Cherry fruit fly

Rhagoletis spp.

Cherry fruit flies are about 1/4 inch long, or about the size of a house fly. Both the eastern cherry fruit fly and the black cherry fruit fly have a black thorax, and a black abdomen with white stripes. The two cherry fruit flies have distinct bands on clear wings that can easily be seen with the naked eye. The bands of the black cherry fruit fly are black, while those of the eastern cherry fruit fly are grayish, and the bands on each species have distinctly different patterns. Cherry fruit fly adults are nearly twice as large as SWD adults.
Damage: Cherry fruit flies turn the cherry fruit flesh brown and will often eat the majority of the flesh inside a cherry, making the fruit unacceptable for either eating fresh or for pies. Cherries infested with maggots often decay or develop brown rot. Cherry fruit flies are locally abundant in southern Minnesota, where some trees will have a maggot in nearly every cherry.