- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 03525
- Active materials
- MCPB400 g/l
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A soluble concentrate formulation containing 400 g/l (34.8% w/w) MCPB present as 438 g/l (38.1% w/w) MCPB as the sodium salt.
For the control of broadleaved weeds in peas.
- Control of some major broadleaved weeds including Charlock, Fat hen, Corn buttercup, Dock and Thistles in peas.
- A useful product to follow a pre-emergence treatment in peas.
- No following crop restriction.
- One of very limited number of options post-emergence in peas.
PCS No. 03525
Pack size: 10 litres
Combining pea / Vining pea
Maximum Individual Dose: 4.5 l/ha
Maximum Number Of Treatments: One Per Crop
Latest Time Of Appication: Flower bud enclosed stage
Additional Safety Phrases
Do not contaminate surface water with the product or its container. (Do not clean application equipment near surface water/Avoid contamination via drains from farmyards and roads.)
IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
DO NOT roll or harrow crops within 10 days of spraying.
DO NOT apply during cold weather or drought.
DO NOT apply during rain or if rain is expected.
DO NOT spray in windy weather and avoid drift onto broadleaved plants outside the target area.
DO NOT apply immediately before or after sowing any crop.
DO NOT use TROPOTOX on peas grown for seed.
DO NOT use TROPOTOX on beans, vetches, lucerne or yellow trefoil.
TROPOTOX applied at 4.5 l/ha will control those annual weeds as indicated in the weed control table.
TROPOTOX should be applied when the crop is actively growing and is at the correct growth stage. The best results will be obtained if spraying is done while the majority of annual weeds are at the seedling stage and for perennials when the flower bud is forming.
Buttercup, Fat hen, Black ustard, Small Nettle, Field Pennycress, Plantains, Shepherd’s purse
Moderately susceptible Effective control of seedlings but not necessarily complete control.
Charlock, Commn Fumitory Common hemp-nettle, Common poppy, Pickly Sowthistle, Smooth sowthistle, Colunteer oilseed rape
Moderately resistant Temporary suppression of seedlings, long term control dependant on crop competition and weather.
Cranesbill, Knotgrass, White mustard, Common orache, Scarlet pimpernel, Wild turnip
The following perennial weed species will be controlled by applications of 4.5 l product/ha as indicated.
Susceptable: Bulbious Buttercup, Creeping Buttercup, Crows Foot, Broadleaved, Curled Dock, Marsh Horsetail, Greater Plantain, Hoary Plantain, Creeping Thistle, Spear Thistle
Moderately Susceptible: Field Bindweed, Field Horsetail
Moderately Resistant: Perennial Sowthistle
Susceptable: Creeping Buttercup, Crows foot, Broadleaved Dock, Curled Dock, Marsh Horsetail, Greater Plantain, Hoary Plantain, Ribwort Plantain, Creeping Thistle, Spear Thistle
Moderately Susceptible: Field Bindweed, Crows Foot, Creeping Thistle
Moderately Resistant: Broadleaved Dock, Curled Dock, Perennial Sowthistle
Long Term
Susceptable: Geater Plantain, Hoary Plantain, Ribwort Plantain
Moderately Susceptible: Creeping Buttercup, Crows foot, Spear Thistle
Resistant: Field Bindweed, Bulbious Buttercup, Broadleaved Dock, Curled Dock, Field Horsetail, Marsh Horsetail, Perennial Sowthistle, Creeping Thistle
Varietal susceptibility
TROPOTOX may be used on the following varieties of peas:
Combining peas
Agadir, Alfetta*, Arena, Arrow*, Ascona, Baccara, Badminton, Beluga*, Bohatyr*, Bonanza*, Bunting, Carerra, Chorale, Corfu*, Cossack*, Croma, Eagle, Eiffel, Elan, Espace, Flare, Focus, Grafila, Guido*, Hampton, Jackpot*, Lantra, Maro, Mascot*, Nitouche, Princess, Quasar*, Radley*, Rafale*, Rambo, Ramrod*, Rex, Rhino, Selector, Solara, Supra, Toskana*, Vital*, Woodcock
Vining peas
Argona*, Balmoral, Banff, Barle, Bastion, Bikini, Brule, Cabree, Cash*, Colana, Coral, Destiny, Endeavour*, Enterprise*, Gemini, Griffin*, Harrier, Hunter, Hurst, Green, Shaft, Jaguar, Jewel*, Jof, Johnson’s, Freezer, Kermit*, Legacy, Lynx, Markado, Markana, Minnow*, Multistar, Novella, Oasis, Pacha, Pinnacle*, Point*, Polo, Puget, Purser*, Rampart, Remus, Ripon*, Salsado, Samish, Sancho, Saturn*, Scout, Sherbourne, Sigra, Skinado, Snake, Stampede, Swallow, Temptation, Tristar, Tyne, Vada*, Visto, Waverex, Waverking
Picking peas
Early Onward, Feltham First, Kelvedon Wonder, Onward, Progress No 9
Pigeon feed peas/forage peas
Courier*, Salome, Setchey, Swift*
Winter combining peas*
Aravis, Brevent, Cheyenne, Dove, Froidure, Honor, Husky, Iceberg, Rafale, Spirit, Victor, Volcano
The following varieties of vining pea are slightly sensitive to TROPOTOX and should only be sprayed if significant infestations of weeds, particularly creeping thistle, docks or volunteer rape are present. Particular care should be taken to observe the correct crop growth stage at application.
Combining peas
Conquest, Honor*
Vining peas
Alfold, Ambassador*, Avola, Cobalt, Darfon, Hurst, Beagle, Favorit, Finess*, FR697, Minado*, Misty, Paso, Premium, Reynard*, Span, Sparkle, Sprite, Style, Winner, Zamira
Picking peas
Pigeon feed peas/forage peas
Minerva, Racer
Winter combining peas*
Blizzard, Oscar
* These are provisional recommendations based on two years of crop safety trials. Contact your supplier for further details.
For further information on varietal susceptibility consult PGRO.
Water volume
On peas use a rate of 200 to 400 litres of water per hectare.
Use a minimum rate of 225 l/ha in dense crops, or if weed growth is dense.
Spray quality
Apply as a MEDIUM quality spray (as defined by BCPC). A spray pressure of 2–3 bar is recommended.
TROPOTOX should only be applied to peas when the crop is at the correct growth stage.
Application should be made from when the crop has three nodes (three fully expanded leaves) until BEFORE the flower buds can be found enclosed in the folded terminal leaf.
Particular care should be taken when treating earlier flowering varieties to ensure that flower buds can not be detected at application.
Later applications made when the flower buds are present may result in reduced yield.
Crops suffering from drought stress may exhibit more visible crop damage or growth distortion.
Apply using a conventional ground vehicle mounted/drawn equipment. Ensure that all application equipment is clean. Add half the required volume of water and start agitation, add the required quantity of TROPOTOX. Fill the tank to the required volume of water whilst maintaining agitation. Continuous agitation must be maintained until spraying is complete. After use, the spraying machine must be thoroughly cleaned.
Wash equipment thoroughly with water and wetting agent or liquid detergent immediately after use. Wash out again with water, drain and allow drying.
Spray out, fill with clean water and leave overnight. Spray out again before storing or using for another product. Traces of TROPOTOX can cause harm to susceptible crops sprayed later.
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Peas | 4.5 l |