- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- 2016-12-31
- Registration number
- 100-1152
- Active materials
- S-metolachlor2.68 lb/gallon
- mesotrione268 lb/gallon
- atrazine1 lb/gallon
- Links
- LabelView
Lumax may be used preemergence and postemergence in the culture of field corn, field seed corn, and field corn silage. Lumax may also be used in the culture of sweet corn, yellow popcorn, and grain sorghum but the application must be made prior to crop emergence, (i.e., preemergence) or severe crop injury may occur.
Important: Always read and follow label instructions when buying or using this product.
Registered for cultures |
Corn |
Sorghum |