NextStep NG

Arysta LifeScience
Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Discover NG Herbicide should be used only in accordance with recommendations on this label or in separately published EPA accepted supplemental labeling recommendations for this product.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

Discover NG Herbicide controls several grass weed species in all types of wheat (including Durum).
Applied postemergence, Discover NG Herbicide is rapidly absorbed by weed foliage and translocated to the growing points where it inhibits the acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase) enzyme. Susceptible, weed species generally stop growing within 48 hours, turn yellow within one to three weeks, and are completely controlled within three to five weeks. Level and rate of control depend on weed species, growing conditions, crop competition, and coverage. Thorough spray coverage of target weeds is essential for consistent control.

The following crops may be planted at the specified interval following application of Discover NG Herbicide.

Discover NG Herbicide controls wild oat, volunteer oat, green foxtail, yellow foxtail, giant foxtail, barnyardgrass, canarygrass, Persian darnel, volunteer corn, and Italian (annual) ryegrass. Although Discover NG Herbicide does not control broadleaf weeds, it can be tank mixed with a wide range of broadleaf herbicides to provide broad spectrum one-pass weed control. See the section entitled Tank Mixes of Discover NG Herbicide with Broadleaf Weed Herbicides. Herbicides not approved on this label for tank mixing with Discover NG Herbicide may be applied sequentially. For optimum results, apply Discover NG Herbicide first and allow at least 4 days after application of Discover NG Herbicide before applying these herbicides sequentially.

Apply Discover NG Herbicide to all types of wheat (including Durum) from the 2-leaf stage to pre-boot stage. Do not make an application to winter wheat in the fall. Refer to the Crop Use Directions section for grazing and harvest restrictions. For optimum results, apply Discover NG Herbicide to actively growing weeds. Weed control can be reduced or delayed under conditions of stress, such as drought, heat, insufficient fertility, flooding, and prolonged cool temperatures. Grass escapes or retillering may occur if application is made during prolonged conditions of stress. Optimum weed control will be obtained if application of Discover NG Herbicide is delayed until the conditions of stress have ended and weeds are once again actively growing. An early application will maximize crop yields by reducing weed competition. Weeds emerging after application will not be controlled. Precaution: Do not apply to a crop that is stressed by conditions such as frost, low fertility, drought, flooding, disease damage, or insect damage, as crop injury may result. Wheat is more susceptible to injury when exposed to temperatures below 4Q°F during the period 48 hours before or after Discover NG Herbicide application.

Registered for cultures
Winter wheat
Spring wheat
Durum Wheat