750
Critical comments: Add Uptake Spraying Oil (See General Instructions; oils and surfactants).

Weeds controlled: Stinking Passion Flower
Weed growth stage: Established plants and regrowth
State: Qld, NT, WA only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 450
Critical comments: Use 70 mL/15 L for a knapsack.

Weeds controlled: Wandering Jew (Tradescantia albiflora)
Weed growth stage: Young plants up to and including flowering
State: All States
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 1500
Critical comments: Some regrowth will usually occur and will require retreatment.

Weeds controlled: Wattles (including Acacia aulacocarpa, A. decora, A. harpophylla, A. leiocalyx, A. salicina)
Weed growth stage: Seedling plants or regrowth 0.5 to 1.2 m high
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 500
Critical comments: Apply to actively growing plants when soil moisture is plentiful. Some regrowth may occur particularly when treating old woody plants with sparse canopies and under dry conditions.
Weed growth stage: Plants or regrowth 1.2 to 2.0 m high only
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate mL / 100 L of water: 1000
Critical comments: Apply to actively growing plants when soil moisture is plentiful. Some regrowth may occur particularly when treating old woody plants with sparse canopies and under dry conditions.

BASAL BARK AND CUT STUMP APPLICATION: Dilute product with diesel.

Weeds controlled:
Celtis (Celtis sinensis)
Weed growth stage: Basal Bark only: Young plants up to 2 m high and 20 cm basal diameter
State: Qld only
Rate L / 100 L of diesel: 3.5
Critical comments: Treat stems from ground level to where multi-stemmed trunks branch.

Weeds controlled: Chinee Apple
Weed growth stage: Up to 15 cm basal diameter
State: Qld only
Rate L / 100 L of diesel: 3
Critical comments: With basal bark, treat circumference of stem to a height of 45 cm from the ground. Contact The Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Qld, for further information on Chinee Apple.

Weeds controlled: Cockspur Thorn
Weed growth stage: Basal Bark only: Up to 5 cm basal diameter
State: Qld only
Rate L / 100 L of diesel: 2
Critical comments: With basal bark, treat circumference of stem to a height of 45 cm from the ground. Contact The Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Qld, for further information on Chinee Apple.

Weeds controlled: Mimosa Bush (Acacia farnesiana)
Weed growth stage: Up to 5 cm basal diameter
State: Qld, WA only
Rate L / 100 L of diesel: 3

Weeds controlled: Prickly Acacia
Weed growth stage: Up to 10 cm basal diameter
State: Qld only
Rate L / 100 L of diesel: 1.5

Weeds controlled: Honey Locust
Weed growth stage: Plants up to 10 cm basal diameter
State: Qld, NSW only
Rate L / 100 L of diesel: 1.5
Weed growth stage: Plants 10 to 20 cm basal diameter
State: Qld, NSW only
Rate L / 100 L of diesel: 3
Weed growth stage: Plants >20 cm basal diameter
State: Qld, NSW only
Rate L / 100 L of diesel: 5

Critical comments: With basal bark, treat circumference of stem to a height of 45 cm from the ground.
For cut stump application use a rate of 5 L/100 diesel for all plant sizes.
Contact The Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Qld, for further information on Honey Locust.

Weeds controlled: Sisal Hemp (Agave spp.)
Weed growth stage: All growth stages
State: Qld only
Rate L / 100 L of diesel: 3
Critical comments: Treat as an overall spray. Contact The Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Qld, for advice to control large infestations.
Rate L / 100 L of diesel: 10 mL undiluted product per plant
Critical comments: Lever out centre of plant with crowbar and immediately treat the exposed cut area.

BROADCAST AND AERIAL APPLICATION: Dilute product with water.

Weeds controlled: Mimosa pigra
Weed growth stage: Actively growing plants
State: NT, WA only
Rate L / ha: 3
Critical comments: Aerial application: Add Uptake Spraying Oil at the rate of 1 L/100 L spray mix. Apply to actively growing plants from mid to late Summer. Contact the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, NT for further information.

LOW VOLUME, HIGH CONCENTRATE APPLICATION: Using a drench gun or gas-powered gun.

