Treflan QR5
- Manufacturer
- Dow AgroSciences
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- 2027-12-31
- Registration number
- 14545
- Active materials
- trifluralin50 g/l
- Links
- LabelView
Treflan QR5 is a preemergence herbicide which is mixed (incorporated) into the soil to provide longlasting control of many annual grasses and broadleaved weeds. Treflan QR5 controls susceptible weeds by killing seedlings as they germinate. It does not control established weeds or weeds which germinate below the treated soil layer.
• Do not apply to fields spread with manure within the last 12 months. After this period, ensure the manure has been thoroughly disintegrated and mixed into the soil to a depth of 10 to 15 cm.
• If the swath or stubble is removed by burning, cultivate once to remove the charcoal layer from the soil surface prior to Treflan QR5 application.
• Application to soils subject to prolonged periods of flooding may result in accelerated herbicide breakdown. Additionally, application to wet soils or soils in poor working condition could result in reduced weed control. See Land Preparation section of this label for further precautions.
• Application to eroded knolls or grey-wooded soils with highly variable texture or organic matter may result in reduced crop stand, delayed development or reduced yields in either the treated crop or rotational crop.
• Apply uniformly at the recommended rates. Over-application caused by overlapping, improper calibration or uneven application may reduce crop stands in the treated crop or rotational crop.
• To avoid potential injury to future wheat rotational crops, growers should avoid applying trifluralin and/or ethalfluralin on the same land at an oilseed/special crop/barley rate for 2 consecutive crops.
Crop Year
Applied and incorporated according to directions, Treflan QR5 will not harm the treated crop. However, seedling disease, deep planting, excessive moisture, high salt concentration, soil compaction or drought may weaken crop seedlings and increase the risk of injury which may result in delayed crop development or reduced yields.
To reduce the possibility of injury to the treated crop, use good quality certified seed. Seed shallow into a warm, moist, firm seedbed using recommended agronomic practices which will promote rapid and even crop germination and emergence.
Each crop has a specific seeding depth requirement and seeding deeper than recommended can increase the potential risk of damage to the seedling. Refer to industry or government extension published documents which outline recommended seeding practices/depths for each crop.
CAUTION: Do not graze the treated crops or cut for hay; there are not sufficient data available to support such use.
Crop Rotation
Applied and incorporated according to label directions, Treflan QR5 will not harm rotational crops. However, seedling disease, cold weather, deep planting, excessive moisture, high salt concentrations, soil compaction or drought may weaken seedlings and increase the risk of injury which may result in delayed crop development or reduced yields.
As a precaution, oats, sugarbeets and small-seeded grasses such as timothy, canaryseed grass and creeping red fescue should not be grown in rotation following a crop treated with Treflan QR5.
The persistence of Treflan QR5 is influenced by soil moisture and the majority of breakdown occurs during the growing season. If drought or extended dry periods were present in the previous year, higher levels of Treflan QR5 may be present in the soil. To reduce the possibility of injury to rotational crops, seed shallow into a warm, moist seedbed using recommended agronomic practices and seeding depths.
As an additional safety precaution seeding rate may be increased slightly (10%).
Do not seed wheat as a rotational crop on land if trifluralin and/or ethalfluralin has been used at an oilseed/special crop/barley rate for 2 consecutive crops.
Do not direct seed (zero till) a rotational crop into standing stubble on land that has been treated with trifluralin or ethalfluralin for the previous crop. A cultivation prior to seeding of the rotational crop is strongly recommended to help aerate the soil and promote seedbed conditions which will enhance seed germination.
When seeding a rotational crop use good quality certified seed. Seed shallow into a warm, moist, firm seedbed using recommended agronomic practices which will promote rapid and even crop germination and emergence. Avoid deep seeding, loose seedbeds and seeding into cold soils.
Each crop has a specific seeding depth requirement and seeding deeper than recommended can increase the potential risk of damage to the seedling. Refer to industry or government extension published documents which outline recommended seeding practices/depths for each crop.
Tank Mixtures
Do not apply this product with any other additive, pesticide or fertilizer except as specifically recommended on this label.
