Delegate WG
- Manufacturer
- Dow AgroSciences
- Category
- Insecticides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 62719-541
- Active materials
- spinetoram250 g/kg
Mixing Directions
Delegate WG - Alone: Fill the spray tank with water to about 1/2 of the required spray volume. Start agitation and add the required amount of Delegate WG. Continue agitation while mixing and filling the spray tank to the required spray volume. Maintain sufflcient agitation during application to ensure uniformity of the spray mix. Do not allow water or spray mixture to back-siphon into the water source.
Delegate WG - Tank Mix: When tank mixing Delegate WG with other materials, a compatibility test (jar test) using relative proportions of the tank mix ingredients should be conducted prior to mixing ingredients in the spray tank. If foliar fertilizers are used, the jar test should be repeated with each batch of fertilizer utilizing the mixing water source. Vigorous, continuous agitation during mixing, fllling and throughout application is required for all tank mixes. Sparger pipe agitators generally provide the most effective agitation in spray tanks. To prevent foaming in the spray tank, avoid stirring or splashing air into the spray mixture
Mixing Order for Tank Mixes: Fill the spray tank with water to 1/4 to 1/3 of the required spray volume. Start agitation. Add different formulation types in the order indicated below, allowing time for complete dispersion and mixing after addition of each product. Allow extra dispersion and mixing time for dry fiowable products.
Add different formulation types in the following order:
1. Delegate WG and other water dispersible granules
2. Wettable powders Maintain agitation and flll spray tank to 3/4 of total spray volume. Then add:
3. Emulsiflable concentrates and water-based solutions
4. Spray adjuvants, surfactants, and oils
5. Foliar fertilizers
Finish fllling the spray tank. Maintain continuous agitation during mixing, flnal fllling and throughout application. If spraying and agitation must be stopped before the spray tank is empty, the materials may settle to the bottom. Settled materials must be resuspended before spraying is resumed. A sparger agitator is particularly useful for this purpose.
Premixing: Dry and fiowable formulations may be premixed with water (slurried) and added to the spray tank through a 20 to 35 mesh screen. This procedure assures good initial dispersion of these formulation types.
Spray Tank pH: A spray tank pH between 5.0 and 9.0 is suggested to achieve maximum performance of Delegate WG. If the water source is outside of this pH range, or tank mixing other pesticides, adjuvants, or foliar nutrients will cause the pH to fall outside this range, consider adjusting the spray tank pH to be between 5.0 and 9.0 before adding Delegate WG. To do this, add all other tank mix components first, then check the spray tank pH and adjust if desired, and then add Delegate WG. If you require additional information on how to adjust spray tank pH, contact your Dow AgroSciences representative.
Use of Adjuvants: Adjuvants may be used to improve control of dipterous and lepidopterous leafminers and thrips in situations where achieving uniform plant coverage is difflcult (such as a closed crop canopy or dense foliage), or penetration into waxy leaf surfaces is required.
Use only adjuvant products labeled for agricultural use and follow the manufacturer’s label directions. A nominal concentration of 1 to 2 quarts per 100 gallons (0.25 to 0.5% v/v) is generally sufflcient. • For lepidopterous leafminers, thrips and psyllids, citrus oils or horticultural oils may improve control.
- When using adjuvants, always conduct a jar test to determine the compatibility of the various components in the spray mixture. Crop safety should be evaluated in a small area of the crop whenever there is a significant change in spray mixture ingredients or source of water for the spray mixture.
- Do not use diesel fuel or pure mineral oil.
- When an adjuvant is to be used with this product, Dow AgroSciences recommends the use of a Chemical Producers and Distributors Association certified adjuvant.
Application Directions
Do not apply Delegate WG in greenhouses or other enclosed structures used for growing crops. Proper application techniques help ensure thorough spray coverage and correct dosage for optimum insect control. The following directions are provided for ground and aerial application of Delegate WG. Attention should be given to sprayer speed and calibration, wind speed, and foliar canopy to ensure adequate spray coverage.
Wind Direction and Speed
Only apply this product if the wind direction favors on-target deposition. Do not apply when the wind velocity exceeds 15 mph. Wind speed must be measured adjacent to the application site on the upwind side, immediately prior to application.
