Pasada 1.6F

Registered until
Registration expired
Registration number
Active materials

RESTRICTION: Do not apply Pasada 1.6F Flowable Insecticide in enclosed structures such as planthouses or greenhouses. Apply foliar applications of Pasada 1.6F Flowable Insecticide as a directed or a broadcast foliar spray. Thorough coverage of foliage is necessary without runoff for optimum insecticidal efficacy. Use adequate spray volumes, properly calibrated application equipment, and spray adjuvant if necessary to obtain thorough coverage. Failure to provide adequate coverage and retention of Pasada 1.6F Flowable Insecticide on leaves and fruit may result in loss of insect control or delay in onset of activity. Apply Pasada 1.6F Flowable Insecticide with properly calibrated ground or aerial application equipment. Minimum spray volumes, unless otherwise specified on crop-specific application sections, are 10 gallons per acre by ground and 5 gallons per acre by air. Pasada 1.6F Flowable Insecticide may also be applied by overhead chemigation (see additional information in CHEMIGATION section of this label below) if allowed in crop-specific application section.
Pasada 1.6F Flowable Insecticide is not allowed for use on crops grown for production of true seed intended for private or commercial planting unless specified under state-specific 24(c) labeling. Do not allow exposure of Pasada 1.6F Flowable Insecticide to honeybees.
RESTRICTION: Regardless of formulation or method of application, do not apply more than 0.5 pounds of active ingredient imidacloprid per acre per year, including seed treatment, soil, and foliar uses, unless specified within a crop-specific application section for a given crop.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Cotton2.5 - 5 fl oz14
Peanuts3.5 fl oz14
Potatoes3.8 fl oz7
Tobacco2 - 4 fl oz14
Eggplant3.8 - 6.2 fl oz5
Ground cherries3.8 - 6.2 fl oz5
Okra3.8 - 6.2 fl oz5
Peppers3.8 - 6.2 fl oz5
Chili3.8 - 6.2 fl oz5
Sweet peppers3.8 - 6.2 fl oz5
Tomatoes3.8 - 6.2 fl oz5
Pepinos3.8 - 6.2 fl oz5
Tomatillos3.8 - 6.2 fl oz5
Artichokes4 - 10 fl oz14
Herbs3.5 fl oz7
Basil3.5 fl oz7
Borage3.5 fl oz7
Chamomile3.5 fl oz7
Chervil3.5 fl oz7
Chives3.5 fl oz7
Clary3.5 fl oz7
Coriander3.5 fl oz7
Cilantro3.5 fl oz7
Parsley3.5 fl oz7
Costmary3.5 fl oz7
Culantro3.5 fl oz7
Dill3.5 fl oz7
Horehounds3.5 fl oz7
Hyssop3.5 fl oz7
Lavender3.5 fl oz7
Lemongrass3.5 fl oz7
Lovage3.5 fl oz7
Marigold3.5 fl oz7
Marjoram3.5 fl oz7
Parsley3.5 fl oz7
Rosemary3.5 fl oz7
Sage3.5 fl oz7
Savory3.5 fl oz7
Bay laurel3.5 fl oz7
Tarragon3.5 fl oz7
Thyme3.5 fl oz7
Woodruff3.5 fl oz7
Broccoli3.8 fl oz7
Rapini3.8 fl oz7
Brussels sprouts3.8 fl oz7
Cabbage3.8 fl oz7
Cauliflower3.8 fl oz7
Chinese broccoli3.8 fl oz7
Chinese cabbage3.8 fl oz7
Bok choy3.8 fl oz7
Chinese mustard3.8 fl oz7
Gai Choy3.8 fl oz7
Collard greens3.8 fl oz7
Chinese cabbage3.8 fl oz7
Kale3.8 fl oz7
Kohlrabi3.8 fl oz7
Mizuna3.8 fl oz7
Mustard greens3.8 fl oz7
Mustard spinach3.8 fl oz7
Rape greens3.8 fl oz7
Amaranth3.8 fl oz7
Arugula3.8 fl oz7
Corn salad3.8 fl oz7
