Orthene 97 Pellets
- Manufacturer
- Amvac Chemical
- Category
- Insecticides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 5481-8978
- Active materials
- acephate0 lb/gallon
- Links
- LabelView
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift.
Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.
Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. This Standard contains requirements for the protection of agricultural workers on farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses, and handlers of agricultural pesticides. It contains requirements for training, decontamination, notification and emergency assistance. It also contains specific instructions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective equipment (PPE) and restricted-entry interval. The requirements in this box only apply to uses of this product that are covered by the Worker Protection Standard.
Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the restricted-entry interval (REI) of 24 hours.
PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permitted under the Worker Protection Standard and that involves contact with anything that has been treated, such as plants, soil, or water, is:
x coveralls
x chemical-resistant gloves made of any waterproof material
x shoes plus socks.
The requirements in this box apply to uses of this product that are NOT within the scope of the Worker Protection Standard for agricultural pesticides (40 CFR Part 170). The WPS applies when this product is used to produce agricultural plants on farms, forests, nurseries or greenhouses. Do not enter or allow others to enter until sprays have dried.
NOTICE: Tank mixing or use of this product with any other product which is not specifically and expressly authorized by the label shall be the exclusive risk of user, applicator and/or application advisor. Read and follow the entire label of each product to be used in the tank mix with this product.
x Not for indoor residential use.
NOTE TO REVIEWER: The following restrictions will only appear on commercial labels that contain uses for turf, ant mound and spot treatments, ornamental trees, shrubs and plants for non-agricultural and noncommercial use and commercial greenhouses.
x For use on turf, use limited to sod farms and golf courses, except when applying to mound or spot treatment for fire ant and harvester ant control.
x Do not apply with low pressure handwand except for control of fire ants as a mound treatment and when used on ornamental trees, shrubs and floral plants grown for non-agricultural or non-commercial use.
x For greenhouse use, use is limited to commercial greenhouses for use on ornamental, floral and foliage plants and tobacco (floatbed application).
x Do not apply through any type of irrigation equipment.
x Not for aerial application.
NOTE TO REVIEWER: The Chemigation box will not appear on commercial labels that contain a prohibition statement against applying through any type of irrigation system.
Apply to cranberries only by sprinkler irrigation systems. Do not apply by chemigation to any other crop or this crop using any other type of irrigation system.
Thoroughly clean all sprayer components prior to mixing. Add approximately 1/2 of the required amount of water to the spray tank and begin agitation. Add the required amount of ORTHENE 97 insecticide and mix thoroughly. Then add other tank mix partners or foliar feed additives and the remaining water. Maintain agitation during filling and spraying to ensure a uniform spray mixture.
{NOTE TO REVIEWER: This paragraph of the Mixing Instructions Section will not appear on commercial
labels with only non-food crop turf, tree and ornamental-type uses.}
For application equipment which has minimal agitation, such as tobacco transplant water equipment, proper
attention to mixing the ORTHENE 97 product should be given. With tobacco transplant water applications, the
ORTHENE 97 product should be premixed in water to form a slurry prior to putting the product into the
transplant water applicator. If premixing is not done, then adequate time should be allowed for the product to
dissolve in the transplant water prior to beginning application.
{NOTE TO REVIEWER: This paragraph of the Mixing Instructions Section will appear only on commercial labels with non-food crop turf, tree and ornamental-type uses.}
For application equipment which has minimal agitation, proper attention to mixing the ORTHENE 97 product should be given.
{NOTE TO REVEIWER: The following Spray Drift Management section will be used on commercial labels that contain crop uses.}
A variety of factors including weather conditions, (e.g., wind directions, wind speed, temperature, relative humidity) and method of application (e.g., ground, aerial, airblast, chemigation) can influence pesticide drift.
