Curtail M

Dow AgroSciences
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Active materials

General Information
Curtail M herbicide is recommended for selective control of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, oats and flax not underseeded with a legume, fallow cropland (including summer fallow, post-harvest, and set-aside acres), grasses grown for seed, rangeland, permanent grass pastures, and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres.

Precautions and Restrictions
- Use directions in Dow AgroSciences supplemental labeling may supersede directions or limitations in this labeling.
- Do not exceed a cumulative amount of 0.25 lb active ingredient (ai) of clopyralid per acre per single crop year except in the state of New York (see New York restrictions above).
- Do not contaminate irrigation ditches or water used for irrigation or domestic purposes.
- Do not use in greenhouses.
- Chemigation: Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
- Many forbs (desirable broadleaf forage plants) are susceptible to Curtail M. Do not spray pastures containing desirable forbs, especially legumes, unless injury can be tolerated. However, the stand and growth of established perennial grasses is usually improved after spraying, especially when rainfall is adequate and grazing is deferred.
- Do not use on newly seeded areas until grass is well established as indicated by vigorous growth and development of tillers and secondary roots.
- Do not use on bentgrass.
- Apply only once per crop cycle, except for grasses grown for seed (see specific use directions).
- Grazing Restriction for Rangeland and Grass Pastures: Do not forage or graze meat animals on treated areas within 7 days of slaughter. Do not forage or graze dairy animals on treated areas within 7 days after treatment.
- Do not transfer livestock from treated grazing areas (or feeding of treated hay) to sensitive broadleaf crop areas without first allowing 7 days of grazing on an untreated pasture (or feeding of treated hay). If livestock are transferred within less than 7 days of grazing untreated pasture or eating untreated hay, urine and manure may contain enough clopyralid to cause injury to sensitive broadleaf plants.
- Field Bioassay Instructions: In fields previously treated with this product, plant short test rows of the intended rotational crop across the original direction of application in a manner to sample field conditions such as soil texture, soil pH, drainage, and any other variable that could affect the seed bed of the new crop. The field bioassay can be initiated at any time between harvest of the treated crop and the planting of the intended rotational crop. Observe the test crop for herbicidal activity, such as poor stand (effect on seed germination), chlorosis (yellowing), and necrosis (dead leaves or shoots), or stunting (reduced growth). If herbicidal symptoms do not occur, the test crop can be grown. If there is apparent herbicidal activity, do not plant the field to the test rotational crop; plant only a labeled crop or crop listed in the table below for which the rotational interval has clearly been met.

Mixing Instructions
1. Add 3/4 of the required spray volume to the spray tank and start agitation.
2. Add the required amount of Curtail M.
3. Add any surfactants, adjuvants or drift control agents according to manufacturer’s label.
4. Agitate during final filling of the spray tank and maintain sufficient agitation during application to ensure uniformity of the spray mixture.

Note: Allow time for thorough mixing of each spray ingredient before adding the next. If allowed to stand after mixing, agitate spray mixture before use.

Tank Mixing
This product may be applied in tank mix combination with labeled rates of other products provided (1) the tank mix product is labeled for the timing and method of application for the use site to be treated; and (2) tank mixing is not prohibited by the label of the tank mix product.

Tank Mixing Precautions:
- Read carefully and follow all applicable use directions, precautions, and limitations on the respective product labels.
- Do not exceed recommended application rates. Do not tank mix with another pesticide product that contains the same active ingredient as this product unless the label of either tank mix partner specifies the maximum dosages that may be used.
- For products packaged in water soluble packaging, do not tank mix with products containing boron or mix in equipment previously used to apply a product mixture containing boron unless the tank and spray equipment has been adequately cleaned. (See instructions for Sprayer Clean-Out.)
- Always perform a (jar) test to ensure the compatibility of products to be used in tank mixture.

Tank Mix Compatibility Testing: A jar test is recommended prior to tank mixing to ensure compatibility of Curtail M and other pesticides. Use a clear glass quart jar with lid and mix the tank mix ingredients in the required order and their relative proportions. Invert the jar containing the mixture several times and observe the mixture for approximately 1/2 hour. If the mixture balls-up, forms flakes, sludges, jels, oily films or layers, or other precipitates, it is not compatible and the tank mix combination should not be used.

Application Directions
Application Timing
Apply to actively growing weeds. Extreme growing conditions such as drought or near freezing temperatures prior to, at or following application may reduce weed control and increase the risk of crop injury at all stages of growth. Only weeds that have emerged at the time of application will be affected. If foliage is wet at the time of application, control may be decreased. Applications of Curtail M are rainfast within 6 hours after application.