Weeds controlled:
Weed growth stage: Isolated bushes up to 1.2 m high only
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate L / ha: 1
Critical comments: Apply a 50 mL dose per 5 m2 of bush surface area.

Weeds controlled: Tree Violet (Hymenanthera dentata)
Weed growth stage: Apply from late flowering to green fruit up to 1.2 m high
State: NSW only
Rate L / ha: 1
Critical comments: Apply a 50 mL dose per cubic metre of bush.

Weeds controlled: Blue Billygoat Weed, Common Sensitive Plant, Giant Sensitive Plant, Spinyhead Sida
Weed growth stage: Apply before flowering
State: Qld, WA only
Rate L / ha: 1.5
Critical comments: Add Uptake Spraying Oil at 1 L/ha.

Weeds controlled: St John’s Wort
Weed growth stage: Apply from bud to full bloom (usually late Nov to early Jan)
State: ACT, NSW, Vic only
Rate L / ha: 3
Critical comments: Some regrowth will occur. Treat regrowth the following season for best results. Use at least 200 L water/ha.

Weeds controlled: Silverleaf Nightshade
Weed growth stage: From onset of flowering to early berry-set (usually Spring to mid-Summer)
State: NSW only
Rate L / ha: 0.75 or 0.375 + 1.5-2 2,4-D amine (500 g/L)
Critical comments: Add Uptake Spraying Oil at 1 L/ha.
To ensure maximum effect, delay application until the majority of shoots have emerged.
Follow-up treatment of regrowth is critical for best control.

State: NSW and QLD only
Crop growth stage: Apply when secondary roots are present, from 4 fully expanded leaves (15 cm tall) up to boot (also see Critical Comments)
Weeds controlled: Annual Ground Cherry, Wild Gooseberry (Physalis spp.)
Weed growth stage: 2 to 8 leaf Up to 15 cm tall
Rate L / ha: 0.5
Weed growth stage: 15 to 30 cm tall
Rate L / ha: 0.75

Weeds controlled: Apple-of-Peru
Weed growth stage: Seedling plants up to 15 cm tall
Rate L / ha: 0.75

Weeds controlled: Bathurst Burr, Noogoora Burr
Weed growth stage: 2 to 8 leaf Up to 20 cm tall
Rate L / ha: 0.5

Critical comments: Sorghum: From 8 leaf to boot stage, use dropper nozzles to prevent herbicide coming in contact with the crop’s leaves and the growing point (meristem).

NSW and QLD only
Crop growth stage: Apply when secondary roots are present, from 3 fully expanded leaves (10 cm tall) up to just before tasselling (See Critical Comments)
Weeds controlled: Bathurst Burr, Noogoora Burr
Weed growth stage: 20 to 50 cm tall
Rate L / ha: 0.75

Weeds controlled: Pigweed (Portulaca oleracea)
Weed growth stage: Up to 10 cm diameter
Rate L / ha: 0.5
Weed growth stage: 10 to 30 cm diameter
Rate L / ha: 0.75

Weeds controlled: Sesbania Pea
Weed growth stage: 2 to 6 leaf Up to 10 cm tall
Rate L / ha: 1.5

Critical comments: Maize and sweet corn: from 6 leaf to just before tasselling, use dropper nozzles to prevent the herbicides coming in contact with the crop’s leaves and the growing point (meristem).

Crop growth stage: Spray when secondary roots have developed, usually early to midtillering, and not later than before heads start to form at the base of tillers (See Critical Comments).
Weeds controlled: Silverleaf Nightshade
State: NSW only1
Weed growth stage: Full flower to early berry
Rate L / ha: 0.75 + Uptake at 1 L/ha

Weeds controlled: Starburr (Acanthospermum hispidum)
State: Qld only
Weed growth stage: Up to 12 leaf and before flowering
Rate L / ha: 1.5 or 0.75 + 2 L atrazine (500 g/L)

Weeds controlled: Thornapples (Datura spp.)
State: NSW and QLD only
Weed growth stage: 2 to 8 leaf Up to 15 cm tall
Rate L / ha: 0.75

Weeds controlled: Volunteer Sunflower
State: NSW and QLD only
Weed growth stage: 2 to 5 leaf Up to 20 cm tall
Rate L / ha: 1

Critical comments: Millets: DO NOT use mixes with Atrazine.
1 This treatment may be slightly damaging to the crop. To minimise crop damage apply using dropper nozzles at all crop stages.

