Assure II

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Active materials

It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Dupont ASSurE II herbicide must be used only in accordance with the directions on this label, in separately issued labeling or exemptions under FIFrA (Supplemental Labels, Special Local Need registrations, FIFrA Section 18 exemptions, FIFrA 2(ee) Bulletins), or as otherwise permitted by FIFrA. Always read the entire label, including the Limitation of Warranty and Liability. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

• Do not feed forage, hay, or straw from treated areas to livestock unless stated otherwise under the specific crop use directions.
• Do not apply ASSurE II through any type of irrigation equipment.
• Do not contaminate any body of water.
• Do not use on lawns, walks, driveways, tennis courts, or similar areas.

Injury to or loss of desirable trees, vegetation, or adjacent sensitive crops may result from failure to observe the following:
• prevent drift of spray to desirable plants (refer to SprAY DrIFT MANAgEMENT section of this label).
• Take all necessary precautions to avoid all direct or indirect contact (such as spray drift) with non-target plants or areas. Most grass crops, including wheat, barley, rye, oats, sorghum, rice, and corn are highly sensitive to ASSurE II.
• Carefully observe all sprayer cleanup instructions both prior to and after using this product, as spray tank residue may damage crops other than those included in the crop rotation section.

Weed ReSiStance manaGement
ASSurE II herbicide, which contains the active ingredient quizalofop-p-ethyl, is a group 1 herbicide based on the mode of action classification system of the Weed Science Society of America. Quizalofop-p-ethyl is in the class of herbicides know as aryloxphenoxypropionates (Fops) within the group 1 herbicides that inhibit the enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) in weeds. proactively implementing diversified weed control strategies to minimize selection for weed populations resistant to one or more herbicides is a best practice. A diversified weed management program may include the use of multiple herbicides with different sites of action and overlapping weed spectrum with or without tillage operations and/or other cultural practices. research has demonstrated that using the labeled rate and directions for use is important to delay the selection for resistance.
The continued effectiveness of this product depends on the successful implementation of a weed resistance management program.
To aid in the prevention of developing weeds resistant to this product, users should:
- Scout fields before application to ensure herbicides and rates will be appropriate for the weed species and weed sizes present. - Start with a clean field, using either a burndown herbicide application or tillage.
- Control weeds early when they are relatively small (less than 4 inches).
- Apply full rates of Dupont ASSurE II herbicide for the most difficult to control weeds in the field at the specified time (correct weed size) to minimize weed escapes.
- Scout fields after application to detect weed escapes or shifts in control of weed species.
- Control weed escapes before they reproduce by seed or proliferate vegetatively.
- report any incidence of non-performance of this product against a particular weed to your Dupont representative, local retailer, or county extension agent.
- Contact your Dupont representative, crop advisor, or extension agent to find out if suspected resistant weeds to this MoA have been found in your region. If resistant biotypes of target weeds have been reported, use the application rates of this product specified for your local conditions. Tank mix products so that there are multiple effective sites of actions for each target weed.
- If resistance is suspected, treat weed escapes with an herbicide having a site of action other than group 1 and/or use nonchemical methods to remove escapes, as practical, with the goal of preventing further seed production.
- Suspected herbicide-resistant weeds may be identified by these indicators:
- Failure to control a weed species normally controlled by the herbicide at the dose applied, especially if control is achieved on adjacent weeds;
- A spreading patch of non-controlled plants of a particular weed species; and
- Surviving plants mixed with controlled individuals of the same species
Additionally, users should follow as many of the following herbicide resistance management practices as is practical:
- use a broad spectrum soil-applied herbicide with other sites of action as a foundation in a weed control program.
- utilize sequential applications of herbicides with alternative sites of action.
- rotate the use of this product with non-group 1 herbicides.
- Avoid making more than two applications of ASSurE II herbicide and any other group 1 herbicides within a single growing season unless mixed with an herbicide with a different site of action with an overlapping spectrum for the difficult-to-control weeds.
- Incorporate non-chemical weed control practices, such as mechanical cultivation, crop rotation, cover crops and weedfree crop seeds, as part of an integrated weed control program.
- use good agronomic principles that enhance crop development and crop competitiveness.
- Thoroughly clean plant residues from equipment before leaving fields suspected to contain resistant weeds.
- Manage weeds in and around fields, during and after harvest to reduce weed seed production.

Registered for cultures
Snap beans
Sugar beets