Pyrinex Super
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Insecticides
- Registered until
- Registration expired
- Registration number
- 68781
- Active materials
- chlorpyrifos400 g/l
- bifenthrin20 g/l
For the control of certain insect pests of broadacre crops, cotton, sugarcane and tomatoes as specified in the Direction for Use Tables.
DO NOT apply by open cab equipment.
DO NOT apply by aircraft.
DO NOT spray during flowering or within 7 days prior to flowering. Post-flowering applications should only commence after flowering has completely finished and bee hives are not likely to be reached by spray drift.
DO NOT apply using ULV application.
Pest: False Wireworm, Wireworm, Sugarcane Wireworm
State: Qld, NSW, WA only
Rate: 6.25-18.75 mL/100m of row OR 625 mL to 1.88 L/ha for row spacing of 1 metre
Critical comments: Apply as a spray directed into the furrow at planting. Use a spray nozzle behind the seed tube that will deliver a coarse spray in a total volume of 60-100 L/ha. The spray should cover a 10 cm band over the seed and contact the bottom, sides and all soil drawn into the furrow at closure before soil is brought in behind covering tyres in front of the press wheel.
Use higher rate with extreme population numbers.
If row spacing varies from 1 m then apply at the mL/100 m of row use rate.
Pest: Redlegged Earth Mite (including synthetic pyrethroid resistant biotypes), Brown Pasture Looper, Lucerne flea
State: All states
Rate: 250 mL to 500 mL/ha
Pest: Blue Oat Mite, Pasture Webworm
State: All states
Rate: 500 mL/ha
Pest: Bryobia Mite
State: All states
Rate: 1 L/ha
Critical comments: Apply prior to seedling emergence to bare soil after conventional cultivation and sowing or onto well grazed or sprayed pasture after direct drilling. Treat infested paddocks after sowing. Use the higher rate on heavier infestations and for longer residual protection. Apply as a broadcast ground rig application in a total water volume of 50-200 L/ha.
Pest: Redlegged Earth Mite (including synthetic pyrethroid resistant biotypes), Brown Pasture Looper, Lucerne flea
State: All states
Rate: 250 mL to 500 mL/ha
Pest: Blue Oat Mite, Pasture Webworm
State: All states
Rate: 500 mL/ha
Critical comments: Apply prior to seedling emergence to bare soil after conventional cultivation and sowing or onto well grazed or sprayed pasture after direct drilling. Treat infested paddocks after sowing. Use the higher rate on heavier infestations and for longer residual protection. Apply as a broadcast ground rig application in a total water volume of 50-200 L/ha.
Pest: Lucerne flea
State: All states
Rate: 175 mL to 375 mL/ha
Critical comments: Apply to emerged crops when pests appear in large numbers and before damage occurs. A second application may be required after 14 days if a second hatching occurs. Avoid spraying when pests are sheltering. Spray when at least 2.5 cm cover of crop is present. DO NOT spray if rain is imminent.
Use the higher rate on heavier infestations and for longer residual protection.
Pest: Vegetable Weevil
State: All states
Rate: 500 mL to 1 L /ha
Critical comments: Apply to emerged crops. Use the 500 mL rate when pest pressure is low. Monitor adjacent habitat and edges of the field for the presence of Vegetable Weevil prior to making a decision whether to spray.
Pest: Cutworm
State: SA, Vic only
Rate: 875 mL/ha
State: Qld, NSW, ACT, Tas, WA, only
Rate: 1 L/ha
Critical comments: Apply to emerged crops immediately after infestation is observed and before larvae are 7 mm long. After spraying, monitor crops and apply a second application if required after a 7-10 day interval, depending on the infestation level, rate of crop growth and insect checks.
Pest: Balaustium Mite
State: All States
Rate: 1 L /ha
Critical comments: Apply to emerged crops after infestation is observed. After spraying, monitor crops and apply a second application if required after a minimum 14 day interval.
(Seed Crops)
Pest: Lucerne Leafroller
State: Qld, NSW, ACT only
Rate: 375 mL to 500 mL/ha
Critical comments: DO NOT treat lucerne seed crops for alfalfa sprout production. Apply when pests first appear. Use the high rate under heavy insect pressure or if larvae exceed 1.5 cm in length.
Pest: Webspinner Caterpillar
State: Qld, NSW, ACT only
Rate: 875 mL/ha
Critical comments: DO NOT treat lucerne seed crops for alfalfa sprout production. Spray as pests appear.