State: NSW and QLD only
Crop growth stage: Spray when secondary roots have developed, usually early to midtillering, and not later than before heads start to form at the base of tillers (See Critical Comments).
Weeds controlled: Amaranthus spp. including: Boggabri Weed, Dwarf Amaranth,  Green Amaranth, Redshank Anoda Weed, Bladder Ketmia, Black Pigweed, (Trianthema portulacastrum), Caltrop (Yellow Vine) including: Tribulus terrestris, T.  micrococcus and T. maximus Cowvine (Peach Vine) (Ipomoea lonchophylla), Hairy Wandering Jew (Commelina benghalensis), Mintweed
Weed growth stage: Seedling plants up to 15 cm tall or rosettes up to 15 cm diameter
Rate L / ha: 0.5 + 1.5 of atrazine flowable (500 g/L) or 0.75 + 2 of atrazine flowable (500 g/L)

Weeds controlled: Euphorbia davidii
Weed growth stage: Cotyledons to 4 nodes up to 15 cm
Rate L / ha: 1 + 2 atrazine flowable (500 g/L)

Weeds controlled: Volunteer Peanuts
Weed growth stage: Up to 15 cm diameter
Rate L / ha: 1 + 4.5 atrazine flowable (500 g/L)

Critical comments: Use the low rate (0.5 + 1.5 L) when weeds are small (5-7 cm tall/diameter).
Use the high rate (0.75 + 2 L) when the weeds are larger (7-15 cm tall/diameter).
FLAGSHIP 200 is generally more compatible with Liquid atrazine products (see Compatibility section)
Add a surfactant (see General Instructions; oils and surfactants)
DO NOT add an oil to mixtures of FLAGSHIP 200 and atrazine.

State: Tasmania only
Crop growth stage: 3 to 5 leaf
Weeds controlled: Blackberry Nightshade, Volunteer Potatoes
Weed growth stage: 3 to 5 leaf
Rate L / ha: 1

Crop growth stage: Apply from 3 leaf to flag (Zadoks 13 to 39)
Weeds controlled: Bedstraw (Galium tricornutum)
Weed growth stage: 1 to 3 whorl
State: Vic, SA, WA only
Rate L / ha: 1

Weeds controlled: Cleavers (Galium aparine)
Weed growth stage: 1 to 3 whorl
State: NSW, Vic only
Rate L / ha: 1

Critical comments: 1 Add either Uptake or a surfactant (see General Instructions; oils and surfactants).

Weeds controlled: Black Bindweed (Climbing Buckwheat)
Weed growth stage: 2 to 4 leaf
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate L / ha: 0.5
Critical comments: Useful suppression only.
Weed growth stage: 2 to 6 leaf
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate L / ha: 0.75 or 0.5 + 5 g Lynx®
Critical comments: Mixtures: Mixing partners with FLAGSHIP 200 may reduce crop selectivity.
Apply at crop growth stages according to the mixing partner’s recommendation.

Weeds controlled: Common Sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus)
Weed growth stage: 2 to 5 leaf
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate L / ha: 1
Critical comments: Mixtures: Mixing partners with FLAGSHIP 200 may reduce crop selectivity.
Apply at crop growth stages according to the mixing partner’s recommendation.

Weeds controlled: Deadnettle
Weed growth stage: 2 to 6 leaf
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate L / ha: 1.5 or 0.5 + 5 g Lynx
Critical comments: Mixtures: Mixing partners with FLAGSHIP 200 may reduce crop selectivity.
Apply at crop growth stages according to the mixing partner’s recommendation.

Weeds controlled: Spiny Emex (Doublegee, Three-cornered Jack)
Weed growth stage: 2 to 4 leaf
State: NSW, SA, Qld, WA only
Rate L / ha: 1.5 or 0.5 + 5 g Lynx
Critical comments: Mixtures: Mixing partners with FLAGSHIP 200 may reduce crop selectivity.
Apply at crop growth stages according to the mixing partner’s recommendation.

