Clove X

DHM Agrochemicals
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A soluble concentrate containing 240 g/L (21.1% w/w) of 2,4-DB as the Sodium salt and 40 g/L (3.5% w/w) of MCPA as the Potassium salt.

For the control of a wide range of broad leaved weeds including charlock in wheat, barley and oats including undersown and direct re-seeds with clover.

IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the product label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.

Weeds: Buttercup, Corn Ranunculus arvensis; Fat Hen Chenopodium album; Penny-cress, Field Thlaspi arvense; Shepherds Purse Capsella bursa pastoris; Charlock Sinapis arvensis; Flixweed Descurainia sophia; Fumitory, Common Fumaria officinalis; Knotgrass Polygonum aviculare; Mustard, Treacle Erysimu cheiranthoides; Mustard, White Sinapis alba; Nettle, Small Urtica urens; Orache, Common Atriplex patula; Persicaria, Pale Polygonum lapathifolium; Poppy, Common Papaver rhoeas; Redshank Polygonum persicaria; Sow Thistle, Prickly Sonchus asper; Sow Thistle, Smooth Sonchus oleraceus; Bindweed, Black Fallopia convolvulus; Buttercup, BulbousButtercup, Creeping; Dock, Broadleaved; Dock, Curled; Hawkbit, Autumn; Horsetail, Field; Horsetail, Marsh; Plantain, Greater; Plantain, Hoary; Plantain, Ribwort; Sow Thistle, Perennial; Thistle, Creeping.
Rate: 7l/ha
Critical comments: maximum total dose - 7l per crop. Latest time of application: before 1st node detectable (BBCH31).

Weeds: Buttercup, Corn Ranunculus arvensis; Fat Hen Chenopodium album; Penny-cress, Field Thlaspi arvense; Shepherds Purse Capsella bursa pastoris; Charlock Sinapis arvensisFlixweed Descurainia sophiaFumitory, Common Fumaria officinalis; Knotgrass Polygonum aviculareMustard, Treacle Erysimu cheiranthoidesMustard, White Sinapis albaNettle, Small Urtica urensOrache, Common Atriplex patulaPersicaria, Pale Polygonum lapathifoliumPoppy, Common Papaver rhoeas; Redshank Polygonum persicariaSow Thistle, Prickly Sonchus asper; Sow Thistle, Smooth Sonchus oleraceus; Bindweed, Black Fallopia convolvulus; Buttercup, BulbousButtercup, Creeping; Dock, Broadleaved; Dock, Curled; Hawkbit, Autumn; Horsetail, Field; Horsetail, Marsh; Plantain, Greater; Plantain, Hoary; Plantain, Ribwort; Sow Thistle, Perennial; Thistle, Creeping.
Rate: 7l/ha
Critical comments: maximum total dose - 7lper year. 

ANNUAL WEED CONTROL Annual weeds will be best controlled if spraying is done while the majority of weeds are seedlings.
Susceptible up to 2 expanded true leaves
Complete or almost complete control of seedlings: Buttercup, Corn Ranunculus arvensis; Fat Hen Chenopodium album; Penny-cress, Field Thlaspi arvense; Shepherds Purse Capsella bursa pastoris.

Moderately Susceptible up to 2 expanded true leaves
Effective control of seedlings but not necessarily complete control: Charlock Sinapis arvensis; Flixweed Descurainia sophia; Fumitory, Common Fumaria officinalis; Knotgrass Polygonum aviculare; Mustard, Treacle Erysimu cheiranthoides; Mustard, White Sinapis alba; Nettle, Small Urtica urens; Orache, Common Atriplex patula; Persicaria, Pale Polygonum lapathifolium; Poppy, Common Papaver rhoea;s Redshank Polygonum persicaria; Sow Thistle, Prickly Sonchus asper; Sow Thistle, Smooth Sonchus oleraceus.

Moderately Resistant up to 2 expanded true leaves
Temporary suppression of seedlings, long-term control dependant on crop competition and weather: Bindweed, Black Fallopia convolvulus.

May be used on all commercial varieties of Winter and Spring sown Wheat, Barley and Oats. Not recommended for use on Rye.
Application rate: 7.0 L product/ha. Water volume: 100 - 400 L water/ha. Use a minimum of 225 litres water in dense stands of cereals or if weed growth is dense. Weed control in cereals: CLOVEX applied at 7.0 L/ha will control those annual weeds as indicated in the weed control table.

Winter Wheat, Barley and Oats (including undersown with red or white clover)
Latest time of application: Apply in the spring from the leaf sheath erect stage to before 1st node detectable (BBCH31). Do not apply in autumn, winter, during frosty weather or if frosts are expected following application.

Spring Wheat (including undersown with red or white clover) DO NOT use CLOVEX on established clovers or on lucerne
Latest time of application: Apply from the 5 leaf stage until before 1st node detectable (BBCH31).

Spring Barley and Oats (including undersown with red or white clover)
Latest time of application: Apply from 1 leaf fully expanded stage until before 1st node detectable (BBCH31). 

Undersown cereals
Application should be made when the cereal crop is at the correct growth stage (winter wheat from leaf sheath erect stage to before 1st node detectable stage, spring wheat from the 5 leaf stage to before 1st node detectable stage, spring barley and oats from 1 leaf fully expanded stage to before 1st node detectable stage) AND when the undersown crop of clover is at the correct growth stage (before 4th trifoliate leaf stage).

DO NOT use CLOVEX on established clovers or on lucerne
Application rate: 7.0 L product/ha. Water volume: 100 - 400 L water/ha. Use a minimum of 225 litres water in dense swards or if weed growth is dense. Weed control in grassland: CLOVEX applied at 7.0 L/ha will control the listed annual weeds and will control the listed perennial weeds as indicated in the weed control table. Biennial and perennial weeds should be sprayed during their period of maximum growth, usually when the flower buds are beginning to form. The response of perennial weeds to treatments is often variable with only the aerial parts killed, though often suppression will occur. The recovery of weeds will be reduced if the sward is growing vigorously at the time of treatment.

Grassland (Established)
Application timing: The time of application is best determined according to the growth stage of weeds present.
A top dressing 10 days before treatment is recommended to assist kill of weeds and subsequent recovery of the sward.

Newly Sown Leys
Application timing: Apply to young grass leys when the grasses have at least 4 leaves and have begun to tiller. Where several species of grass are present the timing should be dictated by the slowest developing species. Applications before tillering may cause a temporary check to growth.

Direct Re-seeds
Application timing: Apply after the 1st trifoliate leaf has appeared on the majority of the clovers ensuring that weeds are at the susceptible stage. With red clover some leaf deformity may be observed but subsequent growth will be normal.

DO NOT sow any crop into soil treated with CLOVEX for at least 3 months after application.

Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of CLOVEX. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. USE IMMEDIATELY following dilution. DO NOT allow diluted product to stand before use. Apply as a medium quality spray (as defined by BCPC). A spray pressure of 2-3 bar is recommended.

CLOVEX can be tank-mixed with other pesticides, please consult your DHM distributor or DHM Agrochemicals Ltd.

When herbicides with the same mode of action are used repeatedly over several years in the same field, selection of resistant biotypes can take place. These can propagate and may become dominating. A weed species is considered to be resistant to an herbicide if it survives a correctly applied treatment at the recommended dose. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. This should include integrating herbicides with a programme of cultural control measures. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer.

Registered for culturesRateBBCH
Spring barley7 l0 - 31
Winter barley7 l0 - 31
Winter oats7 l0 - 31
Spring oats7 l0 - 31
Winter wheat7 l0 - 31
Spring wheat7 l0 - 31
Grassland7 l0