Pest: Bluegreen Aphid
State: NSW, ACT only
Rate: 250 mL to 375 mL/ha
Pest: Spotted Alfalfa Aphid
State: Qld, Vic, Tas, SA, WA only
Pest: Pea Aphid
State: Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas, SA only
Rate: 250 mL to 375 mL/ha
Critical comments: DO NOT treat lucerne seed crops for alfalfa sprout production. Spray when pests first appear. Use the high rate when large numbers present.
Seedling lucerne, medics: Spray when 1-2 aphids are observed per plant.
Established lucerne, medics: Spray when 20-40 aphids are observed per stem.
Apply in minimum 100 L water per ha.
Pest: Sitona Weevil
State: NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas, SA, WA only
Rate: 440 mL/ha
Critical comments: DO NOT treat lucerne seed crops for alfalfa sprout production. Spray when adults appear in damaging numbers from October to December or in Autumn.
Pest: Lucerne Flea
State: All states
Rate: 175 mL to 375 mL/ha
Critical comments: Spray when pests appear in large numbers. Avoid spraying when pests are sheltering. Spray when at least 2.5 cm cover of crop is present.
DO NOT spray if rain is imminent.
Use the higher rate on heavier infestations and for longer residual protection.
(young plants)
Pest: Cutworm
State: Qld, NSW, ACT, Tas, WA only
Rate: 1.13 L in a minimum of 100L water
State: Vic only
Rate: 875 mL in a minimum of 100L of water
Critical comments: Apply immediately after infestation is observed. Apply a single follow-up treatment if required.
Pest: Cutworm (Agrotis munda and A. infusa)
State: SA only
Rate: 875 mL in a minimum of 100L of water
Critical comments: Apply immediately after infestation is observed. Apply a single follow-up treatment if required.
Pest: Sugarcane Wireworm (Agrypnus spp.)
State: Qld, NSW, ACT only
Rate: 1.88 L/ha
Critical comments: Apply as a low pressure (less than 35 kPa) or gravity spray into the furrow at planting. Use a spray nozzle which will deliver a coarse spray in a total volume of 60-100 L/ha in a band 20-30 cm wide over the base of the furrow on top of the setts and before soil cover is brought in over the sett.
(Field tomatoes only)
Pest: Green Peach Aphid
State: Qld, Vic, Tas, SA, WA only
Rate: 1.25 L/ha OR 125 mL per 100L water
Critical comments: Apply as aphid build-up is first noticed. Use 1000 L/ha of water on larger plants.
Resistance Management
Use in rotation with other registered insecticides that have a different mode of action.
DO NOT apply more than two applications of PYRINEX SUPER per season.
DO NOT apply consecutive applications of PYRINEX SUPER or an insecticide with the same mode of action as PYRINEX SUPER within or between seasons.
Pest: Green Vegetable Bug
State: Tas, SA, WA only
Rate: 1.88 L to 2.5 L/ha OR 188 mL to 250 mL per 100L water
Critical comments: Apply at first sign of bug activity. Use high rate under heavy pest pressure.
DO NOT apply more than two applications of PYRINEX SUPER per crop.
Pest: Native Budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera)
State: Tas only
Pest: Tomato Grub (H. armigera)
State: Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas, WA only
Rate: 1.88 L to 2.5 L/ha OR 188 mL to 250 mL per 100L water
Critical comments: Apply from flowering on a 7-10 day schedule. Apply as indicated by field monitoring and timed to coincide with egg hatch and when small larvae up to 5 mm are present. DO NOT apply to control Helicoverpa armigera larger than 5 mm in length.
Use the high rate and shorter interval when pest infestation is more severe and when increased residual protection is required.
Resistance Management
DO NOT apply more than two applications of PYRINEX SUPER per crop.
DO NOT apply consecutive applications of PYRINEX SUPER.
Apply in rotation with non-synthetic pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides.
Pest: Wingless Grasshopper
State: NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas, SA only
Rate: 625 mL/ha water
Critical comments: Spray areas of crop infested with grasshoppers. Also apply as a barrier across the line of advance, when grasshoppers are invading the crop.
Pest: Whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum)
State: Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas, SA, WA only
Rate: 150 mL per 100L water
Critical comments: Apply as indicated by pest incident and repeat as necessary. Use a total spray volume of 2500 L/ha.
Resistance Management
DO NOT apply more than 2 applications of PYRINEX SUPER per crop.
