Gramoxone SL 2.0

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Gramoxone SL 2.0 is a contact herbicide used to control or suppress a broad spectrum of emerged weeds. Gramoxone SL 2.0 controls most small annual weeds – both broadleaves and grasses, and suppresses perennial weeds by destroying green foliage. Gramoxone SL 2.0 can also be used as a desiccant/defoliant at harvest.
Gramoxone SL 2.0 is formulated as a liquid which contains 2 pounds of active ingredient per gallon. The formulation contains a nontoxic odor and an emetic (an agent which will induce vomiting if the product is swallowed). The odor is included in the formulation to help prevent accidental ingestion of Gramoxone SL 2.0.
Gramoxone SL 2.0 is rapidly absorbed by green plant tissue and interacts with the photosynthetic process to produce superoxides which destroy the plant cells. Gramoxone SL 2.0 requires actively growing green plant tissue to function.
Thorough coverage of all green foliage is essential for effective weed control and for effective crop desiccation/ defoliation. Gramoxone SL 2.0 is not as effective on drought-stressed weeds, weeds with little green foliage (i.e., mowed or cut weeds), or mature woody bark of trees and vines.
Clay and organic matter rapidly tie up Gramoxone SL 2.0. As a result, Gramoxone SL 2.0 has no residual soil activity to affect later-planted crops or later germinating weeds.

Important: Always read and follow label instructions when buying or using this product.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Alfalfa1 - 4 pt70
Almonds1.25 - 4 pt
Artichokes2.5 - 4 pt1
Asparagus2.5 - 4 pt6
Beans1.2 - 2 pt7
Lupines1.2 - 2 pt7
Adzuki beans1.2 - 2 pt7
Dry broad beans1.2 - 2 pt7
Garbanzo beans1.2 - 2 pt7
Kidney beans1.2 - 2 pt7
Lablab beans1.2 - 2 pt7
Dry lima beans1.2 - 4 pt7
Moth beans1.2 - 2 pt7
Mung beans1.2 - 2 pt7
Navy beans1.2 - 2 pt7
Pinto beans1.2 - 2 pt7
Rice beans1.2 - 2 pt7
Snap beans1.2 - 4 pt7
Tepary beans1.2 - 2 pt7
Wax beans1.2 - 2 pt7
Blackeyed peas1.2 - 2 pt7
Chickpeas1.2 - 2 pt7
Cowpea1.2 - 2 pt7
Crowder peas1.2 - 2 pt7
Southern peas1.2 - 2 pt7
Catjang peas1.2 - 2 pt7
Guars1.2 - 2 pt7
Peas1.2 - 2 pt7
Blackberries2 - 4 pt
Blueberries2 - 4 pt
Black currant2 - 4 pt
Red currant2 - 4 pt
White currant2 - 4 pt
Elderberries2 - 4 pt
Gooseberries2 - 4 pt
Huckleberries2 - 4 pt
Loganberry2 - 4 pt
Raspberries2 - 4 pt
Cocoa2 - 4 pt1
Cassava2 pt90
True yam2 pt90
Bean yam1 - 2 pt
Fallow1.5 - 4 pt
Clover0.75 - 3.1 pt60