Weeds controlled: Prickly Lettuce
Weed growth stage: 2 to 5 leaf
State: NSW, Qld, Tas, Vic, WA only
Rate L / ha: 1
Critical comments: Mixtures: Mixing partners with FLAGSHIP 200 may reduce crop selectivity.
Apply at crop growth stages according to the mixing partner’s recommendation.

Weeds controlled: Volunteer Lupins
Weed growth stage: 2 to 8 leaf
State: NSW, Vic, WA only
Rate L / ha: 1.5
Critical comments: Mixtures: Mixing partners with FLAGSHIP 200 may reduce crop selectivity.
Apply at crop growth stages according to the mixing partner’s recommendation.

Weeds controlled: Volunteer Potato
Weed growth stage: 10 to 15 cm tall
State: WA, Tas only
Rate L / ha: 1.5
Critical comments: Plants 15 to 30 cm tall only be suppressed.

Weeds controlled: Wireweed
Weed growth stage: 2 to 3 leaf
State: NSW, Qld, SA, Tas, Vic, WA only
Rate L / ha: 1.5
State: NSW, Qld only
Rate L / ha: 0.5 + 5 g Lynx 1

Weeds controlled: Bittercress (Coronopus didymus), Mustards, Shepherd’s Purse, Turnip Weed, Wild Radish, Wild Turnip
Weed growth stage: Up to 8 leaf and up to 15 cm diameter
State: Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, Tas, WA only
Rate L / ha: 0.5 to 1.5 + Lynx 1 or Eclipse* 1 or MCPA LVE or MCPA amine
Critical comments: The FLAGSHIP 200 rate depends on what other weeds are present as listed above. See Mixtures comment above. Lynx @ 5 g/ha (This mix does not control Wild Radish). Eclipse* @ 5-7 g/ha (use the 5 g rate on Turnip Weed only). MCPA LVE (500 g/L) @ 700 mL/ha. MCPA amine (500 g/L) @ 1.0 L/ha.

State: Qld, NSW, NT and WA only
Crop growth stage: From early tillering to maturity
Weeds controlled: Balsum Pear, Blackberry Nightshade, Blue Billygoat Weed, Centro, Cowpea, Giant Sensitive Plant, Lablab Bean, Noogoora Burr, Phasey Bean, Pinkburr, Prickly African Cucumber, Spinyhead Sida, Stinking Passion Flower (seedlings only)
Weed growth stage: Apply from 2 to 3 leaf until flowering
Rate L / ha:
Aerial: 1.5
Ground: 1.3

Weeds controlled: Bellvine, Morning Glory, Red or Pink Convolvulus, Star of Bethlehem
Weed growth stage: Apply from 2 to 3 leaf until flowering
Rate L / ha: As above + 1 2,4-D amine (500 g/L)

Critical comments: For optimal weed control, delay application until just before the “close-in” stage.
Aerial application: Apply in not less than 60 L/ha water and add Uptake Spraying Oil at 1 L/100 L spray mixture.
Ground application: Apply in 100-400 L/ha water and add Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L of spray mixture.

Weeds controlled: Stinking Passion Flower
Weed growth stage: Established or ratoon plants with at least 1.0 m of regrowth
Rate L / ha: 
High volume: 450 mL/100 L water
Knapsack: 70 mL/15 L water
Critical comments: Thoroughly wet plants to the point of run-off.

Weeds controlled: Milkweed (Euphorbia heterophylla)
Weed growth stage: Seedlings and young plants up to flowering
Rate L / ha: 3 or 2.3 + 4 atrazine flowable (500 g/L)
Critical comments: Better control will be achieved with the atrazine mixture. Delay application until just before the cane reaches the “close-in” stage. This will improve control and minimise the number of seedlings that germinate.