DO NOT apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application.
Discard clothing or other absorbent materials that have been heaving contaminated with this product.
DO NOT reuse them.
Users should remove clothing immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and put on clean clothing.
DO NOT apply this product directly to freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs, ditches and wetlands), estuaries or marine habitats.
DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.
To minimize the release of trifluralin into the environment due to volatilization, trifluralin should only be applied on cool mornings and evenings when air temperatures are 15°C or lower. To further reduce volatilization to the atmosphere, incorporation into the soil should occur concurrently with application.
Land Preparation
When applying to unworked stubble fields and to summerfallow, cultivate once before Treflan QR5 application to allow granules to penetrate to the soil surface. If existing weed growth is heavy (interfering with soil mixing), cultivate to destroy existing weeds or apply a recommended herbicide before Treflan QR5 application. Disc-type implements provide the best results. To avoid concentrating wild oat seeds below the treated layer do not plow (moldboard) land prior to Treflan QR5 application. If the swath is removed by burning, cultivate once to remove charcoal layer prior to Treflan QR5 application.
Application - Do not apply Treflan QR5 to peat or muck soils or soils with organic matter content of less than 2% or more than 15%.
Apply with a properly calibrated granular herbicide applicator that will apply the granules uniformly.
Calibrate the applicator according to manufacturer’s directions and check frequently during application to be sure equipment is working properly. Avoid concentration of the material in narrow bands. Apply Treflan QR5 to soil surface and incorporate in the same operation if possible. Ensure that large clods are broken.
Do not delay incorporation more than 24 hours after application. When applied as directed, Treflan QR5 will not harm the treated crop or crops that follow in rotation; however, an over-application caused by overlapping, improper calibration, non-uniform application, etc. may reduce stands of the treated crop or rotational crops.
To incorporate, work Treflan QR5 into the soil in 2 different directions. Use a tandem disc, discer or field (vibra-shank type) cultivator set to work 8 to 10 cm deep (unless otherwise specified) for the first incorporation. Disc or cultivate in a cross direction at the same depth. Operate disc implements at 7 to 10 km/hr and cultivators at 10 to 13 km/hr. DEEP TILLAGE CULTIVATOR NOT RECOMMENDED. A field cultivator (vibra-shank type) is defined as an implement with 3 or 4 rows of sweeps spaced at intervals of
20 cm or less and staggered so that no soil is left unturned.
Treflan QR5 should not be incorporated with a field cultivator when the soil is crusted, lumpy or too wet for good mixing action.
Disc-type implements are preferred on stubble to ensure a 10 cm depth of operation.
Incorporation with implements set to cut less than 8 cm deep or more than 10 cm deep may result in erratic weed control or crop damage.
Rod weeders, harrows, deep tillage cultivators, chisel plows or hoe drills will not properly incorporate Treflan QR5.
Fall Application
Treflan QR5 can be applied in the fall between September 1 and prior to soil freeze-up for weed control the following year. On all deep black soils and heavy textured soils early fall application is preferred to allow more time for even dispersion of Treflan QR5 in the treated soil layer. Apply fall rates and incorporate as above. The initial incorporation must be done within 24 hours of application.
There are 2 options for fall application of fall-applied Treflan QR5:
1. Two incorporations may be completed in the fall provided that the second working is delayed at least 3 days after the first incorporation. The second incorporation should be performed in a cross direction to the first and at the same depth. Following 2 fall incorporations, the field will have to be shallowly tilled in the spring to prepare a good seedbed.
NOTE: Barley, flax (do not use on low linolenic acid varieties) and lentil crops need both incorporations performed in the fall.
2. To conserve trash cover throughout the winter 1 incorporation may be completed in the fall followed by the second incorporation in the spring at the time of seedbed preparation (see Spring Tillage For Seedbed Preparation).
Either option will result in satisfactory weed control provided that all label instructions on application, incorporation and spring tillage are followed.
Spring Application (Manitoba And Southern Alberta Only)
Spring application is recommended for Manitoba and Southern Alberta only. Follow general use directions for land preparation, application and incorporation. The second incorporation must be delayed for a minimum of 3 days following the first incorporation and can be completed any time before planting.
