Nufarm Imazapic 2SL Herbicide

Registered until
Registration number

For weed control and/or turf height suppression, mix with water and an adjuvant and spray it on non-cropland areas specified on this label, on grassland that may be grazed or cut for hay, which can include Federal Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) land released for grazing and haying, and on rangeland (see "Instructions for Rangeland Use" elsewhere in the label), and pasture grasses.
This Product May Be Applied to the Following Noncropland Use Sites:
• rights-of-way (railroad, utility, pipeline and highway) railroad crossings
• utility plant sites
• petroleum tank farms pumping installations
• non-agricultural fence rows
• storage areas non-irrigation ditch banks
• prairie sites
• airports turf areas (on industrial, golf courses, recreation and non-residential sites)
This product may be used for weed control in order to release certain legumes, wildflowers, native prairiegrass, Wheatgrass, "wildtype" common Kentucky Bluegrass, Smooth Bromegrass, Bahiagrass, Bermudagrass and other grasses. For weed control during the establishment of native prairiegrass and other grasses, use this product as described in the "Revegetation with Prairiegrasses and other Forage Grasses" part of the label. This product kills plants because the herbicide inhibits the activity of the enzyme acetohydroxy acid syntha^c /.MAS or ALS). leaves, stems and roots readily absorb this product and translocate it throughout the plant where it accumulates h the meristomatic tissue. Treated plants stop growing soon afterwards. Chlorosis appears first in the newest leaves, and tissue death spreads from these points. It may require several days to several weeks for susceptible weeds to die. Knowing about the activity on the AHAS or ALS enzyme is important because some naturally occurring weed biotypes of labeled weeds may not be controlled by this product or other herbicides with tha inhibiting mode of action. If resistant weed biotypes are present in the field then this product and other herbicides with the same mode of action should be tank-mixed or applied sequentially with a registered herbicide with a different mode of action. Soil moisture is critical for optimum weed control. With adequate soil moisture this product will provide residual control of susceptible germinating weeds. Control of established weeds is dependent on the weed species and depth of the root system. This product is rainfast within one hour after application.
This product can be applied preemergence or postemergence to control annual and perennial grasses, broadleaf weeds and vine species and provide control of labeled weeds which germinate in the treated area. Direct application to the foliage of certain brush species and ornamentals could lead to injury. The best weed control is achieved when this product is applied as a postemergence application, especially on perennial species. Since this product must be taken up by the plant and translocated to the meristematic tissue before it becomes effective, weeds should be actively growing at the time of postemergence applications. All spray solutions should include an adjuvant (see "Spray Adjuvants for Postemergence Applications" section of this label). Applications may be made as broadcast treatments with ground spray equipment or as spot treatments with backpack sprayers. Even though this product may be applied in the dormant or growing season, the weeds need to be actively growing for maximum control.
This product can cause injury to desirable grass species if the application is made to grasses that are under stress due to disease, insect damage and/or other causes. Some yellowing of desirable grasses may occur after an application of this product made during the growing season. This is dependent upon weather conditions and is usually short lived (2 to 4 weeks). Newly seeded or sprigged grass stands should not be treated with this product unless approved on this label (see "Revegetation with Prairiegrass and other Forage Grasses" section of this label) or authorized by Nufarm in a supplemental label.

Precautions and Restrictions:
1. Do not apply to residential lawns, and residential areas.
2. Desirable trees and ornamental plants can be injured if rinsate from spray equipment used to apply this product is allowed to wash or move into contact with plant roots.
3. Do not apply this product to the inside of irrigation ditches.
4. This product may be applied to non-irrigation ditches and low lying areas as long as water has drained.
5. Do not use in greenhouses.