Sniper Helios
- Manufacturer
- Loveland Products
- Category
- Insecticides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 34704-858
- Active materials
- bifenthrin2 lb/gallon
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.
This product contains a Group 3 Insecticide. With repeated use of Group 3 insecticides as the primary method of control in the same field for successive years, insect/mite populations can develop resistant biotypes. If this occurs, insect/mite biotypes with acquired resistance to Group 3 insecticides may eventually dominate the insect/mite population. This may result in partial or total loss of control of those species by this product or other Group 3 insecticides.
To delay development of insecticide resistance, the following practices are recommended:
• Base insecticide applications on comprehensive IPM programs. This program should include an insect management program that includes cultural and biological control where possible.
• Use good resistance management strategies established for the use area. This may include the use of insecticide rotations or tank mixes with other groups of insecticide and miticides in an IPM program.
• Always apply Sniper Helios at the listed rates and according to label directions. Do not use less than listed label rates alone or in tank mixtures unless directed otherwise in supplemental labeling supplied by Loveland Products, Inc.
• Monitor treated populations in the field for loss of control. If poor performance cannot be attributed to improper application or extreme weather conditions, a resistant strain of insect may be present. Immediately consult your local Loveland Products, Inc. representative or agricultural advisor for the best alternative method of control in your area.
• Do not treat seedling plants grown for transplant in greenhouses, shade houses, or field plots.
• Consult your local extension specialist, certified crop advisor, and/or manufacturer for insecticide resistance management and/or IPM recommendations for the specific site and resistant pest problems.
Application Instructions
Rate of application is variable according to pest pressure, timing of sprays, and field scouting. Use lower rates under light to moderate infestations; higher rates under heavy insect pressure and for mite control. Arid climates generally require higher rates. Cultivation within 10 feet of water body is prohibited to allow for the growth of a vegetated filter strip. In New York State, this product may not be applied within 100 feet (using ground equipment) to 300 feet (using aerial equipment) of coastal marshes or streams that drain into coastal marshes.
Registered for cultures |
Alfalfa |
Artichokes |
Broccoli |
Brussels sprouts |
Cabbages |
Cauliflower |
Chinese broccoli |
Kohlrabi |
Caneberries |
Canola |
Citrus |
Cilantro |
Coriander |
Corn |
Sweet corn |
Cotton |
Cucurbits |
Beans |
Peas |
Hops |