Intrepid 80WSP

Dow AgroSciences
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INTREPID 80 WSP Agricultural Insecticide belongs to the diacylhydrazine class of insecticides and has a novel mode of action that mimics the action of the molting
hormone of Lepidopterous (moths, butterflies) larvae. Upon ingestion, larval stages of the order Lepidoptera undergo an incomplete and developmentally premature molt which is ultimately lethal. This process interrupts and rapidly halts their feeding. Feeding typically ceases within hours of ingestion although complete mortality of the larvae may take several days. Affected larvae often become lethargic and develop discolored areas or bands between segments.
INTREPID 80 WSP has virtually no effect on any order of insects or Arthropods except the Lepidoptera, making it an ideal tool for integrated Pest Management. This selectivity allows beneficial insects (including bees) and other Arthropods to function unimpeded in the management of secondary pests while INTREPID 80 WSP provides control of troublesome Lepidoptera pests.
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Apples2 - 6 oz
Crabapples2 - 6 oz
Loquat2 - 6 oz
Hawthorn2 - 6 oz
Pears2 - 6 oz
Quince2 - 6 oz
Cotton1 - 8 oz