Mirador 625

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MIRADOR® 625 Overview:

  • MIRADOR® 625 is a strobilurin fungicide providing protectant activity on treated plant surfaces and local systemic action.

  • Best results are achieved when applied prior to infection or appearance of symptoms.

  • When tank-mixing with other products, refer to all mixing partners' labels before use.

Physiological Leaf Spot (Barley):

  • MIRADOR® 625 + Proviso® may not reduce leaf symptoms from other abiotic disorders.

  • Apply primarily for managing fungal diseases as listed in the Directions for Use table.

  • Reductions in PLS severity on treated leaves can occur when applying Proviso® between GS32 and GS59 prior to PLS symptom appearance.

Disease Control in Canola:

  • Blackleg Risk: Higher risk in districts with >500 mm annual rainfall, crops grown within 500 m of previous year’s stubble, and later-sown crops.

  • Sclerotinia Control: Apply before conditions conducive to infection. Effective in warmer winter/spring conditions with extended leaf wetness.

Application Guidelines:

  • Concentration Factors: Do not exceed 4X with low-volume application equipment, except when applying by air.

  • Spray Volume: Use higher range for better coverage, especially with later crop growth stages and dense canopies.

Tree Crops and Vines:

  • Dilute Spraying: Apply to point of run-off with a sprayer designed for high water volumes.

  • Concentrate Spraying: Use sprayer for concentrate spraying, determine dilute spray volume for canopy, then calculate mixing rate accordingly.

Canola, Cereals, Pulses:

  • Ground Application: Spray volume: 70 to 100 L/ha

  • Aerial Application: Use closed mixing/loading, minimum spray volume: 20 L/ha

Adjuvant Use in Cereal Crops:

  • Consider adding Hasten† or approved alternative to improve efficacy, particularly at lower MIRADOR® 625 rates.

  • Minor foliage damage may occur with Hasten† or Biopest† but doesn't impact disease control or yield.

  • Avoid applying with adjuvants presenting compatibility concerns or risk of crop injury.

Note: † Hasten and Biopest are mentioned as adjuvant options.

Registered for culturesRate
Winter wheat0 l
Spring wheat0 l
Winter barley0 l
Spring barley0 l
Peanuts0.18 - 0.43 l
Navy beans0.14 - 0.28 l
Mung beans0.14 - 0.28 l
Adzuki beans0.14 - 0.28 l
Lentils0.35 - 0.46 l
Chickpeas0.35 - 0.46 l
Lentils0.35 - 0.46 l
Lupines0.35 - 0.46 l
Chickpeas0.35 - 0.46 l
Pistachios0.4 l
Passionfruit0 l
Olives0 l
Mangoes0 l
Grapes0 l
Almonds0.44 l