Phytophthora blight
Phytophthora capsici
General Symptoms: General symptoms on the solanaceous crops and cucurbits include seed rot and seedling blight which discolors the roots and causes seedlings to topple over. Preemergence and postemergence damping-off are also possible symptoms that may occur.
Bean: Include water-soaked foliage, stem and pod necrosis.
Pepper: Infection of the pepper commonly starts at the soil line leading to symptoms of dark, water soaked areas on the stem. Dark lesions of the stem may girdle the plant resulting in death. Roots of the pepper plant appear brown and mushy. Leaf spots start out small and become water soaked, and as time progresses may enlarge turn tan and crack. Blighting of new leaves may also take place. The fruit of the pepper is infected through the stem giving way to water soaked areas on the fruit that are overgrown by signs of the pathogen which appear as, "white-gray, cottony, fungal-like growth"(hyphae). The fruit mummifies and stays attached to the stem.
Eggplant (Solanum melongena): Fruit rot is the primary symptom of the eggplant. A dark brown area of the fruit expands into a light tan region. Signs of fungal-like growth may be seen on the lesions.
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum): P. capsici can cause crown infections, leaf spot, and foliar blight in tomato. The plant may eventually topple over from the crown rot. Fruit rot with patterns of concentric rings is another possible symptom.
Squash: Foliar blight with rapidly expanding water soaked regions and fruit rot are common symptoms on susceptible species of summer and winter squash varieties. These lead to dieback of shoot tips, wilting, shoot rot, and plant death. White fungal growth is also a sign of the pathogen in squash.
Watermelon: Foliar symptoms are less common in watermelon than squash, but the leaves are still susceptible. Fruit rot is more common eventually leading to a total decay of the fruit.
Pumpkin: P. capsici causes pre- and post-emergence damping off of seedlings. It also causes vine blight contributing to developing water soaked lesions on the vine which start off as dark olive-colored and soon turn dark brown. This leads to rapid collapse and death of foliage above the lesions. Similar lesions may appear on the leaves and petioles of the pumpkin. Fruit rot is also a very common symptom.
Cantelope (C. cantelopensis): Similar symptoms to that of the watermelon.
Cucumber: Symptoms of the cucumber are similar to that of other cucurbits, but do not include crown gall as a symptom.

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