Stomp Aqua

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials
A capsule suspension containing 455 g/l pendimethalin. A herbicide for the control of a range of grass and annual broad-leaved weeds in a wide range of crops.


Annual Meadow-grass, Annual Meadow-grass, Common Chickweed, Common Fumitory, Common Orache, Corn Marigold, Fat-hen, Field Forget-me-no,t Field Pansy, Hemp-nettle (Day Nettle), Henbit Dead-nettle, Knotgrass, Mayweeds, Parsley Piert, Red Dead-nettle, Scarlet Pimpernel, Shepherd‘s Purse, Small Nettle Smooth, Sowthistl,e Speedwells, Volunteer Oilseed Rape.
Critical comments: 
Maximum Number of Treatments: one per crop. Latest Time of Application: Before leaf sheath erect stage (crop GS 30).

Weeds: Annual Meadow-grass, Rough Meadow-grass, Cleavers, Common Chickweed, Common Fumitory, Common Orache, Corn Buttercup Corn Marigold Fat-hen Field Forget-me-not Field Pansy Hemp-nettle (Day Nettle) Henbit Dead-nettle Knotgrass, Parsley Piert, Red Dead-nettle, Scarlet Pimpernel, Shepherd‘s Purse, Small Nettle, Smooth Sowthistle, Speedwells, Volunteer Oilseed Rape.
Rate: 2.9l/ha

Weeds: Annual Meadow-grass, Rough Meadow-grass, Black bindweed, Charlock Cleavers, Common Chickweed, Common Fumitory, Common Orache, Common Poppy, Corn Marigold, Fat-hen, Field Forget-me-not, Field Pansy, Groundsel Hemp, (Day) -nettle, Henbit Dead-nettle, Knotgrass, Mayweeds, Parsley Piert, Red Dead Nettle, Redshank, Scarlet Pimpernel, Shepherd‘s Purse, Small Nettle, Smooth Sowthistle, Speedwells, Volunteer Oilseed Rape.
Rate: 2.9l/ha

Weeds: Annual Meadow-grass, Rough Meadow-grass, Common Chickweed, Common Fumitory, Common Orache, Common Poppy, Corn Marigold, Fat-hen, Field Forget-me-not, Field Pansy, Hemp (Day) -nettle, Henbit Dead-nettle, Knotgrass, Parsley Piert, Red Dead Nettle, Scarlet Pimpernel, Shepherd‘s Purse, Small Nettle, Smooth Sowthistl,e Speedwells, Volunteer Oilseed Rape.
Rate: 2.5l/ha

Critical comments: Maximum Number of Treatments: one per crop. Latest Time of Application: pre-crop emergence.

Weeds: Annual Meadow-grass, Rough Meadow-grass, Black Nightshade, Common Chickweed, Common Fumitory, Common Orache, Common Poppy, Corn Marigold, Fat-hen, Field Forget-me-not, Field Pansy, Hemp (Day) -nettle, Henbit Dead-nettle, Knotgrass, Parsley Piert, Red Dead Nettle, Scarlet Pimpernel, Shepherd‘s Purse, Small Nettle, Smooth Sowthistle, Speedwells, Volunteer Oilseed Rape.
Rate: 3.3l/ha
Critical comments: Maximum Number of Treatments: one per crop. Latest Time of Application: Before 4th leaf stage.

Weeds: Annual Meadow-grass, Rough Meadow-grass, Common Chickweed, Common Fumitory, Common Orache, Common Poppy, Corn Marigold, Fat-hen, Field Forget-me-not, Field Pansy, Hemp (Day) -nettl,e Henbit Dead-nettle, Knotgrass, Parsley Piert, Red Dead Nettle, Scarlet Pimpernel, Shepherd‘s Purse, Small Nettle, Smooth Sowthistle, Speedwells, Volunteer Oilseed Rape.
Rate: 2.9l/ha
Critical comments: Maximum Number of Treatments: one per crop. Latest Time of Application: pre-crop emergence.

