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A residual herbicide for the pre-emergence control of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds in a range of crops.
CARECA is a Suspension concentrate containing 500 g/l propyzamide.

CARECA is a residual herbicide for the pre-emergence control of monocotyledonous weeds and dicotyledonous weeds in a wide range of crops. This herbicide stops plant growth by inhibiting cell division in shoots and roots. Uptake occurs through the roots and the action sites are the meristem cells in roots and shoots.
For best results ensure an even soil coverage when weeds have not yet emerged. The best results are achieved by winter application to bare fine, firm and moist soil. Rain is required after application if the soil is dry. The uptake of the product by weeds is slow. Excessive organic debris, straw, ask or ploughed-up turf may reduce the effectiveness of the product. CARECA can be applied in frosty conditions, but should not be applied where the soil is frozen and run-off is likely to occur.

This product may only be applied to edible crops (except lettuce) between 1st October and the specified latest time of application. Do not harvest crops for human or animal consumption for at least 6 weeks after last application.
The maximum concentration must not exceed 6 ml of product per 1 litre water when using hand-held hydraulic sprayers.
Maximum number of treatments is 1 per crop or 1 per year. Maximum total application rate is therefore equivalent to one full application rate for all crops. Take care to avoid local overdosing.
Do not make more than one application of CARECA within 9 months of the same area of land.
Do not treat protected crops. Do not spray in windy weather and avoid drift onto neighboring crops, or nontarget plants.
No taints have been detected in tests with treated field crops. Consult processor before using on crops being grown for processing.
CARECA can be used on all soil types with the following exception: do not use on soils containing more than 10% organic matter except in forestry.

Resistance warning
Propyzamide is in the chemical family of Benzamides which inhibit the assembly of microtubules.
It is recommended not to overuse products based on such modes of action on the same field
Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. blackgrass, wild oats, Italian ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the Teagasc, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer.
Certain weeds may develop resistance to products of AgriChem B.V. Since such circumstances are beyond our control, AgriChem B.V. will not be under liability for any resulting loss or damage whatsoever.

Winter oilseed rape
CARECA may be applied as soon as possible after the crop has reached the 3rd true leaf stage, between 1st October and 31st January. Crop selectivity is by depth protection. Factors which cause shallow rooting may reduce crop safety.
Application rate: 1.4 - 1.7 litres/ha

Winter field beans
CARECA should be applied within 7 days after drilling but before crop emerges, between 1st October and 31st January.
Application rate: 1.4 - 1.7 litres/ha.

Pome fruit orchards
CARECA may be applied to established crops grown for at least one season, between 1st October and 31st January.
Application rate: 1.7 – 3.4 litres/ha – see weed control table above.

CARECA may be applied to established crops grown for at least one season, between 1st October and 31st December.
Application rate: 1.7 – 3.4 litres/ha – see weed control table above.

Lettuce (outdoor)
CARECA can be applied before or after drilling, any time of the year, up to 6 weeks before harvest.
Application rate: 2.2 – 2.8 litres/ha. Use the higher rate under dry soil conditions or warm weather, and irrigate or incorporate.

For agricultural crops, apply using a mechanical sprayer to the soil in 200 – 1000 litres water per hectare as a medium quality spray. For horticultural crops and forestry, apply in 400 – 1000 litres water per hectare as a medium quality spray. In forestry, a knapsack sprayer can also be used. For an application rate of 3.4 litres/ha, add 70-225 millilitres CARECA to a 20 litres spray tank, to cover an area of 200 to 600 m2. Apply as a medium quality spray
Check and clean all hoses, nozzles and equipment to be used prior to use. Half fill the sprayer tank with clean water and begin agitation. Add the required quantity of CARECA. Fill the spray tank with water as required whilst agitating. Continue agitating during spraying.
Spray immediately, so do not allow the mixture to stand.
Wash sprayer thoroughly with wetting agent and water immediately after spraying. Wash out with water.

Registered for culturesRate
Winter rape1.7 l
Beans1.7 l
Lettuce2.8 l
Rhubarbs3.4 l