Wild pansy

Viola tricolor

Growing form: Annual or biennial herb.
Height: 8–25 cm (3.2–10 in.). Stem ascending–erect, usually branched, glabrous.
Flower: Corolla zygomorphic, usually multicoloured (purple, yellow and white; each colour may be weak or not present at all), 1–2.5 cm (0.4–1 in.) wide; petals 5, longer than sepals, lowest with spur. Sepals 5. Stamens 5. Gynoecium fused, single-styled. Flowers solitary in axils, nodding.
Leaves: Alternate, quite short-stalked, stipulate. Rosette not present. Blade ovate–lanceolate, with rounded teeth (crenate), sometimes juicy. Stipules leafy, deeply lobed, tip lobe large, lanceolate, entire margin–toothed.
Fruit: 3-valved capsule.
Habitat: Lichen-dominated or meadow-like rocky outcrops, dry and sloping meadows, banks, fields, gardens, wastelands, sand fields, seaside beaches.
Flowering time: May–September.

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