State: TAS only
Crop growth stage: 4 to 6 leaf
Weeds controlled: Cleavers, Fumitory
Weed growth stage: 2 to 6 leaf
Rate L / ha: 1

Weeds controlled: Shepherd’s Purse, Wireweed
Weed growth stage: 2 to 6 leaf
Rate L / ha: 1 + 5 Rattler

Crop growth stage: 8 to 10 leaf
Weeds controlled: Common Sowthistle, Prickly Lettuce
Weed growth stage: 2 to 5 leaf
Rate L / ha: 1
Critical comments: DO NOT apply FLAGSHIP 200 to poppies later than the 8 to 10 leaf growth stage as a reduction of alkaloid content could occur.

Weeds controlled: Black Nightshade
Weed growth stage: Cotyledon to 4 leaf
Rate L / ha: 1.5
Critical comments: DO NOT apply FLAGSHIP 200 to poppies later than the 8 to 10 leaf growth stage as a reduction of alkaloid content could occur.

Weeds controlled: Fumitory
Weed growth stage: 6 to 10 leaf
Rate L / ha: 1.5
Critical comments: DO NOT apply FLAGSHIP 200 to poppies later than the 8 to 10 leaf growth stage as a reduction of alkaloid content could occur.

Weeds controlled: Volunteer Potato
Weed growth stage: From tuber initiation to flower bud
Rate L / ha: 1.5
Critical comments: This rate will provide season long control of volunteer potato, but will not control all daughter tubers and will only suppress potatoes over 15 cm tall.


do not graze failed crops and treated pastures or cut for stock food for 7 days after application.
poppies: do not spray poppies later than 10 weeks before harvest.
other crops: not required when used as directed.

Minimum recropping periods:
Plant-back periods for crops following the application of FLAGSHIP 200 for rates up to 1.5 L/ha.

Rate L/ha: 0.375
Barley, Wheat, Chickpea, Soybean, Sunflower, Maize, Sorghum: 7 days
Cotton: 14 days

Rate L/ha: 0.75
Barley, Wheat, Chickpea, Soybean, Sunflower, Maize, Sorghum: 7 days
Cotton: 14 days

Rate L/ha: 1.5
Barley, Wheat, Chickpea, Sunflower, Maize, Sorghum: 7 days
Soybean: 14 days
Cotton: 28 days

NOTE: Before using FLAGSHIP 200 in tank mixes with other herbicides, check the plant-back information on all product labels. The time between spraying and planting will be determined by the most residual product, i.e. the product with the longest plant-back period.

Flagship® 200 Herbicide is a member of the pyridine group of herbicides. The product has a disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management the product is a Group I Herbicide.
Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other Group I herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Adama Australia Pty. Ltd. accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Adama representative.

FLAGSHIP 200 may be mixed with water or diesel. Mix only sufficient chemical for each days use and avoid storing.
Mixing in Water: Half fill the spray tank with water and add the required quantity of FLAGSHIP 200 and complete filling. Agitate continuously to ensure thorough mixing before and during application.
Mixing in Diesel: Half fill the spray tank with diesel and add the required quantity of FLAGSHIP 200. Add the remainder of the diesel and agitate or shake to mix contents.
Tank Mixtures: Wettable powder or dry flowable formulations (eg. water dispersable granules) should be added to the spray tank first, followed by suspension concentrates (flowables), water soluble salts and then emulsifiable concentrate formulations (FLAGSHIP 200). Add spraying oils and surfactants (wetters) last.

Oils: Use only Uptake* Spraying Oil at the rate of 500 mL/100 L of spray mix. When using less then 100 L/ha spray volume, ensure a minimum of 250 mL/ha of FLAGSHIP 200 is used, unless 1 L/100L or 1 L/ha is specified.

Surfactants (wetters): Use a 100% concentrate non-ionic surfactant such as Wetspray at 100 mL/100 L of spray mix where required.

FLAGSHIP 200 is compatible with the herbicides listed.
Follow any regional restrictions, and all directions and restrictions on the label, of any chemical mixed with FLAGSHIP 200.
atrazine (see below) Victory Tordon* 75-D Lynx MCPA Tordon* 242 Broadstrike* Puma*S Touchdown* Eclipse* Wipe-Out 2,4-D diclofop methyl Wipe-Out CT (see below) 2,4-DB Safari 600 Topik* 240 EC (see below)

Where hard water cannot be avoided, the addition of Calgon* water conditioning agent to the spray tank, at 100 g/100 L water, before adding any herbicide may improve compatibility.

