Neoram 375 WG

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials


Fungicide Resistance Warning:

  • Neoram 375 WG Fungicide belongs to the Multi-site activity group (Group M1) of fungicides.
  • Fungicide resistance may occur due to natural genetic variability in fungal populations.
  • Resistant fungi may not be controlled by Neoram 375 WG, leading to reduced efficacy and possible yield loss.
  • ISAGRO Australia Ltd is not liable for losses resulting from the failure of Neoram 375 WG to control resistant fungi.


High Volume (Dilute Spraying):

  • Mix specified rates of Neoram 375 WG per 100 L of water.
  • Apply with sufficient water to thoroughly wet the crop to the point of run-off.
  • Adjust water volume based on crop size and bulk.

Low Volume (Concentrate Spraying):

  • Apply in sufficient water for thorough, even coverage of all plant parts.
  • Rate per hectare should be based on the high volume application.

Special Instructions for Tree and Vine Crop:

Dilute Spraying:

  1. Use a sprayer designed for high water volumes up to run-off.
  2. Set up and operate to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy.
  3. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to run-off, avoiding excessive run-off.
  4. Determine water volume through tests, industry guidelines, or expert advice.
  5. Add the specified product amount per 100L of water. Spray to run-off.
  6. Adjust dilute spray volume and sprayer settings as the crop grows.

Concentrate Spraying:

  1. Use a sprayer designed for concentrate spraying.
  2. Set up for even coverage throughout the crop canopy using chosen water volume.
  3. Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume for the crop canopy.
  4. Calculate the concentrate mixing rate based on the concentration factor.
  5. Adjust parameters as the crop grows.
  6. Do not use as a concentrate spray in seedling crops to avoid potential foliar damage.

Mixing and Application:

  • Slowly pour Neoram 375 WG into the three-quarters filled spray tank with active agitation.
  • Alternatively, premix in a bucket and add to the bulk of water with agitation.
  • Agitate before and during spraying.


  • Compatible with various insecticides, oils, and fungicides. Do not leave combined with Thiram or Ziram in the spray vat overnight.
  • Do not mix with alkaline materials or products containing calcium.


Re-entry Period:

  • Do not enter treated areas until spray deposits have dried.
  • Wear protective clothing when entry is necessary, and launder clothing after each day's use.

Protection of Wildlife, Fish, Crustaceans, and Environment:

  • Avoid contamination of streams, rivers, or waterways with the chemical or used containers.

Drift Warning:

  • Do not apply under conditions causing spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants or crops.

Storage and Disposal:

  • Store in the closed, original container in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area.
  • Dispose of empty containers in a landfill or burial pit following specific guidelines.
  • Do not burn empty containers or the product.

Safety Directions:

  • Can damage the eyes; avoid eye contact. Wash immediately if product comes into contact with eyes.
  • Wear goggles and a dust mask when opening the container and preparing the spray.
  • Use a disposable mist mask when using the prepared spray. Wash hands after use.
  • Wash goggles after each day's use.
Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Apricots0 l1
Cherries0 l1
Peaches0 l1
Nectarines0 l1
Plums0 l1
Almonds0 l1
Apples0 l1
Pears0 l1
Avocados0 l1
Citrus0 l1
Guavas0 l1
Lychee0 l1
Macadamia nuts0 l1
Mangoes0 l1
Mangosteen0 l1
Passionfruit0 l1
Rambutan0 l1
Grapes0 l1
Walnut0 l1
Bananas3.4 kg1
Beans3.4 - 4 kg1
Sweet peppers3.4 kg1
Carrots3.4 kg1
Celery3.4 kg1
Watermelon3.4 kg1
Cucumbers3.4 kg1
Lettuce3.4 kg1
Onions3.4 kg1
Parsnip3.4 kg1
Peas3.4 kg1
Potatoes2.5 - 3 kg1
Red beet3.4 kg1
Rhubarbs3.4 kg1
Chard3.4 kg1
Spinach3.4 kg1
Tobacco0 kg1
Tomatoes2.5 kg1