Temperature Inversion
Do not make aerial or ground applications into temperature inversions. Inversions are characterized by stable air and increasing temperatures with height above the ground. Mist or fog may indicate the presence of an inversion in humid areas. The applicator may detect the presence of an inversion by producing smoke and observing a smoke layer near the ground surface.
Droplet Size
Use only medium or coarser spray nozzles (for ground and non-ULV aerial application) according to ASABE Standard S572 definition for standard nozzles. In conditions of low humidity and high temperatures, applicators should use a coarser droplet size. Exceptions may be indicated for specific crop groups. Apply Delegate WG in a manner that achieves uniform coverage of the entire crop canopy but not past the point of runoff. For optimum control of target pests, complete and uniform spray coverage is essential. The spray volume required to achieve complete and uniform coverage will depend upon tree size and shape, leaf size, and density, and the application equipment used. To determine the required spray volume per acre, contact your state agricultural experiment station, certified pest control advisor, or extension specialist for assistance. Use of tree row volume is appropriate.
Groundboom Application
For groundboom applications, apply using a nozzle height of no more than 4 feet above the ground or crop canopy. For groundboom and airblast applications, turn off outward pointing nozzles at row ends and when spraying the outer two rows. To minimize spray loss over the top of the crop canopy spray must be directed into the canopy. Calibrate airblast application equipment and operate in a manner that achieves full displacement of the air within the crop canopy with air containing spray droplets.
Aerial Application
Apply in spray volume of 10 gallons or more per acre for trees, vines, grove or orchard crops. Nozzle configuration should provide a medium to fine droplet size per ASABE S-572 standard (see USDA-ARS or NAAA handbook). Guidance for ASABE S-572 nozzle configuration can be found at the following web site: Boom length must be less than 75% of wing or 85% of rotor span and swath adjustment (offset) to compensate for crosswinds. Observe minimum safe application height (maximum 12 feet for agricultural canopies). Use GPS equipment, swath markers or flagging to ensure proper application to the target area. Configure the boom nozzle used (e.g., at NAAA/ Operation Safe Fly-In) for both crosswind and near parallel winds. If application is made parallel to the wind direction, adjust swath width downward. Use swath adjustment (offset) to compensate for crosswinds. Do not apply under completely calm wind conditions. It is best to apply when wind speed is between 2 to 10 mph. Under conditions of low humidity and high temperatures, adjust spray volume and droplet size upward to compensate for evaporation of spray droplets. In tree crops, insect control by aerial application may be less than control by ground application because of reduced coverage.
Additional Requirements for Aerial Applications:
Mount the spray boom on the aircraft to minimize drift caused by wingtip or rotor vortices. Use the minimum practical boom length and do not exceed 75% of the wing span or 80% rotor diameter. Flight speed and nozzle orientation must be considered in determining droplet size. Spray must be released at the lowest height consistent with the pest control and flight safety. Do not release spray at a height greater than 10 feet above the crop canopy unless a greater height is required for aircraft safety. When applications are made with a cross-wind, the swath will be displaced downwind. The applicator must compensate for this displacement at the downwind edge of the application area by adjusting the path of the aircraft upwind.
Chemigation Application
Delegate WG may be applied through properly equipped chemigation systems for insect control in cranberry. Follow use directions for these crops in the Uses section of this label. Do not apply Delegate WG by chemigation to other labeled crops except as specified in Dow AgroSciences supplemental labeling or product bulletins.
Directions for Sprinkler Chemigation:
Apply this product only through sprinkler irrigation systems including: center pivot, lateral move, end tow, side (wheel) roll, traveler, solid set, or hand move. Do not apply this product through any other type of irrigation system. Sprinkler systems that deliver a low coefficient of uniformity such as certain water drive units are not recommended. For continuously moving systems, the mixture containing Delegate WG must be injected continuously and uniformly into the irrigation water line as the sprinkler is moving. If continuously moving irrigation equipment is used, apply in no more than 0.25 inch of water. For irrigation systems that do not move during operation, apply in no more than 0.25 inch of irrigation immediately before the end of the irrigation cycle.
