- Manufacturer
- Category
- Insecticides
- Registered until
- Registration expired
- Registration number
- 264-330
- Active materials
- aldicarb1.5 lb/gallon
It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Read entire label before using this product.
TEMIK brand 15G Aldicarb Pesticide controls listed insects, mites, and nematodes. When applied into moist soil at planting and/or postemergence the active ingredient aldicarb is rapidly absorbed by roots and translocated to all parts of the plant. Rainfall or irrigation soon after application will ensure prompt uptake of aldicarb; however, if irrigation is necessary care should be taken not to over irrigate to reduce the potential for residues leaching to ground water. Control often lasts more than six weeks varying with growing conditions, rate of use, and pests. Crop yields are usually increased with treatments of TEMIK brand 15G Aldicarb Pesticide.
Use TEMIK brand 15G Aldicarb Pesticide only in accordance with label directions, and restrictions. DO NOT USE ON ANY CROP NOT LISTED ON THIS LABEL OR SUPPLEMENTAL LABELING. Use higher rates on heavy organic or clay soils. Do not exceed the maximum label rate.
Application may only be made using motorized ground application equipment. Application using aircraft, backpack spreaders, or push- type spreaders is prohibited. Additional restrictions on application equipment pertain to use on sweet potatoes.
Make side-dress applications close enough to plants to allow good uptake by the roots without injury to the plants from root pruning. In irrigated areas, follow application with irrigation within one week. If alternate furrows are irrigated after side-dress application, TEMIK brand 15G Aldicarb Pesticide and water must be on the same side of the plant row.
Calibrate and adjust ground application equipment to insure proper rate and accurate placement. Clean application equipment thoroughly after use. For any left over material, see instructions for STORAGE AND DISPOSAL in this booklet.
Deep disk any spills at row ends immediately to prevent birds from feeding on exposed granules.
Store unused TEMIK brand 15G Aldicarb Pesticide in original container only, in secure, well ventilated clean dry area out of reach of children and animals. Do not store in areas where temperature averages 115°F (46°C) or greater. Do not store in or around the home or home garden.
Do not plant any crop not listed on this label in soil treated with TEMIK brand 15G Aldicarb Pesticide within 10 months after the last application with the following exceptions:
Six-month plantback restriction
Do not plant wheat or barley within 6 months after last application.
Do not plant bulb crops (such as onions or garlic) within 6 months after the last application.
Do not plant brassica crops (such as broccoli or cabbage) within 6 months after the last application.
Eight-month plantback restriction
Do not plant corn within 8 months of last application.
Do not plant melons within 8 months after last application.
Do not plant other cucurbits (such as cucumbers and squash) within 8 months after last application.
Do not plant fruiting vegetables (such as tomatoes or eggplant) within 8 months after the last application.
Do not allow livestock to graze in treated areas before harvest.
Pesticidal activity of TEMIK brand 15G Aldicarb Pesticide is not affected by normal applications of fertilizers or other pesticides. Its effectiveness may be reduced or lost if applied with alkaline materials such as lime. To minimize potential exposure hazards, do not mix TEMIK brand 15G Aldicarb Pesticide with other materials before application.
The maximum single at-plant application rate is 7 pounds per acre. See application restrictions on vulnerable soils.
The maximum single side-dress application rate is 5 pounds per acre. See application restrictions on vulnerable soils.
Do not exceed a total of 12 pounds per acre per year for all applications to cotton. See application restrictions on vulnerable soils where a combination of an At-Planting and Side Dress application is planned.
Apply only between March 1 and September 1 when used in California.
Do not make more than one at-planting application and one postemergence application per crop per year.
Make side-dress applications close enough to plants to allow good uptake by the roots without injury to the plants from root pruning.
Do not apply within 90 days of harvest.
Do not feed cotton forage to livestock or allow livestock to graze in treated area.
Immediately deep-disk any spills at row ends or elsewhere to ensure the granules are covered with a layer of soil.