Application Rates
Generally, application rates at the lower end of the recommended rate range will be satisfactory for young, succulent growth of susceptible weed species. For less sensitive species, perennials, and under conditions where control is more difficult (plant stress conditions such as drought or extreme temperatures, dense weed stands and/or larger weeds), the higher rates within the rate range will be needed. Weeds in fallow land or other areas where competition from crops is not present will generally require higher rates for control or suppression.

Use of Surfactants
Addition of wetting and/or penetration agents is not usually necessary when using Curtail M; however, if a surfactant will be added to the spray solution, use a non-ionic surfactant suitable for use in growing crops of at least 80% active ingredient and do not exceed 4 pints per 100 gallons of spray solution (0.5% v/v). Use of a surfactant in the spray mixture may increase weed control effectiveness but may reduce crop safety, particularly under conditions of plant stress.

Spray Coverage
Use sufficient spray volume to provide thorough coverage and a uniform spray pattern. Do not broadcast apply in less than 2 gallons of total spray volume per acre. For best results and to minimize spray drift, apply in a spray volume of 10 gallons or more per acre. As vegetative canopy and weed density increase, spray volume should be increased to obtain equivalent weed control. Use only nozzle types and spray equipment designed for herbicide application. To reduce spray drift, follow precautions under Avoiding Injury to Non-target Plantsbel.

Use with Sprayable Liquid Fertilizer Solutions Curtail M is compatible with most non-pressurized liquid fertilizer solutions; however, a compatibility test (jar test) should be made prior to mixing. Jar tests are particularly important when a new batch of fertilizer or pesticide is used, when the water source changes, or when tank mixture ingredients or concentrations are changed. A compatibility test is performed by mixing the spray components (in the desired order and proportions) into a clear glass jar before mixing in the spray tank. Use of a compatibility aid such as Unite or Compex may help obtain and maintain a uniform spray solution during mixing and application. Agitation in the spray tank must be vigorous to compare with jar test agitation. For best results, liquid fertilizer should not exceed 50% of the total spray volume. Premix Curtail M with water and add to the liquid fertilizer/water mixture while agitating contents of the spray tank. Apply the spray the same day it is prepared while maintaining continuous agitation. Note: Foliar-applied liquid fertilizers can cause yellowing or leaf burn of crop foliage. 

Spot Treatments
To prevent misapplication, it is recommended that spot treatments be applied only with a calibrated boom or with hand sprayers according to directions provided below.

Hand-Held Sprayers:
Hand-held sprayers may be used for spot applications. Care should be taken to apply the spray uniformly and at a rate equivalent to a broadcast application. Application rates in the table are based on an area of 1000 sq ft. Mix the amount of Curtail M (fl oz or ml) corresponding to the desired broadcast rate in 1 or more gallons of spray. To calculate the amount of Curtail M required for larger areas, multiply the table value (fl oz or ml) by the area to be treated in “thousands” of square feet, e.g., if the area to be treated is 3500 sq ft, multiply the table value by 3.5 (calc. 3500 ÷ 1000 = 3.5). An area of 1000 sq ft is approximately 10.5 x 10.5 yards (strides) in size.

Application Timing
Apply Curtail M in the spring to actively growing wheat, barley or oats once 3 leaves have unfolded on the main stem up to the jointing stage (first node of main stem detectable). To control or suppress listed weeds, make application after maximum emergence of the target weeds but before they exceed 3 inches in height or diameter (for rosettes). To obtain season-long control of perennial weeds, such as Canada thistle, apply after the majority of the weed’s basal leaves have emerged from the soil up to bud stage. A later application when the crop is between the jointing and boot stages of growth may be used to treat later-emerging weeds; however, do not apply unless the risk of injury is acceptable. Do not apply after the boot stage. Note: Do not permit lactating dairy animals or meat animals being finished for slaughter to forage or graze treated grain fields within 1 week after treatment. Do not harvest hay from treated grain fields.
Application Rate
Apply 1 3/4 to 2 1/3 pints per acre of Curtail M. The higher rate may be used when the condition of the weeds and/or crop at the time of treatment may prevent optimum control. Note: Higher rates of Curtail M or any application of Curtail M following a spring postemergence treatment with 2,4-D or MCPA may increase the risk of crop injury.
Tank Mixtures
Curtail M may be applied in tank mix combination with labeled rates of other products registered for postemergence application in wheat, barley, and oats. See Tank Mixing Precautions under Mixing Instructions. When tank mixing, do not exceed recommended application rates and use only in accordance with the most restrictive precautions and limitations on the respective product labels.
Specific Use Precautions:
- Banvel tank mixes with Curtail M may be useful in broadening the annual weed control spectrum but may reduce control of perennials, such as Canada thistle.
- Do not tank mix Curtail M with 2,4-D or dicamba unless the risk of crop injury is acceptable. 
Specific Use Restrictions:
- Do not apply more than 2 1/3 pint (0.122 lb ae clopyralid plus 0.684 lb ae MCPA) per acre or make more than 1 application per crop season.
- Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 72 days of harvest.
- Do not allow livestock to graze treated areas within 45 days of application
- Do not allow dairy animals or meat animals being finished for slaughter to forage or graze treated areas within 7 days after application.