FLAGSHIP 200 plus atrazine tank mixes must be agitated vigorously and continuously during mixing and application. After mixing DO NOT allow to stand without agitation. Ensure that the time from mixing to the end of application is not more than 2 hours. If settling out occurs re-suspension is difficult, even with vigorous agitation. Agitation using only the pump’s by-pass is usually inadequate, particularly with larger tanks (more than 2000 L). Additional mechanical agitation will be necessary in larger tanks, computer sprayers and mixing tanks.
When additional surfactant is required, add a 100% concentrate non-ionic surfactant at 100 mL/100 L of spray mix.
DO NOT use a spraying oil when tank mixing FLAGSHIP 200 and atrazine.

Guidelines for Tank-Mixing Flagship 200 and Common Atrazine Formulations:
Tank Mix:
Flagship 200
Rate (L/ha): 0.75
Water Hardness:
Soft: Yes
Medium: Yes
Hard: Yes
Minimum Water Volume (L/ha):
Ground: 50
Aerial: 35

Tank Mix: Flagship 200 + Gesaprim® 500FW
Rate (L/ha): 0.75 + 2
Water Hardness:
Soft: Yes
Medium: Yes
Hard: Yes
Minimum Water Volume (L/ha):
Ground: 50 - 100
Aerial: 35
Critical comments: Precipitate can be easily resuspended

Tank Mix: Flagship 200 + Atradex® 900WG
Rate (L/ha): 0.75 + 1.1
Water Hardness:
Soft: Yes
Medium: No
Hard: No
Minimum Water Volume (L/ha):
Ground: 100
Aerial: DO NOT use
Critical comments: Precipitate may be difficult to resuspend and may block nozzles

Tank Mix: Starane + Nu-Trazine® DF
Rate (L/ha): 0.75 + 1.1
Water Hardness:
Soft: Yes
Medium: No
Hard: No
Minimum Water Volume (L/ha):
Ground: 100
Aerial: DO NOT use
Critical comments: Sediment may be difficult to resuspend and may block nozzles

Tank Mix: Starane + Nu-Trazine® 500FW
Rate (L/ha): 0.75 + 2
Water Hardness:
Soft: Yes
Medium: Yes
Hard: No
Minimum Water Volume (L/ha):
Ground: 100
Aerial: DO NOT use
Critical comments: Precipitate may be difficult to resuspend and may block nozzles

Always use Uptake Spraying Oil with FLAGSHIP 200 + Topik 240 EC tank-mixes at 500 mL/100 L of spray mix with a minimum of 250 mL/ha.
DO NOT mix FLAGSHIP 200 with Topik 240 EC if the grass weeds are not actively growing. Always use the maximum label rate of Topik 240 EC for the appropriate grass growth stage. DO NOT use FLAGSHIP 200 at more than 0.75 L/ha in tank mixes with Topik 240 EC.

When mixing FLAGSHIP 200 with Wipe-Out 450 to control both grass and broadleaf weeds, refer to the Wipe-Out 450 label for use rate and adjuvants recommended for grasses. DO NOT use Wipe-Out 450 at less than 1.2 L/ha in tank mixes with FLAGSHIP 200, when barnyard grass, buttongrass, crowsfoot grass, native millet and liverseed grass are the target species.

Broadcast application in Cropping, Pasture and Fallow situations.
Ground application (Boom)
Apply FLAGSHIP 200 with an accurately calibrated boom sprayer, in at least 50 L/ha water (100-400 L/ha for sugar cane).
Flat fan nozzles are recommended using pressures in the range 200 to 300 kPa.Set the boom at a height to ensure a double overlap of the nozzle patterns.
Ground directed application (Dropper nozzles)
To minimise crop effects, dropper nozzles should be used in sorghum when the crop is beyond the 8 leaf growth stage and in maize and sweetcorn when the crop is beyond the 6 leaf growth stage. Adjust the nozzles to direct the spray into the base of the crop and away from the leaves and the growing point. See manufacturers directions for setting up and calibration of dropper nozzles.
Aerial Application
Apply in a minimum volume of at least 35 L/ha water (60 L/ha in sugarcane).
Use equipment calibrated to produce droplets with an average diameter (Volume Mean Diameter; VMD) of 250-350 microns.
DO NOT apply when the temperature is above 300C, when there is no wind or when the wind is blowing toward susceptible crops.
DO NOT use human flaggers unless they are protected by engineering controls such as enclosed cabs.

