Redbanded leafroller

Argyrotaenia velutinana

Adults have a wingspread of ½ inch. The forewing is marked with a band that widens towards the edge. Egg masses of the first brood are deposited on the undersides of larger limbs, while the eggs of the later broods are laid mostly on the upper leaf surface. Larvae are pale green with yellowish heads, and reach 5/8 inch at maturity.
Damage: Larvae can skeletonize leaves by feeding on the underside near the midrib, folding and webbing the leaf together. Second and (more often) third generation larvae may feed on the fruit itself, often using a web or leaf to protect the feeding site. Leafroller feeding is characterized by canal-like channels in the fruit surface rather than the interior tunnel-feeding characteristic of codling moth and oriental fruit moth. Larvae may also feed inside the calyx and stem ends of fruit. Sometimes early generation larva will cause scarring on young fruit, but most damage occurs later in the year.