Bacterial spot of tomato
Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria
Under wet conditions, leaves, stems, and fruits of pepper hosts will develop lesions that appear water soaked. Early leaf lesions start as small, brown spots that become sunken with necrotic centers. Spots generally do not enlarge more than 3 mm in diameter and are delineated by veins, potentially giving them an angular appearance. Spots may coalesce into larger blighted areas if conditions are conducive for disease development. Leaves may also turn yellow and drop prematurely. Fruit lesions start as green spots that become scabby blisters with age. After premature defoliation, fruit may develop sunscald due to canopy thinning. Major crop losses are primarily caused by: 1) blossom and fruit drop; and 2) fruit deformation due to lesions (primarily a quality issue) and sunscald.
Tomato plants affected by this bacterium share similar symptoms on the leaves and fruit. Coalescing spots form dark streaks on the leaflets, inducing leaf blighting and epinasty. Unlike in peppers, it is more common to see dead or affected foliage remain on the plant, causing it to appear burned or scorched. Tomato fruit symptoms form as tiny, raised blisters which increase in size over time. The scabby blisters are characterized by having raised margins and a sunken middle surrounded by an ephemeral halo.
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