For use only in Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Michigan.
Do not exceed a total of 14 pounds per acre per season.
Treatments in excess of 5.5 ounces per 1000 feet of row (5 pounds per acre on 36 inch rows) made directly to the seed furrow may delay plant emergence and reduce plant stand.
Do not make more than one application per crop per year.
Do not harvest within 90 days of treatment.
Do not feed green forage, hay or straw to livestock.
Do not allow livestock to graze in treated areas before harvest.
Do not use green pods as food for humans.
Immediately deep-disk any spills at row ends or elsewhere to ensure the granules are covered with a layer of soil.
Do not make more than one application per crop per year in states other than Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia.
The maximum single at-plant application rate is 7 pounds per acre. See application restrictions on vulnerable soils.
The maximum single Pegging application rate is 10 pounds per acre. See application restrictions on vulnerable soils.
Do not exceed a total of 17 pounds per acre per year for all applications to peanuts. See application restrictions on vulnerable soils where a combination of an At-Planting and pegging application is planned.
Post-emergence applications are permitted only in fields where overhead irrigation is available.
Do not make the split application to Spanish peanuts or other short season varieties (a minimum of 90 days is required between pegging applications and harvest).
Do not harvest within 90 days of application.
Do not hog-off treated fields.
Do not allow livestock to graze in treated areas before harvest.
Do not feed hay or vines to livestock.
Immediately deep-disk any spills at row ends or elsewhere to ensure the granules are covered with a layer of soil.
For use only in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.
Do not make more than one application per crop per year.
Do not harvest within 90 days of treatment.
Do not allow livestock to graze in treated areas before harvest.
Do not feed green forage, hay, or straw to livestock.
Treatments in excess of 5.5 oz per 1000 feet of row (6 pounds per acre on 30 inch rows) made directly to the seed furrow may delay plant emergence and reduce plant stand.
Immediately deep-disk any spills at row ends or elsewhere to ensure the granules are covered with a layer of soil.
For use only in California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming.
Apply only between March 1 and September 1 when used in California.
Do not exceed a total of 28 pounds per acre per year in California and 33 pounds per acre per year in other states for all applications to sugar beets.
Do not make more than one at planting application and two postemergence applications per crop per year.
Do not apply within 90 days of harvest.
If tops are to be fed to livestock, do not apply within 120 days of harvest.
Do not use tops as food for humans.
Treatments in excess of 4.5 ounces per 1000 ft of row (7 pounds per acre on 22 inch rows) made directly in the seed furrow may delay plant emergence and reduce plant stand.
Immediately deep-disk any spills at row ends or elsewhere to ensure the granules are covered with a layer of soil.
For use only in Louisiana and Mississippi.
Maximum single application rate is 20 pounds per acre per year.
Do not make more than one application per crop per year.
Do not harvest within 120 days of application.
Do not feed sweet potato vines to livestock.
Immediately deep-disk any spills at row ends or elsewhere to ensure the granules are covered with a layer of soil.
Read the entire Directions for Use, Conditions, Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitations of Liability before using this product. If terms are not acceptable, return the unopened product container at once.
By using this product, user or buyer accepts the following Conditions, Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitations of Liability.
CONDITIONS: The directions for use of this product are believed to be adequate and must be followed carefully. However, it is impossible to eliminate all risks associated with the use of this product. Crop injury, ineffectiveness or other unintended consequences may result because of such factors as weather conditions, presence of other materials, or the manner of use or application, all of which are beyond the control of Bayer CropScience. To the extent allowed by applicable law, all such risks shall be assumed by the user or buyer.
Registered for cultures | Rate | Preharvest Interval |
Cotton | 2 - 7 lb | 90 |
Dry broad beans | 3.5 - 14 lb | 90 |
Peanuts | 7 - 10 lb | 90 |
Soybeans | 5 - 7 lb | 90 |
Sugar beets | 7 - 33 lb | 90 |
Sweet potatoes | 10 - 20 lb | 120 |