Weeds: Annual Meadow-grass, Rough Meadow-grass, Common Chickweed, Common Fumitory, Common Orache, Common Poppy, Corn Marigold, Fat-hen, Field Forget-me-not, Field Pansy, Hemp (Day) -nettl,e Henbit Dead-nettle, Knotgrass, Parsley Piert, Red Dead Nettle, Scarlet Pimpernel, Shepherd‘s Purse, Small Nettle, Smooth Sowthistle, Speedwells, Volunteer Oilseed Rape.
Rate: 2.9l/ha
Critical comments: Maximum Number of Treatments: one per crop. Latest Time of Application: before transplanting.

Weeds: Annual Meadow-grass, Rough Meadow-grass, Common Chickweed, Common Fumitory, Common Orache, Common Poppy, Corn Marigold, Fat-hen, Field Forget-me-not, Field Pansy, Hemp (Day) -nettle, Henbit Dead-nettle, Knotgrass, Parsley Piert, Red Dead Nettle, Scarlet Pimpernel, Shepherd‘s Purse, Small Nettle, Smooth Sowthistl,e Speedwells, Volunteer Oilseed Rape.
Rate: 2.9l/ha
Critical comments: Maximum Number of Treatments: one per crop. Latest Time of Application: After flower initiation but before flower truss emergence.

Weeds: Annual Meadow-grass, Rough Meadow-grass, Common Chickweed, Common Fumitory, Common Orache, Common Poppy, Corn Marigold, Fat-hen, Field Forget-me-not, Field Pansy, Hemp (Day) -nettle, Henbit Dead-nettle, Knotgrass, Parsley Piert, Red Dead Nettle, Scarlet Pimpernel, Shepherd‘s Purse, Small Nettle, Smooth Sowthistl,e Speedwells, Volunteer Oilseed Rape.
Rate: 2.9l/ha
Critical comments: Maximum Number of Treatments: one per crop. Latest Time of Application: before bud burst.

Annual Meadow-grass, Rough Meadow-grass, Common Chickweed, Common Fumitory, Common Orache, Common Poppy, Corn Marigold, Fat-hen, Field Forget-me-not, Field Pansy, Hemp (Day) -nettle, Henbit Dead-nettle, Knotgrass, Parsley Piert, Red Dead Nettle, Scarlet Pimpernel, Shepherd‘s Purse, Small Nettle, Smooth Sowthistl,e Speedwells, Volunteer Oilseed Rape.
Critical comments: 
Maximum Number of Treatments: one per crop. Latest Time of Application: after harvest but before bud burst.

Some soil moisture must be present for STOMP AQUA to be activated. Best results will be obtained if rainfall occurs within seven days of application.
Residual control may be reduced:
- under prolonged dry conditions
- on soils with a high Kd factor
- where organic matter exceeds 6%
- where ash content is high.
Do not disturb the soil after STOMP AQUA has been applied as this will result in reduced weed control.
Where cultural techniques which encourage the build up of organic residues in the surface soil are practised for a number of seasons, the effectiveness of residual herbicides may be reduced. In such circumstances periodic ploughing is recommended to disperse residues into a greater volume of soil.
Soil types
Stomp Aqua may be used on all mineral soil types.
Do not use on soils with more than 10% organic matter.
On stony or gravely soils there is a risk of crop damage, especially if heavy rain falls soon after application.
Do not use on water logged soil or soils prone to water logging.
Seedbed preparation
Trash and straw should be incorporated evenly during seedbed preparation.
Seedbed must have a fine, firm tilth.
Consolidate loose or cloddy seedbeds before use.
Following pre-emergence applications, unconsolidated clods (especially if larger than 75mm (3“) diameter) may reduce the level of weed control and cause seed to be inadequately covered, which could result in crop damage.
Crop safety
Extreme care should be taken to avoid damage by drift onto plants outside the target area.
Do not apply STOMP AQUA to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused for example by pests, disease, water logging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment.
Seed should be covered with a minimum of 3.2cm of settled soil (2.5cm for Peas and Sunflowers, 5cm for Maize).
Shallow drilled crops should be treated post-emergence.
Do not soil incorporate.
Do not spray undersown crops.
Do not undersow crops treated with STOMP AQUA.
STOMP AQUA should not be used on protected crops, or in greenhouses.
Other Restrictions/Warnings
Before using STOMP AQUA on crops to be processed please consult your processor.
Concentrated or diluted STOMP AQUA may stain. Avoid spillage.
Staining is minimised or completely removed if skin and clothes are washed immediately.
Hose down machinery immediately after use with a spray tank cleaner.
Following Crops
Following crops after normal harvest
Before Rye grass is drilled after a very dry season, plough or cultivate to at least 15cm.