For optimum weed control apply Treflan QR5 as soon as there are good soil working conditions early in the spring and complete the first incorporation within 24 hours.
Summer Application
Treflan QR5 can be applied to summerfallow between June 1 and September 1 for weed control in canola and flax (do not use on low linolenic acid varieties) the following year. Apply the summer rate and incorporate as above. Treflan QR5 must be incorporated at least twice with the implement operated in 2 different directions. The initial incorporation must be done within 24 hours of application. The second incorporation (and subsequent incorporations) may be done whenever necessary to destroy resistant weed growth during the remainder of the summerfallow. Tillage (5 to 8 cm) is necessary in the spring prior to seeding (refer to Spring Tillage For Seedbed Preparation). DO NOT APPLY TO SAND AND SANDY LOAM SOILS.
Spring Tillage For Seedbed Preparation
Spring tillage following summer or fall application of Treflan QR5 should be done prior to seeding when the soil is warm enough to promote germination. Use a disc or field cultivator (vibra-shank) set to cut at 5 to 8 cm deep. On all deep black soils and heavy textured soils it is recommended to prework the soil early in the spring to aerate the Treflan QR5 treated layer for optimum weed control. Avoid transplanting weed seedlings. Seed into a weed-free seedbed using accepted cultural practices. Avoid excessive compaction of the Treflan QR5 treated soil layer. Any operation that results in a more shallow or compacted treated layer may allow weeds to emerge. This compaction may result from tractor wheel tracks, implement wheels, drill press wheels or other field operations done after incorporation. Soils are more susceptible to compaction when they are moist.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR FLAX (do not use on low linolenic acid varieties) AND LENTILS
1. Both incorporations of Treflan QR5 must be done in the season of application prior to seeding in the spring. Leave at least 3 days between incorporations.
2. The seedbed should be shallowly tilled (5 to 8 cm) and packed just prior to seeding in the spring to ensure a firm seedbed and accurate depth of planting.
3. Seeding should be done with a press drill or hoe drill. Seed into a moist seedbed no more than 4 cm deep.
4. Do not seed flax early in May when soil conditions are cold. Seeding should generally not be prior to May 15.
5. Refer to statement in General Use Precautions regarding stresses that can lead to crop injury or yield reduction.
Treflan QR5 may be applied in the summer, fall or spring for triazine tolerant canola. A postemergent triazine herbicide registered for this use may then be applied after crop emergence to control several additional broadleaved weeds. Refer to individual labels of the postemergence herbicides for specific recommendations and follow warnings and precautions as stated.
User instructions must be followed closely to ensure good crop tolerance.
Be sure to use the rates recommended for barley outlined in the table above. For list of weeds that are controlled in barley refer to the Weeds Controlled section of this label. For barley do not apply Treflan QR5 on grey-wooded soils, other soils containing less than 2% organic matter or on black/deep black soils containing more than 6% organic matter. Application to eroded knolls may result in reduced crop stand.
General instructions for Incorporation and Fall Application are the same for barley as outlined in the Directions For Use section of this label. HOWEVER, ON BARLEY BOTH INCORPORATIONS MUST BE DONE IN THE FALL. Refer also to the Land Preparation and Application sections of this label.
Seeding should be done with a press drill or hoe drill. Seed into a moist, warm seedbed with the drill set to seed shallow (approximately 5 cm deep). Use of discers and air seeders can result in uneven emergence of the barley due to the loose seedbed and variable seeding depth. If a discer or air seeder is used, the field should be packed or harrowed after seeding to promote quick and even germination. Do not seed early when soils are cold.
Do not apply Treflan QR5 on stubble in the fall for barley when the crop harvested in the current calendar year was treated with Treflan or a product containing trifluralin. This includes applications made in the previous summer or fall.
Refer to the statement in General Use Precautions regarding stresses that can lead to crop injury or yield reductions. Apart from these conditions, any early season effects on crop development that may be noted are temporary and the crop will develop to full yield potential.