Weeds must be actively growing to attain optimal effect. Delay the treatment of regrowth following bulldozing, slashing, burning, ploughing or a previous chemical treatment until it has at least 1 metre of new, vigorous, growth.

High Volume Application
Hand Gun
Apply the recommended mix to obtain full coverage of leaves and stems using a number 6-8 tip at 700 to 1500 kPa. To obtain good coverage, a spray volume of 1500 to 4000 L/ha (15 to 40 L/100m2) is required per infested hectare. Ensure thorough coverage to the point of run-off.
Knapsack sprayers may be used on smaller infestations where penetration and coverage of the canopy is easier to achieve. Use the same use rate and spray techniques as for handgun application.

Low Volume, High Concentrate Application
Drench Gun or Gas-Powered Gun
Apply the recommended mixture uniformly across the foliage by applying 50 mL shots to cover 4 to 5 m2 of surface area of plant. This is approximately equivalent to 20 droplets per cm2 of the leaf surface. Use a marking agent as recommended by the equipment manufacturer to check spray coverage.

Basal Bark and Cut Stump Application
Basal Bark
DO NOT apply to wet stems as this can repel the diesel mixture. Spray or paint the recommended mixture around the base of each stem from ground level to a height of at least 30 cm from the ground, wetting the bark to the point of runoff.
Apply with a paint brush or a pressure sprayer with an appropriate lance and solid cone nozzle. If using spray equipment use low pressure (<200 kPa) sufficient to form a cone of spray.
Old rough bark will require more spray than smooth or young thin bark.

Cut Stump
Apply the recommended mixture liberally to the freshly cut stump immediately after cutting.
Apply by spraying or painting the cut surface and sides of the stump. Best results are obtained when the stems are cut less than 15 cm above ground.

Cleaning Spray Equipment
Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto wasteland away from desirable plants and water courses.
Cleaning equipment after using water-based sprays:
Rinsing: After using FLAGSHIP 200, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the spray unit using a pressure hose. Drain, and clean any filters in the tank, pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. After cleaning the tank as above, quarter fill with clean water and circulate through the pump, lines and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice.
Decontamination (before spraying cotton and other sensitive crops; see PROTECTION OF CROPS): Wash the tank and rinse the system as above. Then quarter fill the tank and add an alkali detergent (eg. liquid Surf*, Omo* or Drive*) at 500 mL/100 L of water or the powder equivalent at 500 g/100 L and circulate throughout the system for at least 15 minutes. Drain the whole system. Remove filters and nozzles and clean them separately. Finally flush the system with clean water and allow to drain.
Cleaning equipment after using diesel - based sprays:
On completion of spraying, use a degreaser such as Caltex Kwik-D-Grease® to remove traces of diesel from the sprayer. Rinse tank and spray through nozzles with water to remove degreaser. Then, quarter fill the tank with clean water and add an alkali detergent (eg. liquid Surf, Omo or Drive) at 50 mL/10 L of water or the powder equivalent at 50 g/10 L of water. Shake sprayer to circulate the washing solution throughout the sprayer, then spray the solution through the nozzles. Rinse well with clean water to remove the detergent. To clean brushes and containers, spray liberally with degreaser. Hose off with clean water and repeat using detergents as above. DO NOT use this equipment for any other purpose.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Sweet corn0.5 - 1.5 l
Alfalfa0.5 l
Poppies1 - 1.5 l70
Pasture0 l
Sorghum0.5 - 0.75 l
Corn0.5 - 1.5 l
Millet0.75 - 1.5 l
Winter wheat0.5 - 1.5 l
Winter triticale0.5 - 1.5 l
Winter barley0.5 - 1.5 l
Winter oats0.5 - 1.5 l
Sugarcane0 l