F9021-2 SE

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F9021-2 SE Herbicide is a selective soil-applied herbicide for the control of susceptible broadleaf, grass and sedge weeds. F9021-2
SE Herbicide is formulated as a 2 pounds per gallon suspo-emulsion containing the active ingredient, sulfentrazone. If adequate moisture (1/2" to 1") from rainfall or irrigation is not received within 7 to 10 days after the F9021-2 SE Herbicide treatment, a shallow incorporation may be needed to obtain desired weed control. When activating moisture is received after dry conditions, F9021-2 SE Herbicide will provide a reduced level of control of susceptible germinating weeds. Soil applications of F9021-2 SE Herbicide must be made before crop seed germination to prevent injury to the emerging crop seedlings. When applications after planting are delayed, injury may occur if seeds are germinating or if they are located near the soil surface Observe all instructions, crop restrictions, mixing directions, application precautions, replanting directions, rotational crop guidelines and other label information of each product when tank mixing with F9021-2 SE Herbicide.
Proper handling instructions: F9021-2 SE Herbicide may not be mixed or loaded within 50 feet of any wells (including abandoned wells and drainage wells), sinkholes, perennial or intermittent streams and rivers, and natural or impounded lakes and reservoirs. This setback does not apply to properly capped or plugged abandoned wells and does not apply to impervious pads or properly diked mixing/loading areas.
Operations that involve mixing, loading, rinsing, or washing of this product into or from pesticide handling or application equipment or containers within 50 feet of any well are prohibited unless conducted on an impervious pad constructed to withstand the weight of the heaviest load that may be positioned on or moved across the pad. Such a pad shall be designed and maintained to contain any product spills or equipment leaks, container or equipment rinse or washwater, and rainwater that may fall on the pad. Surface water shall not be allowed to either flow over or from the pad, which means the pad must be self-contained. The pad shall be sloped to facilitate material removal. An unroofed pad shall be of sufficient capacity to contain at a minimum 110% of the capacity of the largest pesticide container or application equipment on the pad. A pad that is covered by a roof of sufficient size to completely exclude precipitation from contact with the pad shall have a minimum containment capacity of 100% of the capacity of the largest pesticide container or application equipment on the pad. Containment capacities as described above shall be maintained at all times. The above specific minimum containment capacities do not apply to vehicles when delivering pesticide shipments to the mixing/loading site. States may have in effect additional requirements regarding wellhead setbacks and operational containment. Product must be used in a manner that will prevent back siphoning in wells, spills or improper disposal of excess pesticide, spray mixtures or rinsates.

F9021-2 SE Herbicide may be applied to soil as a preplant incorporated treatment or as a pre-emergence (prior to weed and/or crop emergence) surface application. Additional application methods include post-plant treatments, over-the-top and layby, in various crops. Application methods are defined in the following Crop Use Directions sections.
Preplant incorporated treatments require a uniform surface application followed by incorporation. Do not incorporate to a depth greater than 2 inches which may result in poor weed control. Care must be taken not to create overlaps in treated zones due to soil movement, which will result in excessive F9021-2 SE Herbicide rates that could result in adverse crop response. All soil applications and the residual activity of post-plant applications of F9021-2 SE Herbicide require adequate moisture for herbicidal activation. The ultimate amount of moisture, whether supplied by rainfall or irrigation, is dependent on several factors. These factors include but are not limited to existing soil moisture at application, soil type, organic matter and tilth. In crop situations dependent on rainfall, F9021-2 SE Herbicide can await activating moisture for extended periods (10 to 14 days or longer) depending on the soil parameters described above. Once activated, F9021-2 SE Herbicide will provide activity on existing weeds. The level of activity will depend on the weed species and their size at time of activation. Where irrigation is not available and rainfall has not provided activation, particularly for surface applications of F9021-2 SE Herbicide, a shallow incorporation is recommended for destruction of any germinating weeds and to incorporate F9021-2 SE Herbicide. Herbicide incorporation will initiate the process of activation with existing soil moisture. In circumstances where prolonged periods without rainfall and/or irrigation is not possible, alternative or additional weed management practices (cultivation or post-applied herbicides) may be required. Extreme care must be exercised and the Crop Specific Use Directions followed exactly in crops allowing post plant applications of F9021-2 SE Herbicide. Over-the-top and lay-by applications will provide contact and residual weed control, depending on species. The addition of surfactants may increase contact weed control performance but may also increase the risk of adverse crop response as well.

The following directions for the selection of F9021-2 SE Herbicide application rates are critical to achieve .maximum performance and to insure maximum crop safety. The user is required to read and follow the specific F9021-2 SE Herbicide use directions and restrictions for each crop as defined in subsequent sections of this label. The user is cautioned that some crops respond differently to F9021-2 SE Herbicide. This response is governed by the F9021-2 SE Herbicide application rate, various soil factors and inherent crop sensitivity. The Crop Specific Use Directions have been designed to minimize the risk of adverse crop response while maintaining optimum weed control.

Mode of Action
Sulfentrazone, the active ingredient in F9021-2 SE Herbicide, is a potent inhibitor of the enzyme Protoporpyrinogen Oxidase IX (PRO IX) required for the formation of chlorophyll. Inhibition of PPO IX enzyme results in the liberation of singlet oxygen (O) that, in turn, disrupts cellular membranes and causes cellular leakage. The ultimate manifestation of the process is cellular death leading to plant death. The selective herbicidal activity of sulfentrazone is based on its greater affinity for the PPO IX enzyme in weed species versus crop plants.

Mechanism of Action
Following the application of F9021-2 SE Herbicide to soil, germinating seeds and seedlings take up sulfentrazone from the soil solution. The amount of sulfentrazone in soil solution, and available for weed uptake, is determined primarily by soil type, organic
matter and soil pH. Sulfentrazone adsorbs to the clay and organic matter (OM) fractions of soils; effectively limiting the amount of
active ingredient immediately available to control weeds. Soils typically increase in clay content through the series from coarse to
fine as noted in the following Soil Classification Chart, Table 1.

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