For preemergence weed control in wheat production systems Treflan QR5 may be applied in summerfallow for weed control in the summerfallow year and crop year. Alternatively, it may be applied in the fall to stubble or summerfallow for wild millet (green foxtail) in the crop year or in the spring to stubble or summerfallow for control of wild millet (green foxtail) in the current wheat crop. DO NOT APPLY TO SOILS WITH LESS THAN 1% ORGANIC MATTER FOR PREEMERGENCE WEED CONTROL IN WHEAT.
Treflan QR5 is a preemergence herbicide which is blended (mixed) into the soil to provide control of several annual grasses and annual broadleaved weeds during both years of the summerfallow-wheat rotation. TREFLAN QR5 CONTROLS SUSCEPTIBLE WEEDS BY KILLING SEEDLINGS AS THEY GERMINATE. It will not control established weeds.
spring wheat (includes semi-dwarf)
durum wheat
Land Preparation
By reducing the number of fallow workings in a season, a greater trash cover is retained which reduces wind erosion and evaporation. The greatest reduction in the number of necessary fallow cultivations in a season may be obtained by applying Treflan QR5 just prior to the first spring fallow working.
Treflan QR5 may be applied to standing or preworked stubble, provided trash is not so heavy as to prevent soil mixing. Treflan QR5 may be applied over top of moderate green growth (not affecting soil mixing). If green growth is heavy (interfering with soil mixing), destroy existing growth before application of Treflan QR5 either by cultivation or with the application of a recommended herbicide.
Application of Treflan QR5 to summerfallow fields will provide weed control during both years of the summerfallow-wheat rotation. Apply with a properly calibrated granular herbicide applicator that will apply Treflan QR5 uniformly.
Calibrate the applicator according to manufacturer’s directions and check frequently during application to ensure equipment is working properly. Avoid concentration of the material in narrow bands or strips.
Apply Treflan QR5 to soil surface and Fallowblend in the same operation if possible (see below for Fallowblend details). Ensure that large clods are broken. When applied as directed, Treflan QR5 will not injure wheat grown in rotation after summerfallow; however, an over-application caused by overlapping, improper calibration or non-uniform application may result in reduced crop stand, delayed development or reduced yields.
The Fallowblend Operations
To Fallowblend, mix Treflan QR5 into the soil in two different directions using a field cultivator, deep tillage cultivator or a disc implement operated at 8 to 10 km/hr. The first Fallowblend operation must be done within 24 hours of application and the second working should be done no sooner than one week after application. Subsequent workings may be done whenever necessary to destroy resistant weed growth during the remainder of the fallow year. For the first two Fallowblend operations the equipment should be set to work 5 to 8 cm deep. Subsequent workings should be no deeper than 8 cm.
After completing the two Fallowblend operations, additional operations with a rod weeder or shallow tillage may be required to control resistant weed growth and more uniformly blend Treflan QR5 into the soil. These additional cultivations should be as shallow as possible to minimize surface trash burial and evaporation.
Treflan QR5 should not be blended with a cultivator when the soil is crusted, lumpy or too wet for good mixing action.
Blending with implements set to cut deeper than 8 cm may result in erratic weed control and crop injury.
Spring Tillage For Seedbed Preparation
Seedbed preparation should be done using a field cultivator set to cut 5 cm deep (no deeper than the Fallowblend operation) when the soil is warm enough to promote good germination. Avoid transplanting weed seedlings; seed into a weed-free seedbed using a double disc drill or hoe drill set to seed 3 to 6 cm deep.
If a discer or air seeder is used for seeding, separate spring tillage may not be necessary. The discer or air seeder should be set to place seed 3 to 6 cm deep and the seedbed should be firmly packed or harrowed after seeding to promote good germination.
To reduce the risk of wheat injury, use quality seed and agronomic practices which will promote good growing conditions - avoid deep seeding, loose seedbeds and seeding into cold soils.
When seeding semi-dwarf wheat, special care should be taken to ensure shallow seeding. Check local recommendations for proper seeding depth.
spring wheat (includes semi-dwarf)
durum wheat
Application to severely eroded knolls may result in reduced crop stand.