Cress3.8 fl oz7
Endive3.8 fl oz7
Lettuce3.8 fl oz7
Orach, atriplex3.8 fl oz7
Purslanes3.8 fl oz7
Radicchio3.8 fl oz7
Spinach3.8 fl oz7
New zealand spinach3.8 fl oz7
Cress3.8 fl oz7
Beans3.5 fl oz7
Peas3.5 fl oz7
Dry broad beans3.5 fl oz7
Lupines3.5 fl oz7
Kidney beans3.5 fl oz7
Dry lima beans3.5 fl oz7
Navy beans3.5 fl oz7
Pinto beans3.5 fl oz7
Runner beans3.5 fl oz7
Snap beans3.5 fl oz7
Tepary beans3.5 fl oz7
Wax beans3.5 fl oz7
Adzuki beans3.5 fl oz7
Asparagus3.5 fl oz7
Blackeyed peas3.5 fl oz7
Catjang peas3.5 fl oz7
Chinese long beans3.5 fl oz7
Cowpea3.5 fl oz7
Crowder peas3.5 fl oz7
Moth beans3.5 fl oz7
Mung beans3.5 fl oz7
Rice beans3.5 fl oz7
Southern peas3.5 fl oz7
Snow peas3.5 fl oz7
Chickpeas3.5 fl oz7
Garbanzo beans3.5 fl oz7
Guars3.5 fl oz7
Lablab beans3.5 fl oz7
Lentils3.5 fl oz7
Pigeon peas3.5 fl oz7
Soybeans3.5 fl oz7
Red beet3.5 fl oz7
Edible burdock3.5 fl oz7
Carrots3.5 fl oz7
Celeriac3.5 fl oz7
Chicory3.5 fl oz7
Ginseng3.5 fl oz7
Horseradish3.5 fl oz7
Kava3.5 fl oz7
Parsnip3.5 fl oz7
Radishes3.5 fl oz7
Rutabagas3.5 fl oz7
Salsify3.5 fl oz7
Skirrets3.5 fl oz7
Turnips3.5 fl oz7
Arracacha3.5 fl oz7
Arrowroots3.5 fl oz7
Artichokes3.5 fl oz7
Chinese artichoke3.5 fl oz7
Cassava3.5 fl oz7
Chayote3.5 fl oz7
Chufas3.5 fl oz7
Taro, dasheen3.5 fl oz7
Ginger3.5 fl oz7
Leren3.5 fl oz7
Sweet potatoes3.5 fl oz7
Turmeric3.5 fl oz7
Bean yam3.5 fl oz7
True yam3.5 fl oz7
Strawberries3.8 fl oz7
Bananas8 fl oz
Plantain8 fl oz
Blueberries3 - 8 fl oz3
Black currant3 - 8 fl oz3
Red currant3 - 8 fl oz3
White currant3 - 8 fl oz3
Elderberries3 - 8 fl oz3
Gooseberries3 - 8 fl oz3
Huckleberries3 - 8 fl oz3
Juneberries3 - 8 fl oz3
Caneberries8 fl oz3
Blackberries8 fl oz3
Boysenberries8 fl oz3
Loganberry8 fl oz3
Raspberries8 fl oz3
Caneberries8 fl oz3
Citrus10 - 20 fl oz
Calamondin10 - 20 fl oz
Citron10 - 20 fl oz
Tangelo10 - 20 fl oz
Tangor10 - 20 fl oz
Grapefruits10 - 20 fl oz
Kumquats10 - 20 fl oz
Lemons10 - 20 fl oz
Limes10 - 20 fl oz
Mandarins10 - 20 fl oz
Tangerines10 - 20 fl oz
Oranges10 - 20 fl oz
Satsumas10 - 20 fl oz
Coffee8 fl oz7
Grapes3 - 4 fl oz
Hops8 fl oz28
Apples4 - 20 fl oz7
Crabapples4 - 20 fl oz7
Loquat4 - 20 fl oz7
Hawthorn4 - 20 fl oz7
Pears4 - 20 fl oz7
Quince4 - 20 fl oz7
Pomegranate8 fl oz7
Apricots4 - 8 fl oz
Cherries4 - 8 fl oz7
Nectarines4 - 8 fl oz
Plums4 - 8 fl oz7
Mirabelle prune4 - 8 fl oz7
Peaches4 - 8 fl oz
Damson4 - 8 fl oz
Plumcot4 - 8 fl oz7
Beechnuts3.8 - 8 fl oz7
Brazil nuts3.8 - 8 fl oz7
Butternuts3.8 - 8 fl oz7
Cashews3.8 - 8 fl oz7
Chestnuts3.8 - 8 fl oz7
Chinquapins3.8 - 8 fl oz7
Hazelnuts3.8 - 8 fl oz7
Hickory nuts3.8 - 8 fl oz7
Macadamia nuts3.8 - 8 fl oz7
Pecans3.8 - 8 fl oz7
Pistachios3.8 - 8 fl oz7
Walnut3.8 - 8 fl oz7
Acerola8 fl oz7
Avocados8 fl oz7
Black sapotes8 fl oz7
Canistel8 fl oz7
Feijoa8 fl oz7
Jaboticaba8 fl oz7
Guavas8 fl oz7
Llama8 fl oz7
Longan8 fl oz7
Lychee8 fl oz7
Mamey sapotes8 fl oz7
Mangoes8 fl oz7
Papayas8 fl oz7
Passionfruit8 fl oz7
Persimmons8 fl oz7
Pulasan8 fl oz7
Rambutan8 fl oz7
Sapodilla8 fl oz7
Soursop8 fl oz7
Limes8 fl oz7
Star apple8 fl oz7
Wax jambu8 fl oz7