Spotted clover aphid

Therioaphis trifolii

Adults are 2 mm long, pale yellow-green, have 6 or more rows of spots across the body and may have wings. It is normally found on the underside of leaves. Nymphs are similar but smaller in size.

Adults and nymphs suck sap and inject a toxin into the plant. Initial symptom is a yellowing or whitening of the leaf veins. These leaves turn yellow, wilt and fall. Plant death can occur. Regrowth can be retarded. The spotted clover aphid causes severe damage to clovers in warm weather when rains arrive early. A large amount of sugary solution (honeydew) is secreted by aphids when the population is high; sometimes leading to black sooty mould, which can reduce plant growth.

All crop stages but this pest is more common in the warm months.

Crops attacked
Lucerne and annual medics. Another form of this species known as spotted clover aphid attacks clovers.


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