Application Timing
Apply Curtain M when flax is 2 to 6 inches tall and target weeds are actively growing. To control or suppress weeds listed on the label, make application after maximum emergence of the target weeds but before they exceed 3 inches in height or diameter (for rosettes). To obtain season-long control of perennial weeds such as Canada thistle, apply after the maority of the weed’s basal leaves have emerged from the soil (plants 4 to 6 inches in height) up to bud stage. Do no apply after flax has begun bolting as crop injury may occur if applied during the bloom period. 
Application Rate
Apply 0.85 pint per acre of Curtail M per year.
Tank Mixtures
Curtail M may be used in combination with other herbicides that are labeled for flax. Refer to the label of the tank mix partner for lists of other weeds controlled, rates of application and use precautions.
Specific Use Restrictions:
- Do not apply more than 0.85 pint (0.045 lb ae clopyralid plus 0.25 lb ae MCPA) per acre or make more than 1 application per crop season.
- Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 72 days of harvest.
- Do not allow livestock, dairy animals or meat animals being finished for slaughter to forage or graze treated areas within 7 days after treatment.

Application Timing
Apply only to established grasses before the boot stage of growth. Applications in the boot stage and beyond will result in increased potential for injury. Do not apply to bentgrass unless injury can be tolerated. For control of late-emerging Canada thistle, a preharvest treatment may be made after grass seed is fully developed. Treatment of Canada thistle in the bud stage and later may result in less consistent control. Post-harvest fall treatments may be made to actively growing Canada thistle after the majority of basal leaves have emerged.
Application Rate
Use 1 3/4 to 3 1/2 pints per acre of Curtail M per year for control of annual weeds and Canada thistle. The potential for crop injury exists due to the MCPA component of this product and must be balanced against the benefits of improved weed control. Potential for crop injury increases with higher rates. Re-treat as necessary but do not exceed 3 1/2 pints per acre of Curtain M per season.
Tank Mixtures for Grasses Grown for Seed
Curtail M at 1 3/4 pints per acre may be tank mixed with Banvel or Buctril to improve the control of certain weeds. See Tank Mixing Precautions under Mixing Instructions. When tank mixing, do not exceed recommended application rates and use only in accordance with the most restrictive precautions and limitations on the respective product labels.
Specific Use Restrictions:
- Do not apply more than 3 1/2 pints (0.184 lb ae clopyralid plus 1.03 lb ae MCPA) of Curtail M per acre per year. Do not make more than 2 applications per year with a minimum retreatment interval of 21 days.
- Do not allow livestock to graze treated areas within 7 days of application 

Apply 4 to 5 pints per acre of Curtail M when weeds are actively growing. For weeds such as biennial thistles, spotted and diffuse knapweed, yellow starthistle and Canada thistle, apply the 4 pint per acre rate on light to moderate infestations under good growing conditions. Use 5 pints per acre for dense infestations or under poor growing conditions such as drought. For control of Russian knapweed, apply 5 pints per acre at the early bud to mid-flowering stage or on fall regrowth. Note: For pasture use follow Grazing and Haying Restrictions under General Use Precautions and Restrictions.
Specific Use Restrictions:
- Do not apply more than 5 pints (1.5 lb ae) of Curtail M per acre per year. Do not make more than 2 applications per year with a minimum retreatment interval of 21 days.
- Do not allow dairy animals or meat animals being finished for slaughter to forage or graze treated areas within 7 days of application.


Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Winter wheat1.75 - 2.33 pt72
Spring wheat1.75 - 2.33 pt72
Winter barley1.75 - 2.33 pt72
Spring barley1.75 - 2.33 pt72
Spring oats1.75 - 2.33 pt72
Winter oats1.75 - 2.33 pt72
Winter flax0.85 pt72
Spring flax0.85 pt72
Grassland1.75 - 3.5 pt