Paramount L

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Registration number

For weed control in grass grown for seed; fallow systems, preplan! and in-crop sorghum, and preplant wheat (see Crop-specific Information for geographic
limitations); noncrop areas; and pasture (including pasture grown for hay), rangeland, Conservation Reserve Program Land (CRP), and switchgrass establishment and maintenance

Use Information
Paramount L herbicide is for use in grass grown for seed; fallow systems, preplant and in-crop sorghum, and preplant wheat (see Crop-specific Information for geographic limitations); noncrop areas; and pasture (including pasture grown for hay), rangeland, Conservation Reserve Program Land (CRP), and switchgrass establishment and maintenance. Paramount L is formulated as a soluble liquid designed for dilution with water and spraying in common agricultural spray equipment. When used as directed, Paramount L will provide suppression or control of weed species listed in Table 1. For improved control, add a tank mix partner that is active on listed species.

Mode of Action
Paramount L is a systemic herbicide with plant uptake occurring through both foliage and roots. Resultant herbicide symptoms on susceptible plants include twisting, stunting, reddening and chlorosis. For annual weeds, symptoms may take up to two weeks after application to develop with death occurring in about
three weeks. For perennial weeds, symptoms may not be evident for several weeks after application; full effect may not be evident for 3 to 6 months.

Resistance Management
Paramount L has a low probability of selecting for resistant weed biotypes. However, repeated applications of a single mode of action in a weed management plan
increase the probability of selecting for naturally occurring biotypes with less susceptibility to herbicides using that mode of action. Therefore, weed management programs should include rotations using herbicides with different modes of action.

When making postemergence application, weeds must be thoroughly covered with spray because foliar uptake of Paramount L by the target weed is important for optimum control. Large leaf canopies shelter smaller weeds and can prevent adequate spray coverage.

Cleaning Spray Equipment
Clean spray equipment thoroughly using a strong detergent or commercial sprayer cleaner according to the manufacturer's directions before and after applying this product.

Application Instructions
Based on the uses described in this label, apply Paramount L by ground application equipment when possible. Paramount L may also be applied using aerial
application equipment in certain states (see Table 2A and Table 2B). In all aerial applications, read and follow all drift management guidelines in this labeling. Paramount L herbicide may be applied as either a broadcast or spot spray application. Application must be made to actively growing weeds.
For the most effective control of most broadleaf weeds, apply Paramount L early when weeds are small. Delaying application permits weeds to exceed the maximum size and may prevent adequate control. In irrigated areas, irrigate before treatment to ensure active weed growth.