Runge Agrichems Manfil Mancozeb 750 WG

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Runge Agrichems Manfil Mancozeb 750 WG Fungicide is a protectant fungicide for the control of certain fungus diseases in many crops. For best results, apply as a regular spray programme. Thorough coverage of the treated crop is essential.


Dilute spraying: Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of run-off and matched to the crop being sprayed.
Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy.
Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to point of run-off. Avoid excessive run-off.
The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice.
Add the amount of product specified in the Directions for Use table for each 100L of water.
Spray to the point of run-off.
The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and operation may also need to be changed, as the crop grows.
Concentrate spraying: Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is a sprayer which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of runoff) and matched to the crop being sprayed.
Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume.
Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (see dilute spraying above) for the crop canopy. This is needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate.
The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following way:

1. Dilute spray volume as determined above: For example 1500L/ha
2. Your chosen concentrate spray volume: For example 500L/ha
3. The concentration factor in this example is: 3 x (ie 1500L ÷ 500L = 3)
4. If the dilute label rate is 10mL/100L then the concentrate rate becomes 3 x 10,that is 30mL/100L of concentrate spray.
• The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100L of water, and the sprayer set upand operation may need to be changed as the crop grows.
• For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult the relevantindustry guidelines, undertake appropriate competency training and follow industry Best
Practices. For fruit trees and some row crops apply as a high volume dilute spray. Thespray volume will vary according to the type of crop to be treated and should be increased in heavy growth and on large plants to ensure thorough coverage.
The spray volume should also be increased as the size of treated crops increasesthroughout the growing season. As a guide for mature crops:
Crops Spray volume Bananas, Tobacco, Vines and other row crops 200 to 1100L/ha
Pome and Stone fruit 1100 to 4000L/ha
Citrus 4000 to 8000L/ha
Aerial Application: May be applied by agricultural aircraft. Use at least 30 to 50L of spray mixture per hectare. (Refer Directions for Use table).

Treatments should begin prior to disease infection and continue until the threat of disease passes. Repeated applications may be required to protect new growth. Reduce the spray interval when weather conditions favour disease development.
MIXING - Slowly add the required amount of this product to the spray tank as It is being filled or thoroughly premix in a nurse tank for concentrate and aerial spraying. Add other products after Runge Agrichems Manfil Mancozeb 750 WG Fungicide Is in suspension.
Continue agitation while spraying to prevent product settling out and to ensure a uniform spray mixture. Rinse out spray tank, pumps, nozzles at the end of the day. When preparing spray solutions for use in a hand sprayer, premix as a slurry in a small container, and then add to sprayer containing one-third to half the desired final water volume.

This product may be harmful to Typhlodromus pyri and its use in orchards where integrated pest control is practiced should be avoided. The user is advised to check the labelrecommendation for the companion product before preparing tank mixes.
The addition of a surfactant will improve initial spray deposits, fungicide redistribution and weatherability. Refer to manufacturers label instructions for further details.

Registered for culturesRate
Citrus0 l
Grapes0.15 - 0.2 l
Mangoes0.2 l
Pawpaw0.2 l
Apples0.15 - 0.2 l
Pears0.15 - 0.2 l
Almonds0.15 - 0.2 l
Apricots0.15 - 0.2 l
Cherries0.15 - 0.2 l
Nectarines0.15 - 0.2 l
Peaches0.15 - 0.2 l