The applicator and grower must evaluate all factors and make appropriate adjustments when applying this product.
x All aerial, ground and air-assisted/airblast application equipment must be properly maintained and calibrated using water as carrier. [This sentence to be used for products NOT containing “NON-CROP AREAS – Wasteland”: Do not apply this product as an ultralow (ULV) spray, or in any carrier other than water. [This sentence to be used for products containing “NON-CROP AREAS – Wasteland: Do not apply this product as an ultralow (ULV) spray, or in any carrier other than water, except as specified in the instructions for “NON-CROP AREAS – Wasteland”.]
x Use the largest droplet size consistent with good pest control. Small droplets are more prone to spray drift and can be minimized by appropriate nozzle selection, by orienting nozzles away from the air stream as much as possible and by avoiding excessive spray boom pressure.
x Do not apply at wind speeds greater than 10 mph at the application site.
x Make applications when wind velocity favors on-target product deposition (approximately 3 to 10 mph).
x Apply as close to target plants as practical to obtain a good spray pattern for adequate coverage.
x For aerial applications, do not apply at heights greater than 10 feet (consistent with flight safety).
x For airblast applications, direct spray above foliage and turn off outward pointing nozzles at row ends and outer rows. Apply only when wind speed is 3 to 10 mph at the application site as measured by an anemometer outside of the treated area on the upwind side.
x For aerial applications, the spray boom should be mounted on the aircraft so as to minimize drift caused by wing tip vortices. The minimum practical boom length should be used and must not exceed 75% of wing span or rotor diameter. The boom width must not exceed 75% of the wing span or 90% of the rotary blade.
Use upwind swath displacement and apply only when wind speed is 3 to 10 mph as measured by an anemometer. Use medium or coarser spray according to the ASAE 572 definition for standard nozzles or VMD for spinning atomizer nozzles. If application includes a no-spray zone, do not release spray at a height greater than 10 feet above the ground.
x For ground boom applications, apply with nozzle height no more than 4 feet above the ground or crop canopy and when the wind speed is 10 mph or less at the application site as measured by an anemometer. Use medium or coarser spray according to the ASAE 572 definition for standard nozzles or VMD for spinning atomizer nozzles.
x Do not allow spray to drift from the application site and contact people, structures people occupy at any time and the associated property, parks and recreation areas, nontarget crops, aquatic and wetland areas, woodlands, pastures, rangelands or animals.
x The applicator also must use all other measures necessary to control drift. {NOTE TO REVIEWER: The following Spray Drift Management section will be used on commercial labels that contain only non-food crop turf, tree and ornamental-type uses.}
A variety of factors including weather conditions, (e.g., wind directions, wind speed, temperature, relative humidity) and method of application (e.g., ground, airblast) can influence pesticide drift. The applicator must evaluate all factors and make appropriate adjustments when applying this product.
x All application equipment must be properly maintained and calibrated using water as the carrier.
x Do not apply this product as an ultralow (ULV) spray or in any carrier other than water.
x Use the largest droplet size consistent with good pest control. Small droplets are more prone to spray drift and can be minimized by appropriate nozzle selection, by orienting nozzles away from the air stream as much as possible and by avoiding excessive spray boom pressure.
x Do not apply at wind speeds greater than 10 mph at the application site.
x Apply as close to target plants as practical to obtain a good spray pattern for adequate coverage.
x For airblast applications, direct spray above foliage and turn off outward pointing nozzles at row ends and outer rows. Apply only when wind speed is 3 to 10 mph at the application site as measured by an anemometer outside of the treated area on the upwind side.
x For ground boom applications, apply with nozzle height no more than 4 feet above the ground and when wind speed is 10 mph or less at the application site as measured by an anemometer. Use medium or coarser spray according to the ASAE 572 definition for standard nozzles or VMD for spinning atomizer nozzles.
x Do not allow spray to drift from the application site and contact people, structures people occupy at any time and the associated property, parks and recreation areas, nontarget crops, aquatic and wetland areas, woodlands, pastures, rangelands or animals.
x The applicator also must use all other measures necessary to control drift.
Registered for cultures |
Beans |
Celery |
Brussels sprouts |
Cauliflower |
Cotton |
Cranberries |
Lettuce |
Mint |
Citrus |