Staple LX

Registered until
Registration number

It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency in your State responsible for pesticide regulation.
STAPLE LX must be used only in accordance with the directions on this label or in separate published DuPont directions.
DuPont will not be responsible for losses or damages resulting from the use of this product in any manner not specifically instructed by this label. User assumes all risk associated with such non-labeled use.

When herbicides that affect the same biological site of action are used repeatedly over several years to control the same weed species in the same field, naturally-occurring resistant biotypes may survive a correctly applied herbicide treatment, propagate, and become dominant in that field. Adequate control of these resistant weed biotypes cannot be expected. If weed control is unsatisfactory, it may be necessary to retreat the problem area using a product
affecting a different site of action.
To better manage herbicide resistance through delaying the proliferation and possible dominance of herbicide resistant weed biotypes, it may be necessary to change cultural practices within and between crop seasons such as using a combination of tillage, retreatment, tank-mix partners and/or sequential herbicide applications that have a different site of action. Weed escapes that are allowed to go to seed will promote the spread of resistant biotypes.
It is advisable to keep accurate records of pesticides applied to individual fields to help obtain information on the spread and dispersal of resistant biotypes. Consult your agricultural dealer, consultant, applicator, and/or appropriate state agricultural extension service representative for specific alternative cultural practices or herbicide recommendations available in your area.

Weather: Conditions which are conducive to healthy, actively growing weeds optimize DuPont STAPLE LX postemergence weed control performance. Ideal conditions include warm soil temperatures (70 Deg. F or more) and adequate soil moisture before, during and immediately after application.
Rainfastness: Rainfall immediately after treatment may wash
STAPLE LX off the weed foliage and result in reduced weed control. A minimum of 4 hours is needed to allow STAPLE LX to be absorbed by weed foliage.

Ground Application - Apply uniformly by ground with a properly calibrated low pressure (20-40 psi) stabilized boom or cultivator mounted sprayer with appropriate nozzles for the intended application method. Use a minimum of 10 gal. water per acre. Under heavy weed pressure or dense crop foliage, increase minimum spray volume to 20-40 gal. per acre. Aerial Application (except Arizona and California) - Use orifice discs, cores and nozzle types and arrangements that will provide for optimum spray distribution and maximum coverage at a minimum of 3 GPA. Do not apply during inversion conditions, when winds are gusty, or when other conditions will favor poor coverage and/or drift.

Annual broadleaf weeds may have more than one flush of emerging seedlings. Also, regrowth of treated annual weeds may occur due to application being made to weeds under stress from adverse growing conditions. To control weeds under these conditions, a sequential application of STAPLE LX may be necessary.
If a respray of treated annual weeds is necessary, allow the weeds to begin to regrow prior to making a second application of STAPLE LX.
When using STAPLE LX in sequential treatment program, allow a minimum of 7 days between applications.

• Do not exceed 2.1 fl oz/A preemergence.
• Do not exceed 3.8 fl oz/A in a single postemergence application.
• Do not exceed 5.1 fl oz per acre per year.
• In West Texas (broadly defined as West of Highway 83), do not apply more than 3.2 fluid ounces total per acre per year. Where continuous cotton is grown, do not apply more than 5.1 fluid ounces total per acre per year.
• Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
• Do not apply to irrigated land where tail water will be used to irrigate crops other than cotton.
• Do not apply within 60 days of harvest.

Registered for cultures