Chemigation Equipment Preparation:
The following use directions are to be followed when this product is applied through irrigation systems. Thoroughly clean the chemigation system and tank of any fertilizer or chemical residues, and dispose of the residues according to state and federal laws. Flush the injection system with soap or a cleaning agent and water. Determine the amount of Delegate WG needed to cover the desired acreage. Mix according to instructions in the Mixing Directions section above, using a dilution concentrate matching your injector system requirements. Continually agitate the mixture during mixing and application.
Chemigation Equipment Calibration:
In order to calibrate the irrigation system and injector to apply the mixture containing Delegate WG, determine the following: 1) Calculate the number of acres irrigated by the system; 2) Calculate the amount of product required and premix; 3) Determine the irrigation rate and determine the number of minutes for the system to cover the intended treatment area; 4) Calculate the total gallons of insecticide mixture needed to cover the desired acreage. Divide the total gallons of insecticide mixture needed by the number of minutes (minus time to flush out) to cover the treatment area. This value equals the gallons per minute output that the injector or eductor must deliver. Convert the gallons per minute to milliliters or ounces per minute if needed. 5) Calibrate the injector pump with the system in operation at the desired irrigation rate. It is suggested that the injector pump/system be calibrated at least twice before operation, and the system should be monitored during operation.
Chemigation Equipment Requirements:
- The system must contain an air gap, an approved backflow prevention device, a functional check valve, vacuum relief valve (including inspection port), and low-pressure drain appropriately located on the irrigation pipeline to prevent water source contamination from back flow. Refer to the American Society of Agricultural Engineer's Engineering Practice 409 for more information or state specific regulations.
- The pesticide injection pipeline must contain a functional, automatic, quick-closing check valve to prevent the flow of fluid back toward the injection pump.
- The pesticide injection pipeline must also contain a functional normally closed, solenoid-operated valve located on the intake side of the injection pump and connected to the system interlock to prevent fluid from being withdrawn from the supply tank when the irrigation system is either automatically or manually shut down.
- The system must contain functional interlocking controls to automatically shut off the pesticide injection when the water pump motor stops.
- Systems must use a metering pump, such as a positive displacement injection pump (e.g., diaphragm pump) effectively designed and constructed of materials that are compatible with pesticides and capable of being fitted with a system interlock.
- To insure uniform mixing of the insecticide in the water line, inject the mixture in the center of the pipe diameter or just ahead of an elbow or tee in the irrigation line so that the turbulence created at those points will assist in mixing. The injection point must be located after all backflow prevention devices on the water line.
- The tank holding the insecticide mixture should be free of rust, fertilizer, sediment, and foreign material, and equipped with an in-line strainer situated between the tank and the injector point.
Chemigation Operation:
Start the water pump and irrigation system, and let the system achieve the desired pressure and speed before starting the injector. Check for leaks and uniformity and make repairs before 4 Specimen Label Revised 10-25-11 any chemigation takes place. Start the injection system and calibrate according to manufacturer's specifications. This procedure is necessary to deliver the desired rate per acre in a uniform manner. When the application is finished, allow the entire irrigation and injector system to be thoroughly flushed clean before stopping the system.
Chemigation Precautions:
- Crop injury, lack of effectiveness or illegal pesticide residues in the crop can result from non-uniform distribution of treated water.
- If you have questions about calibration, contact state extension service specialists, equipment manufacturers or other experts.
- Public water system means a system for the provision to the public of piped water for human consumption if such system has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves an average of at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year.
- A person knowledgeable of the chemigation system and responsible for its operation, or under the supervision of the responsible person, shall operate the system and make necessary adjustments should the need arise and continuously monitor the injection.
Chemigation Restrictions:
- Chemigation systems connected to public water systems must contain a functional, reduced-pressure zone, back flow preventer (RPZ) or the functional equivalent in the water supply line upstream from the point of pesticide introduction. As an option to the RPZ, the water from the public water system shoud be discharged into a reservoir tank prior to pesticide introduction. There shall be a complete physical break (air gap) between the flow outlet end of the fill pipe and the top or overflow rim of the reservoir tank of at least twice the inside diameter of the fill pipe.