Corn1 - 4 pt
Sweet corn1 - 4 pt
Cotton1 - 4 pt3
Cotton8 - 16 fl oz
Ginger2 - 4 pt75
Guavas3.75 pt
Hops2 pt14
Lentils1.2 - 2 pt7
Mint2 - 3 pt
Okra2 - 4 pt21
Onions2 - 4 pt
Garlic2 - 4 pt
Passionfruit3.75 pt
Persimmons3.75 pt
Peanuts8 - 16 fl oz
Pigeon peas2 pt60
Pineapples2 - 4 pt20
Rice2 - 4 pt
Safflowers1 - 4 pt
Sorghum1 - 4 pt48
Soybeans1 - 4 pt46
Soybeans8 - 16 fl oz15
Strawberries2 pt21
Sugar beets0.75 - 4 pt
Sugarcane0.6 - 3 pt
Sunflowers1.2 - 4 pt7
Taro, dasheen2 - 3 pt180
Apricots2.5 - 4 pt28
Cherries2.5 - 4 pt28
Figs2.5 - 4 pt13
Kiwifruit2.5 - 4 pt14
Nectarines2.5 - 4 pt28
Olives2.5 - 4 pt13
Peaches2.5 - 4 pt14
Pistachios2.5 - 4 pt7
Plums2.5 - 4 pt28
Acerola2.5 - 4 pt
Apples2.5 - 4 pt
Avocados2.5 - 4 pt
Bananas2.5 - 4 pt
Beechnuts2.5 - 4 pt
Brazil nuts2.5 - 4 pt
Butternuts2.5 - 4 pt
Calamondin2.5 - 4 pt
Cashews2.5 - 4 pt
Chestnuts2.5 - 4 pt
Chinquapins2.5 - 4 pt
Citron2.5 - 4 pt
Citrus2.5 - 4 pt
Coffee2.5 - 4 pt
Grapefruits2.5 - 4 pt
Grapes2.5 - 4 pt
Hickory nuts2.5 - 4 pt
Kumquats2.5 - 4 pt
Lemons2.5 - 4 pt
Limes2.5 - 4 pt
Macadamia nuts2.5 - 4 pt
Mandarins2.5 - 4 pt
Oranges2.5 - 4 pt
Papayas2.5 - 4 pt
Pears2.5 - 4 pt
Pecans2.5 - 4 pt
Pomelo2.5 - 4 pt
Satsumas2.5 - 4 pt
Walnut2.5 - 4 pt
Black sapotes2.5 - 3.75 pt14
Canistel2.5 - 3.75 pt14
Feijoa2.5 - 3.75 pt14
Jaboticaba2.5 - 3.75 pt14
Longan2.5 - 3.75 pt14
Lychee2.5 - 3.75 pt14
Mamey sapotes2.5 - 3.75 pt14
Mangoes2.5 - 3.75 pt14
Pomegranate2.5 - 3.75 pt14
Pulasan2.5 - 3.75 pt14
Rambutan2.5 - 3.75 pt14
Sapodilla2.5 - 3.75 pt14
Soursop2.5 - 3.75 pt14
Star apple2.5 - 3.75 pt14
Wax jambu2.5 - 3.75 pt14
Arracacha1 - 2 pt
Arrowroots1 - 2 pt
Artichokes1 - 2 pt
Chinese artichoke1 - 2 pt
Chayote1 - 2 pt
Chufas1 - 2 pt
Leren1 - 2 pt
Potatoes1 - 2 pt
Sweet potatoes1 - 2 pt
Tumeric1 - 2 pt
Arracacha8 - 16 fl oz
Arrowroots8 - 16 fl oz
Artichokes8 - 16 fl oz
Chinese artichoke8 - 16 fl oz
Chayote8 - 16 fl oz
Chufas8 - 16 fl oz
Leren8 - 16 fl oz
Potatoes8 - 16 fl oz
Sweet potatoes8 - 16 fl oz
Tumeric8 - 16 fl oz
Bean yam8 - 16 fl oz
Broccoli2 - 4 pt
Cabbage2 - 4 pt
Carrots2 - 4 pt
Cauliflower2 - 4 pt
Chinese cabbage2 - 4 pt
Collard greens2 - 4 pt
Eggplant2 - 4 pt
Endive2 - 4 pt
Ground cherries2 - 4 pt
Lettuce0.75 - 4 pt
Pepinos2 - 4 pt
Peppers2 - 4 pt
Tomatoes0.75 - 4 pt
Tomatillos2 - 4 pt
Turnips2 - 4 pt
Cantaloupe2 - 4 pt
Citron melons2 - 4 pt
Cucumbers2 - 4 pt
Gherkins2 - 4 pt
Pumpkins2 - 4 pt
Squash2 - 4 pt
Watermelon2 - 4 pt
Melons0.75 - 1 pt
Rhubarbs2.5 - 4 pt