Fluroxypyr + Clopyralid
- Manufacturer
- Albaugh
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- Registration expired
- Registration number
- 42750-201
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- LabelView
FLUROXYPYR + CLOPYRAUD herbicide is recommended for selective control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, and oats not underseeded with a legume, field corn, sweet corn, grasses grown for seed, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acreage, and non-cropland.
• Do not apply FLUROXYPYR + CLOPYRAUD directly to, or allow spray drift to come in contact with broadleaf crops or other susceptible broadleaf plants, including, but not limited to, alfalfa, canola, beans, cotton, flowers, grapes, lettuce, lentils, mustard, peas, potatoes, radishes, soybeans, sugar beets, sunflowers, tobacco, tomatoes, vegetables, or other desirable broad leaf crops or ornamental plants or soil where sensitive crops will be planted the same season.
• Avoid application where proximity of susceptible crops or other desirable plants is likely to result in expOSure to spray or spray drift.
• Do not contaminate irrigation ditches or water used for domestic purposes.
• Chemigation: Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system. Many forbs (desirable broad leaf forage plants) are susceptible to FLUROXYPYR + CLOPYRALID. Do not spray CRP or non-cropland containing desirable forbs, especially legumes, unless injury can be tolerated.
• Do not transfer livestock from treated grazing areas (or feed treated hay) to sensitive broad leaf crop areas without first allowing 7 days of grazing on an untreated pasture (or feeding of treated hay). If livestock are transferred within less than 7 days of grazing untreated pasture or eating untreated hay, urine and manure may contain enough clopyralid to cause injury to sensitive broadleaf plants.
• Do not use on newly seeded areas until grass is well established as indicated by vigorous growth and development of tillers and secondary roots.
• Field Bioassay Instructions: In fields previously treated with this product, plant short test rows of the intended rotational crop across the original direction of application in a manner to sample variability in field conditions such as soil texture, soil organic matter, soil pH, or drainage. The field bioassay can be initiated at any time between harvest of the treated crop and the planting of the intended rotational crop. Observe the test crop for herbicidal activity, such as poor stand (effect on seed germination) chlorosis (yellowing), and necrosis (dead leaves or shoots), or stunting (reduced growth). If herbicidal symptoms do not occur, the test crop can be grown. If there is apparent herbicidal activity, do not plant the field to the test rotational crop; plant only a labeled crop or crop listed in the table below for which the rotational interval has clearly been met.
Registered for cultures |
Winter wheat |
Spring wheat |
Spring barley |
Winter barley |