DPX-E9636 25DF Corn

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DuPont RESOL VE herbicide should be used only in accordance with recommendations on this label or in supplemental DuPont publications. DuPont will not be responsible for losses or damage resulting from use of this product in any manner not specifically recommended by DuPont.
RESOL VE herbicide is a water dispersible granule containing 25% active ingredient by weight. RESOLVE is a selective herbicide for burndown and residual control of certain annual grass and broadleaf weeds when applied preemergence and postemergence to field corn. RESOL VE may be applied to "Roundup Ready" corn in tank mix combinations with glyphosate herbicides such as "Roundup Original", "Roundup Weathermax", or similar products to add residual control for later emerging weeds. Residual weed control is dependent on rainfall or sprinkler irrigation for herbicide activation. Apply RESOL VE to field corn hybrids with a relative maturity (RM) of 77 days or more, including "food grade" (yellow dent, hard endosperm), waxy and High-Oil corn. Not all field corn hybrids ofless than 77 days RM, not all white corn hybrids nor Hi-Lysine hybrids have been tested for crop safety, nor does DuPont have access to all seed company data. Consequently, injury arising from the use of RESOL VE on these types of corn is the responsibility of the user. Consult with your seed supplier before applying RESOL VE to any of these corn types. Seed company publications indicate ''Warning'', "Crop Response Warning", or "Sensitive" notations for the use of some ALS herbicides on corn hybrids of 77 CRM or higher. As noted in the seed company publications, DuPont sulfonylurea herbicides such as RESOL VE should be used with caution on these hybrids. Consult with your local DuPont representative or the DuPont Label Web Site (http://cropprotection.dupont.coml) for any additional
supplemental labeling information relative to potential corn hybrid sensitivity to RESOL VE. 

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