Variegated leafroller
Platynoda flavedana
Adult males have a ½-inch wingspan and are brown with a cream-colored band towards the end of the wings. Females are larger (½- to ¾-inch wingspan) and have varying shades of brown and reddish-brown on the wings. There is a dark spot on the leading edge of the front wings. Small larvae (first and second instar) are yellowish with a black head. Older larvae are green with a light brown head and thoracic shield. The life cycle and overwintering hosts and sites are almost identical to tufted apple bud moth, although adults emerge 7 to 10 days later in the spring.
Damage: Damage appears the same as tufted apple bud moth. Larvae may skeletonize the underside of leaves close to the midrib, folding and webbing the leaf together. When larvae feed on the fruit surface, they often protect the feeding site with a web or leaf that is webbed to the apple. Larvae may also attack the cavities at the calyx and stem ends as well as the places where two fruit touch.
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