11 kg/ha is the maximum rate for wheat. Do not use higher rates for wheat as crop injury may result.
CAUTION: Do not apply Treflan QR5 on stubble in the fall for wheat when the crop harvested in the current calendar year was treated with either: Advance 10G, Treflan, Heritage (or other trifluralin
products) or Edge (ethalfluralin). This includes applications made in the previous year.
Land Preparation
Treflan QR5 may be fall applied to summerfallow and to standing or preworked stubble, provided trash is not so heavy as to prevent soil mixing due to plugging of the implement. Treflan QR5 may be applied over top of moderate green growth (not affecting soil mixing). If green growth is heavy (interfering with soil mixing), destroy existing growth before application of Treflan QR5 either by cultivation or with the application of a recommended herbicide. If the swath is removed by burning, cultivate once to remove charcoal layer prior to Treflan QR5 application.
Treflan QR5 can be applied in the fall between September 1 and prior to soil freeze-up for wild millet control the following year. Apply with a properly calibrated granular herbicide applicator that will apply the granules uniformly. Calibrate the applicator according to manufacturer’s directions and check frequently during application to ensure the equipment is working properly. Avoid concentration of the material in narrow bands or strips. Apply Treflan QR5 to the soil surface and incorporate in the same operation if possible. Ensure that large clods are broken. Do not delay incorporation more than 24 hours after application. When applied as directed, Treflan QR5 will not harm crops that follow in rotation; however, an over-application caused by overlapping, improper calibration, non-uniform application etc. may reduce stands of crops that follow in rotation.
To incorporate, blend Treflan QR5 into the soil in two different directions using a field cultivator, deep tillage cultivator or disc implement operated at 8 to 10 km/hr and set to work 5 to 8 cm deep. The second working should be done in a cross direction at the same depth.
There are two options for fall application of fall-applied Treflan QR5:
1. Two incorporations may be completed in the fall provided that the second working is delayed at least 3 days after the first working. This allows time for greater release of Treflan QR5 onto the soil particles and assures more uniform distribution in the soil. The second blending should be performed in a cross direction to the first and at the same depth. Following two fall incorporations, the field will have to be shallowly tilled in the spring to prepare a good seedbed.
2. To conserve trash cover throughout the winter, one incorporation may be completed in the fall followed by the second incorporation in the spring at the time of seedbed preparation (see Spring Tillage For
Seedbed Preparation recommendations).
Either option will result in satisfactory weed control provided that all label instructions on application, incorporation and spring tillage are followed.
Treflan QR5 should not be incorporated with a field cultivator when the soil is crusted, lumpy or too wet for good mixing action.
Incorporation with implements set to cut less than 5 cm deep or more than 8 cm deep may result in erratic weed control or crop damage.
Rod weeders, harrows or hoe drills will not properly incorporate Treflan QR5.
Spring Tillage For Seedbed Preparation
All spring tillage following fall application of Treflan QR5 should be done when the soil is warm enough to promote germination.
When only one blending is completed in the fall to conserve trash cover, the spring tillage should be done at an angle or cross direction to the fall blending with the implement operated at a 5 to 8 cm depth.
When both blendings are completed in the fall, shallow spring tillage (no deeper than fall blending) should be completed with a cultivator or disc implement.
Avoid transplanting weed seedlings.
Seed into a firm, moist, weed-free seedbed using a double disc press drill or hoe drill set to seed 3 to 6 cm deep. If a discer or air seeder is used for seeding, separate spring tillage may not be necessary. However, care must be exercised such that the discer or air seeder is set to uniformly place the seed 3 to 6 cm deep and the seedbed should be firmly packed or harrowed after seeding to promote good germination.
To reduce the risk of wheat injury, use quality seed and agronomic practices which will promote good growing conditions - avoid deep seeding, loose seedbeds and seeding into cold soils.
