Troubadour 2F

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Directions for Use
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read all Directions for Use carefully before applying. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your state or tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

Product Information
Troubadour 2F Insecticide belongs to the diacylhydrazine class of insecticides and has a novel mode of action that mimics the action of the molting hormone of lepidopterous (moths, butterflies) larvae. Upon ingestion, larval stages of the order lepidoptera undergo an incomplete and developmentally lethal premature molt. This process interrupts and rapidly halts their feeding. Feeding typically ceases within hours of ingestion, although complete mortality of the larvae may take several days. Affected larvae often become lethargic and often develop discolored areas or bands between segments. Troubadour 2F Insecticide is a narrow spectrum insecticide that specifically targets Lepidoptera, making it an ideal tool for Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The selectivity of Troubadour 2F Insecticide allows beneficial insects and other arthropods to function unimpeded in the management of secondary pests while Troubadour 2F Insecticide provides control of troublesome lepidoptera pests.

Use Rate Determination
Carefully read, understand and follow label use rates and restrictions. Apply the amount specified in the following tables with properly calibrated aerial or ground spray equipment. Prepare only the amount of spray solution required to treat the measured acreage. Use the lower rates for light infestations of the target lepidopterous species and the higher rates for moderate to heavy infestations. Troubadour 2F Insecticide may be applied in either dilute or concentrate sprays so long as the application equipment is calibrated and adjusted to deliver thorough, uniform coverage. Use the specified amount of Troubadour 2F Insecticide per acre regardless of the spray volume used.

Application Timing
The activity of Troubadour 2F Insecticide is expressed primarily through ingestion by the target larvae. Consequently, the timing of application is dependent upon the feeding behavior of the target pest. For cryptic (internal) feeding larvae, application must be made prior to the time that surface feeding occurs, i.e., just prior to initiation of egg hatch. For foliar or surface feeding larvae, application may be made while active feeding is occurring. Reapplication may be required to protect new flushes of foliage, rapidly expanding fruit, or for extended infestations. The reapplication interval will vary depending upon how rapidly the crop is growing, the generation time of the target pest and the duration of the infestation. Troubadour 2F Insecticide is effective against all larval instars; however, it is good practice to make applications to early instars to minimize feeding damage. For best results, begin applications when threshold levels of moths, eggs or larvae occur. Consult the Cooperative Extension Service, or other qualified professional authorities, to determine the appropriate threshold and timing for application in your area.

Application Directions
Troubadour 2F Insecticide must be ingested by insect larvae to be fully effective. Applications must be in a manner that assures uniform and thorough coverage. Higher water volume and increased spray pressure generally provide better coverage.

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