DO NOT apply consecutive applications of PYRINEX SUPER or an insecticide with the same mode of action as PYRINEX SUPER within or between seasons.
Pest: Silverleaf Whitefly
State: Qld, NSW, NT, WA only
Rate: 250 mL per 100L water OR 2.5 L/ha
Critical comments: Apply as indicated by field checks before populations reach damaging levels.
When applying as a dilute spray use a minimum water volume of 500L/ha increasing to 1500L/ha as crops grow.
Thorough coverage of all leaf surfaces is important to obtain good control.
The adult stage of silverleaf whitefly should be targeted. Do not spray crops with a high population of the juvenile stages of silverleaf whitefly unless using with another insecticide that is effective against these stages.
Resistance Management
Use PYRINEX SUPER in rotation with insecticides from at least 2 other insecticide groups that are registered or permitted for use against silverleaf whitefly in tomatoes.
DO NOT apply consecutive applications of PYRINEX SUPER or an insecticide with the same mode of action as PYRINEX SUPER within or between seasons.
DO NOT apply more than 2 applications of PYRINEX SUPER per crop. If an approved Resistance Management Strategy is in place for a particular area (e.g. Silverleaf Whitefly in the Burdekin and Bowen Districts of central Queensland), this should be followed.
Canola, Subterranean Clover, Clover, Field Peas, Lupins, Lucerne, Wheat, Barley: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 4 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION.
Wheat, Barley, Canola, Field Peas, Lupins, Lucerne: DO NOT HARVEST 10 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION.
PYRINEX SUPER is a contact and residual insecticide/miticide. It can be used as a protective treatment when applied at regular intervals or as a knockdown treatment to control existing pests. Best results are obtained when PYRINEX SUPER is applied before pest populations build up to damaging levels. This product is not suitable for use in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programme where mite predators are established and providing effective mite control.
Ground Application
Applications should be made as a fine spray preferably using hollow cone nozzles and a droplet size of 150 to 200 microns. The application volume will depend on the type of crop to be treated. The following are suggested:
Low volume broadacre applications to – e.g. cereals, canola, lucerne, subterranean clover: 50-200 L/ha.
Low volume row crops applications to cotton, tomatoes: 50-200 L/ha.
High volume applications to row crops – e.g. trellised tomatoes: 200-1000 L/ha except as noted in critical comments. Use 200 L/ha from transplanting increasing to 1000 L/ha at maturity.
In Furrow Application
Apply as a band spray to the open furrow at planting. Spray the entire furrow width using a nozzle located directly behind the seed tube. Ensure all spray is directed into the furrow contacting bottom, sides and all soil drawn into the furrow at closure.
Use a minimum of 20 L of water/ha. Use the higher rate under extreme population numbers.
Add the required amount of product slowly to water in the spray tank whilst stirring or agitating. Agitate mixture during spraying.
PYRINEX SUPER is compatible with a range of, insecticides, miticides, and fungicides. As formulations of other manufacturers’ products are beyond the control of Adama Australia Pty. Ltd., all mixtures should be tested prior to mixing commercial quantities.
Additional surfactant may only be necessary on hard to wet plants and in high volume situations. Wetspay® 1000 is recommended at label rates.
PYRINEX® SUPER is a Group 1B and 3A insecticide. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to PYRINEX SUPER and other Group 1B and 3A insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if PYRINEX SUPER or other Group 1B or 3A insecticides are used repeatedly. The effectiveness of PYRINEX SUPER on resistant individuals could be significantly reduced.
Since the occurrence of resistant insects is difficult to detect prior to use, Adama Australia Pty. Ltd. accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of PYRINEX SUPER to control resistant insects. PYRINEX SUPER may be subject to specific resistance management strategies. For further information contact your local supplier, Adama representative or local agricultural department agronomist.
Registered for cultures | Rate | Preharvest Interval |
Alfalfa | 0.25 - 1 l | 10 |
Cotton | 0.625 - 1.88 l | 28 |
Canola | 0.175 - 1 l | 10 |
Clover | 0.25 - 1 l | |
Spring barley | 0.25 - 1 l | 10 |
Winter barley | 0.25 - 1 l | 10 |
Winter wheat | 0.25 - 1 l | 10 |
Spring wheat | 0.25 - 1 l | 10 |
Peas | 0.25 - 0.5 l | 10 |
Lupines | 0.25 - 0.5 l | 10 |
Sugarcane | 1.88 l | 7 |
Tomatoes | 0 l | 3 |