Adult moths in this family Geometridae are from small to large in size. They all have board wings. Most of the them have camouflaged wing patterns. These patterns are usually wavy lines extend across both fore and hind wings. These moths rest with a standard posture, holding wings outspread and tightly pressed against the surface on which they are resting, with the antenna held under forewing. This eliminates the shadow as well as the wings outline for a better camouflaged posture. Their antenna are simple or bipectinate. The thorax is usually clothed in short lamellar scales. They may have slender or stout body and usually with short smooth scales. Almost all Geometridae moths are active at night, They are weak fliers. Eggs are nearly always of the flat type, although some are upright. They may be lay singly, in pair or in groups. Most of the Caterpillars in this family Geometridae have only one or two pair of prolegs (instead of four pairs). The anal prolegs are well developed. The caterpillars move with curving their bodies into loops. This is why they commonly called Loopers. They are also known as Inch Worms because they apparently measuring off one inch at a time as they move. Some of them are called Twig Caterpillars because their resting posture camouflages as twig or stick.
The Geometridae caterpillars are usually hairless and with slender body. They are well camouflaged in green or brown in colour. Most of them feed on leaf and active during the night. Most of them feed and rest openly and do not have any shelter. Only a few species conceal themselves with leaves and loose silks. Most of the caterpillar in this family are easy to rear. They usually pupate in plant materials or in soil with a flimsy cocoon. Geometridae is a large family. We found many of them in Brisbane and listed as below. Some species the patterns on wings are variable. Shape of fore wings and hind wings help in the identification.
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