When seeding semi-dwarf wheat, special care should be taken to ensure shallow seeding. Check local recommendations for proper seeding depth.
spring wheat (includes semi-dwarf)
durum wheat
CAUTION: Do not apply Treflan QR5 on stubble in the spring for wheat when the crop harvested the
previous year was treated with either Advance 10G, Treflan, Heritage (or other trifluralin products) or
Edge (ethalfluralin). This includes applications made in the previous year.
Land Preparation
Treflan QR5 may be spring applied to summerfallow and to standing or preworked stubble, provided trash is not so heavy as to prevent soil mixing due to plugging of the implement. Treflan QR5 may be applied over top of moderate green growth (not affecting soil mixing). If green growth is heavy (interfering with soil mixing), destroy existing growth before application of Treflan QR5 either by cultivation or with the application of a recommended herbicide. If the swath is removed by burning, cultivate once to remove charcoal layer prior to Treflan QR5 application.
Treflan QR5 can be applied in the spring between April 15 to the end of May for wild millet control in the current wheat crop. Apply with a properly calibrated granular herbicide applicator that will apply the granules uniformly. Calibrate the applicator according to manufacturer’s directions and check frequently during application to ensure the equipment is working properly. Avoid concentration of the material in narrow bands or strips. Apply Treflan QR5 to the soil surface and incorporate in the same operation if possible. Ensure that large clods are broken. Do not delay first incorporation more than 24 hours after application.
Incorporate Treflan QR5 into the soil in two different directions using a field cultivator, deep tillage cultivator or disc implement operated at 8 to 10 km/hr and set to work 5 to 8 cm deep. The first incorporation should occur within 24 hours after application. Incorporate a second time before planting to destroy existing weed growth and ensure uniform distribution of Treflan QR5 in treated soil. The second incorporation must be delayed for a minimum of 3 days following the first incorporation and can be completed any time prior to planting. To avoid bringing untreated soil to the surface the second incorporation should not be deeper than the first.
NOTE: When Treflan QR5 is applied in April to cold soils, allow at least 14 days between first and second incorporation. This delay will promote soil warming prior to seeding.
Seedbed Preparation
Seed into a firm, moist, weed-free seedbed using a double disc press drill or hoe drill set to 3 to 6 cm deep.
If a discer or air seeder is used for seeding, this seeding operation can replace the second incorporation.
However, care must be exercised such that the discer or air seeder is set to uniformly place the seed 3 to 6 cm deep and the seedbed should be firmly packed or harrowed after seeding to promote good seed germination.
Seeding into cold soils may slow wheat emergence and result in increased risk of crop injury. Allow soil to warm before seeding. Follow good agronomic practices to promote rapid, uniform crop emergence.
Use quality seed. Avoid deep seeding and loose seedbeds. When seeding semi-dwarf wheat, special care should be taken to ensure shallow seeding. Check local recommendations for proper seeding depth.
For resistance management, Treflan QR5 is a Group 3 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to Treflan QR5 and other Group 3 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance-management strategies should be followed.
To delay herbicide resistance:
Where possible, rotate the use of Treflan QR5 or other Group 3 herbicides with different herbicide groups that control the same weeds in a field.
Use tank mixtures with herbicides from a different group when such use is permitted.
Herbicide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting, historical information related to herbicide use and crop rotation, and considers tillage (or other mechanical), cultural, biological and other chemical control practices.
Monitor treated weed populations for resistance development.
Prevent movement of resistant weed seeds to other fields by cleaning harvesting and tillage equipment and planting clean seed.
Contact your local extension specialist or certified crop advisors for any additional pesticide resistance-management and/or integrated weed-management recommendations for specific crops and weed biotypes.
NOTICE TO USER: This pest control product is to be used only in accordance with the directions on the label. It is an offence under the Pest Control Products Act to use this product in a way that is inconsistent with the directions on the label. The user assumes the risk to persons or property that arises from any such use of this product.
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Canola | 17 - 34 kg |
Sunflowers | 17 - 34 kg |
Beans | 17 - 34 kg |
Soybeans | 17 - 34 kg |
White mustard | 17 - 34 kg |
Peas | 17 - 34 kg |
Alfalfa | 17 - 34 kg |