Weedaway 2,4-D Amine 600

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Treatment Stage: Ground or aerial application. Treat from the 4th leaf expanded stage to the early flag leaf (shot blade) stage. (Do not treat crop underseeded to legumes.)

Treatment Stage: Ground or aerial application. Treat in the spring from full tillering until just before the flag leaf (shot blade) stage. Do not apply to seedling winter cereals in the fall.

Treatment Stage: Ground application only. As an overall spray, before the corn is 15 cm tall (leaf extended) and/or before the 6-leaf stage. Application as an overall spray at later stages will damage the corn. For later applications (corn 15-75 cm, leaf extended), use a shielded spray or a directed spray with drop pipes. Keep spray off corn foliage. Do not apply within 2 weeks of silking and tasselling. Avoid cultivation for 2 weeks following spraying. Use at least 100L/ha water. Do not add oil or surfactant.

Use the dose required to control the weeds present. To minimize the risk of crop injury, do not exceed the recommended rate listed for the crop. Higher rates may be required to control certain weed species. Rates above those recommended for a crop may result in significant crop injury, and should only be used when the risk of crop injury will be offset by the benefits of enhanced weed control. Apply in warm weather when the crop and weeds are growing well, and the weeds are at a susceptible stage. Avoid application during drought conditions or during exceptionally hot weather.
Susceptible Weeds: Annual sow-thistle, bluebur (up to 4 leaf stage), burdock (before the 4-leaf stage), cocklebur, common ragweed, daisy fleabane, false flax, false ragweed, flixweed, goat’s-beard, giant ragweed, kochia, lamb's-quarters, mustards (except dog and tansy), narrow-leaved hawk's-beard (susceptible in the fall and at l-2 leaf stage in the spring), common plantain, prickly lettuce, redroot pigweed, russian pigweed, russian thistle, shepherd’s-purse, stinging nettle, stinkweed, sweet clover (seedling), thyme-leaved spurge, volunteer canola, wild radish, wild (prairie) sunflower.
Optimum Stage of Weed Growth: 2 to 4 leaf, growing actively.*
Rates to Use on Susceptible Weeds:
Small seedlings, good growing conditions: 600 mL/ha
Weeds in bud, dry/cold conditions, or heavy infestation: 950 mL/ha
* Weed control may be reduced when applied beyond optimum stage of weed growth.
Harder to Control Weeds: Blue lettuce, biennial wormwood, common purslane, curled dock (up to 4 leaf), dandelion in lawn, dog and tansy mustard, flixweed (spring prior to bolting), groundsel, gumweed, hairy galinsoga, hawkweed, heal-all, hedge bindweed, knotweed (up to 4 leaf), narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard (spring prior to bolting), oak-leaved goosefoot, peppergrass, pineappleweed, prostrate pigweed, Russian knapweed, sheep sorrel, tumble pigweed, velvet leaf, yellow rocket (before the 4 leaf stage).
Optimum Stage of Weed Growth: 2-4 leaf , growing actively.*

Rates to Use on Harder to Control Weeds:
Small seedlings, good growing conditions: 1.0 L/ha
Weeds in bud, dry/ cold conditions, or heavy infestations: 1.5 L/ha
NOTE: These high rates may result in deformities in the crop, but improved weed control should result in higher yields.
* Weed control may be reduced when applied beyond optimum stage of weed growth.

Biennial wormwood, blue lettuce, bull thistle, burdock, buttercup, Canada thistle, field dandelion, field bindweed, gumweed, hedge bindweed, hoary cress, leafy spurge, mouse-eared chickweed*, perennial sow-thistle, Russian knapweed, tartary buckwheat, teasel, volunteer sunflower, yellow rocket (controlled with applications before the 4-leaf stage).
* Use highest rate listed below for suppression only.
Rates of Application Top Growth Control Only:
Small seedlings, good growing conditions: 1.0 L/ha
Large weeds, dry/cold conditions, or heavy infestations: 1.5 L/ha
NOTE: For use in-crop. These rates may result in significant injury on some crops and should only be used where some crop injury can be tolerated.
Maximum Safe Rates of Application For Crops:
Spring wheat, barley, rye: 1.0 L/ha
Winter wheat, fall rye: 900 mL/ha
Field corn: 1.0 L/ha
Do not exceed these maximum rates in the weed control tables in any crop. Do not apply more than once per year.

Treatment Stage: Ground application only. Apply post emergent to the weeds and crop when the crop is at the 4-6 leaf stage, before closure of the canopy.
Susceptible Weeds: As listed in Section 4.
Rates: Small seedlings, good growing condition: 500 mL/ha
Weeds in bud, dry conditions, very heavy infestations: 1.0 L/ha
Harder to Kill Weeds: As listed in Section 4.
Rate: Small seedlings, good growing conditions: 1.0 L/ha
Do not apply more than once per year.

Treatment Stage: Ground or aerial application. Apply at a time of rapid growth, usually May,
June and/or September. Apply after pasture has been grazed or cut and weed growth has resumed. A second treatment may be required. Do not apply in freshly seeded grasses and pastures until well established. Under conditions of good growth and adequate soil moisture, sprays can be applied up to 2 weeks before normal frost time. Plants poisonous to livestock (eg.tansy ragwort, water hemlock, poison hemlock, death camas) may appear more palatable to grazing livestock and could be preferentially grazed by livestock after application of WEEDAWAY 2,4-D Amine 600 Liquid Herbicide. Livestock should not be allowed to graze treated areas of such plant growth until poisonous plants have been removed, are completely dead, or have resumed
normal growth habit.
Weeds Controlled: As listed in Section 4
Rates to Use: Up to 1.5 to 4.0 L/ha in 100-300 litres of water per hectare.
Use the higher rate for perennial weeds.
Do not apply more than twice per year

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