- The pesticide injection pipeline must contain a functional, automatic, quickclosing check valve to prevent the flow of fluid back toward the injection.
- The pesticide injection pipeline must contain a functional, normally closed, solenoid-operated valve located on the intake side of the injection pump and connected to the system interlock to prevent fluid from being withdrawn from the supply tank when the irrigation system is either automatically or manually shut down.
- The system must contain functional interlocking controls to automatically shut off the pesticide injection pump when the water pump motor stops, or in cases where there is no water pump, when the water pressure decreases to the point where pesticide distribution is adversely affected.
- Systems must use a metering pump, such as a positive displacement injection pump (e.g., diaphragm pump) effectively designed and constructed of materials that are compatible with pesticides and capable of being fitted with a system interlock.
- Do not connect an irrigation system used for pesticide application (including greenhouse systems) to a public water system unless the pesticide label-prescribed safety devices for public water systems are in place with current certification. Specific local regulations may apply and must be followed.
- Do not apply when wind speed favors drift beyond the area intended for treatment. End guns must be turned off during the application if they irrigate nontarget areas.
- Do not allow irrigation water to collect or run off and pose a hazard to livestock, wells, or adjoining crops.
- Do not enter treated area during the reentry interval specified in the Agricultural Use Requirements section of this label unless required PPE is worn.
- Do not apply through sprinkler systems that deliver a low coefficient of uniformity such as certain water drive units.
Rotational Crop Restrictions
Only a crop approved for spinetoram use (Delegate WG or Radiant SC) may be immediately rotated to a treated field. All other crops may be rotated 30 days following last application.
Pests: banana rust thrips, Hawaiian flower thrips, lepidopterous larvae including banana moth
Rate: 4 – 5.5 (oz/acre)
Pests: armyworms, blueberry gall midge (suppression), blueberry maggot (suppression), cherry fruitworm, cranberry fruitworm, currant fruit fly (suppression), European grapevine moth, fireworms, gypsy moth, leafrollers, light brown apple moth, loopers, thrips (suppression)
Rate: 3 – 6 (oz/acre)
Pests: armyworm, European grapevine moth, green fruitworm, leafrollers, light brown apple moth, looper, raspberry fruitworm, sawfiy thrips (suppression), western raspberry fruitworm
Rate: 3 – 6 (oz/acre)
Pests: Asian citrus psyllid, citrus leafminer, citrus orangedog, katydids, lepidopterous larvae
Rate: 3 – 6 (oz/acre)
Pests: citrus thrips
Rate: 4 - 6 (oz/acre)
Pests: armyworms, currant fruit fiy (suppression), flreworms, gypsy moth, leafrollers, loopers, sparganothis fruitworm, thrips (suppression)
Rate: 3 – 6 (oz/acre)
Pests: carob moth
Rate: 7 (oz/acre)
Pests: navel orangeworm
Rate: 6-7 (oz/acre)
Pests: cutworm, European grapevine moth, grape berry moth, grape leaffolder, light brown apple moth, omnivorous leafroller, orange tortrix, redbanded leafroller, thrips, western grape leaf skeletonizer
