Honeyvine milkweed
Cynanchum laeve
Honeyvine milkweed is a twining perennial vine. Characteristics distinguishing it from other perennial vines include opposite (2 leaves per node), heart-shaped leaves and whitish, vase-shaped flowers that form in axillary clusters. Also, foliage exudes a cloudy sap if crushed or cut. The plant reproduces by seeds and horizontal spreading roots.
Stems: The viney stems are smooth, slender, twining, usually climbing but sometimes trailing, and up to 20 feet long.
Leaves: Leaves are opposite (2 leaves per node), 3 to 7 inches long, deep green, smooth, waxy, and thin. Leaves have deep, heart-shaped bases and elongated, pointed tips. They attach to the stem by way of long, slender leaf stalks (petioles).
Flowers: Flowers, which consist of 5, whitish, upright petals that are about 1/4 inch long, are vase-shaped and arise at leaf axils in clusters on short stalks.
Fruits and Seeds: Seed pods are 3 to 6 inches long, smooth, green, and usually paired. Pods split open along one side when mature releasing numerous seeds. Seeds are brown, oval, flattened, horseshoe-shaped, and have a tuft of silky-white hair attached to one end.
Plant Protection Products
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