If spring crops are to be followed by crops other than cereals plough or cultivate to at least 15cm.

In the event of crop failure
In the event of crop failure the land must be ploughed or thoroughly cultivated to a minimum depth of 15cm to ensure any residues are evenly dispersed throughout the soil.

Mixing and Application
Never prepare more spray solution than is required.
Three quarters fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of STOMP AQUA to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill up the tank with water and continue agitation until spraying is completed.
On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely.
When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s). Add products to the spray tank in the following order:
1) Wettable powders (WP)
2) Dry flowables or water dispersible granules (WG)
3) Suspensions (e.g. Stomp Aqua)
4) Suspension concentrates (e.g. SC or SE)
5) Emulsifiable concentrates (e.g. EW or EC)
6) Soluble concentrates (SL)
Maintain agitation at all times.
Spray out as soon as possible after mixing.
Do not let the mixture stand.

Ensure good, even spray cover of the target using a FINE or MEDIUM quality spray, as defined by BCPC.
Do not use less than 50 mesh inline boom or nozzle filters.
For boom sprayers
Apply STOMP AQUA in 100-200 l/ha. For potatoes apply STOMP AQUA in minimum 200 l/ha water.
When tank mixing with other products use a minimum water volume of 150-200 l/ha depending on the tank mix partner.
For knapsack sprayers
Use a maximum of 15 mls of STOMP AQUA per litre of water and ensure a good, fine coverage of the target.
Sprayer cleaning
After spraying, thoroughly clean and flush out ap plication machinery with a minimum of three rinses, to ensure that all traces of product are removed to avoid sticking of dried material to spray tank walls or spray lines, etc.

Tank Mixtures
Please contact your agronomist, supllier or BASF Ireland Limited (tel:01 825 5701) for up to date information on the compatability of Stomp Aqua.
Sequential Treatments
STOMP AQUA may be used in sequence with any other approved product. Leave a mimimum interval of 24 hours unless longer is specified on the label.
STOMP AQUA may be applied in sequence with Avadex BW granular provided only one product is applied pre-emergence of the crop.


Registered for culturesRateBBCH
Winter wheat2.9 l0 - 30
Winter barley2.9 l0 - 30
Winter rye2.9 l0 - 30
Winter triticale2.9 l0 - 30
Spring triticale2.9 l0 - 30
Spring barley2.9 l0
Potatoes2.9 l0
Peas2.9 l0
Sunflowers2.9 l0
Onions2.9 l0
Leeks2.9 l0
Carrots2.9 l0
Parsnip2.9 l0
Broccoli2.9 l0
Calabrese2.9 l0
Brussels sprouts2.9 l0
Cabbage2.9 l0
Cauliflower2.9 l0
Black currant2.9 l0
Gooseberries2.9 l0
Strawberries2.9 l0
Apples2.9 l0
Cherries2.9 l0
Pears2.9 l0
Plums2.9 l0
Raspberries2.9 l0
Loganberry2.9 l0
Blackberries2.9 l0