Atrazine 90 WDG
- Manufacturer
- Loveland Products
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 34704-622
- Active materials
- atrazine0 lb/gallon
- Links
- LabelView
Aerial application is prohibited.
ANY USE OF THIS PRODUCT IN AN AREA WHERE USE IS PROHIBITED IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW. Before using this product, you must consult the Atrazine Watershed Information Center (AWIC) to determine whether the use of this product is prohibited in your watershed. AWIC can be accessed through www.atrazine-watershed. info, or 1-866-365-3014. If use of this product is prohibited in your watershed, you may return this product to your point of purchase or contact Loveland Products, Inc. for a refund. It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.
Atrazine 90 WDG Herbicide controls* many annual broadleaf and grass weeds in the crops included on this label. Atrazine 90 WDG Herbicide may be applied before or after weeds emerge. important Note: Following many years of continuous use of this product and chemically related products, biotypes of some of the weeds listed on this label have been reported which cannot be effectively controlled by this and related herbicides. These weeds may include lambsquarters, pigweed, black nightshade, kochia, and others. Where this is known or suspected, we recommend the use of this product in combination with other registered herbicides which are not triazines. Consult your State Agricultural Extension Service about specific weed resistance to atrazine in your area and weed control recommendations. Within the specific crop directions on this label, certain weeds are indicated for suppression only. Weed suppression is a visual reduction in weed competition (reduced population and/or vigor) as compared to an untreated area. Degree of suppression will vary with rate used, size of weeds, and environmental conditions following treatment.
In each case where a range of rates is given, the lower rate should be used on light soils and soils low in organic matter, and the higher rate should be used on heavy soils high in organic matter. Since Atrazine 90 WDG Herbicide acts mainly through root absorption, its effectiveness depends on rainfall or irrigation to move it into the root zone. Should weeds develop, a shallow cultivation or rotary hoeing will generally result in better weed control. Care should be taken to avoid using Atrazine 90 WDG Herbicide where adjacent desirable trees, shrubs, or plants might be injured.
Note: Loveland Products Inc. does not recommend the use of Atrazine 90 WDG Herbicide in combination with other herbicides or oils except as specifically described on this label or supplemental labeling distributed by vLoveland Products, Inc.
Ground application: Use conventional ground sprayers equipped with nozzles that provide accurate and uniform vapplication. Be certain that nozzles are uniformly spaced and are the same size. Calibrate sprayer before use and recalibrate at the start of each season and when changing carriers. Unless otherwise specified, use a minimum of 10.0 gallons of spray mixture per acre for all preplant incorporated, preplant surface, preemergence, and postemergence applications (with or v without oil or surfactant) with ground equipment.
Use a pump with capacity to:
1. Maintain 35 to 40 psi at nozzles,
2. Provide sufficient agitation in tank to keep mixture in suspension, and
3. To provide a minimum of 20% bypass at all times. Use centrifugal pumps which provide propeller shear action for dispersing and mixing this product. The pump should provide a minimum of 10.0 gallons per minute per 100 gallons tank size circulated through a correctly positioned sparger tube or jets.
Use screens to protect the pump and to prevent nozzles from clogging. Screens placed on the suction side of the pump should be 16-mesh or coarser. Do not place a screen in the recirculation line. Use 50-mesh or coarser screens between the pump and boom, and where required, at the nozzles. Check nozzle manufacturer's recommendations.
Registered for cultures |
Corn |
Sorghum |