
Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

Orbit is a broad spectrum fungicide for the control of indicated diseases in certaih tree nuts, non bearing citrus, stone fruits, and berries.

Important: Always read and follow label instructions when buying or using this product.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Almonds4 - 8 fl oz60
Blueberries6 fl oz30
Black currant6 fl oz30
Red currant6 fl oz30
Elderberries6 fl oz30
Gooseberries6 fl oz30
Huckleberries6 fl oz30
Blackberries6 fl oz30
Loganberry6 fl oz30
Raspberries6 fl oz30
Calamondin6 - 8 fl oz365
Citron6 - 8 fl oz365
Citrus6 - 8 fl oz365
Grapefruits6 - 8 fl oz365
Kumquats6 - 8 fl oz365
Lemons6 - 8 fl oz365
Limes6 - 8 fl oz365
Mandarins6 - 8 fl oz365
Pomelo6 - 8 fl oz365
Oranges6 - 8 fl oz365
Satsumas6 - 8 fl oz365
Cranberries4 - 8 fl oz45
Hazelnuts5 - 8 fl oz60
Pecans4 - 8 fl oz
Pistachios5 - 8 fl oz60
Apricots4 fl oz
Cherries4 fl oz
Nectarines4 fl oz
Peaches4 fl oz
Plums4 fl oz
Plumcot4 fl oz
Strawberries4 fl oz
Beechnuts4 - 8 fl oz60
Brazil nuts4 - 8 fl oz60
Butternuts4 - 8 fl oz60
Cashews4 - 8 fl oz60
Chestnuts4 - 8 fl oz60
Chinquapins4 - 8 fl oz60
Hickory nuts4 - 8 fl oz60
Macadamia nuts4 - 8 fl oz60
Walnut4 - 8 fl oz60