Rate: 3 – 5 (oz/acre)
Pests: epidopterous larvae including: armyworms cutworms leafrollers loopers thrips (suppression)
Rate: 2.5 – 4 (oz/acre)
Pests: East of Rocky Mountains, codling moth, oriental fruit moth
Rate: 4.5 – 7 (oz/acre)
Pests: West of Rocky, Mountains codling moth, oriental fruit moth
Rate: 6 – 7 (oz/acre)
Pests: European corn borer, European grapevine moth, gypsy moth, laconobia, fruitworm, leafminers, leafrollers, lesser appleworm, light brown apple moth, thrips, tufted apple budmoth
Rate: 4.5 – 7 (oz/acre)
Pests: apple maggot (suppression), pear psylla, plum curculio (suppression)
Rate: 6 – 7 (oz/acre)
Pests: European grapevine moth filbertworm leafrollers thrips
Rate: 4 - 7 (oz/acre)
Pests: navel orangeworm
Rate: 6 - 7 (oz/acre)
Pests: peach twig borer (dormant spray)
Rate: 3 – 7 (oz/acre)
Pests: European grapevine moth, green fruitworm, leafminers, leafrollers, light brown apple moth, peach twig borer (in-season spray), thrips, tufted apple bud moth, western cherry fruit fly
Rate: 4.5 – 7 (oz/acre)
Pests: cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cingulata (suppression) oriental fruit moth plum curculio (suppression)
Rate: 6 – 7 (oz/acre)
Pests: peach twig borer (dormant spray)
Rate: 1.5 – 7 (oz/acre)
Pests: light brown apple moth, oblique-banded leafroller, peach twig borer (in-season spray), red-humped caterpillar, walnut caterpillar, walnut husk fiy
Rate: 3 – 7 (oz/acre)
Pests: codling moth, fall webworm, fllbertworm, hickory shuckworm, pecan nut casebearer
Rate: 4.5 – 7 (oz/acre)
Pests: navel orangeworm
Rate: 6 – 7 (oz/acre)
Pests: katydids, lepidopterous larvae, thrips
Rate: 4 – 7 (oz/acre)
Registered for cultures | Rate | Preharvest Interval |
Elderberries | 3 - 6 oz | 3 |
Huckleberries | 3 - 6 oz | 3 |
Juneberries | 3 - 6 oz | 3 |
Lingonberries | 3 - 6 oz | 3 |
Citrus | 3 - 6 oz | 1 |
Acerola | 4 - 7 oz | 1 |
Feijoa | 4 - 7 oz | 1 |
Guavas | 4 - 7 oz | 1 |
Jaboticaba | 4 - 7 oz | 1 |
Longan | 4 - 7 oz | 1 |
Bananas | 4 - 5.5 oz | 56 |
Plantain | 4 - 5.5 oz | 56 |
Blueberries | 3 - 6 oz | 3 |
Black currant | 3 - 6 oz | 3 |
Red currant | 3 - 6 oz | 3 |
White currant | 3 - 6 oz | 3 |
Gooseberries | 3 - 6 oz | 3 |
Blackberries | 3 - 6 oz | 1 |
Loganberry | 3 - 6 oz | 1 |
Raspberries | 3 - 6 oz | 1 |
Grapefruits | 3 - 6 oz | 1 |
Lemons | 3 - 6 oz | 1 |
Limes | 3 - 6 oz | 1 |
Oranges | 3 - 6 oz | 1 |
Tangerines | 3 - 6 oz | 1 |
Cranberries | 3 - 6 oz | 21 |
Dates | 7 oz | 7 |
Figs | 6 - 7 oz | 7 |
Grapes | 3 - 5 oz | 7 |
Hops | 2.5 - 4 oz | 1 |
Apples | 4.5 - 7 oz | 7 |
Crabapples | 4.5 - 7 oz | 7 |
Hawthorn | 4.5 - 7 oz | 7 |
Pears | 4.5 - 7 oz | 7 |
Quince | 4.5 - 7 oz | 7 |
Pomegranate | 4 - 7 oz | 1 |
Apricots | 3 - 7 oz | 14 |
Cherries | 3 - 7 oz | 14 |
Nectarines | 3 - 7 oz | 14 |
Peaches | 3 - 7 oz | 14 |
Plums | 3 - 7 oz | 14 |
Plumcot | 3 - 7 oz | 14 |
Almonds | 1.5 - 7 oz | 1 |
Cashews | 1.5 - 7 oz | 1 |
Chestnuts | 1.5 - 7 oz | 1 |
Hazelnuts | 1.5 - 7 oz | 1 |
Macadamia nuts | 1.5 - 7 oz | 1 |
Pecans | 1.5 - 7 oz | 1 |
Walnut | 1.5 - 7 oz | 1 |
Avocados | 4 - 7 oz | 1 |
Papayas | 4 - 7 oz | 1 |
Canistel | 4 - 7 oz | 1 |
Black sapotes | 4 - 7 oz | 1 |
Star apple | 4 - 7 oz | 1 |
Passionfruit | 4 - 7 oz | 1 |
Lychee | 4 - 7 oz | 1 |
Rambutan | 4 - 7 oz | 1 |