
Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

EPA# 7969-137

Clarity herbicide provides economical control of tough broadleaves with early application and residual control. Not only does it control difficult, resistant weeds, but also more than 190 perennial and biannual broadleaf weeds.

Directions For Use
It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. DO NOT apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your state or tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation. Unless otherwise directed in supplemental labeling, all applicable directions, restrictions, precautions and Conditions of Sale and Warranty are to be followed. This labeling must be in the user’s possession during application.

Resistance Management
Clarity  herbicide has a low probability of selecting for resistant weed biotypes.

Cleaning Spray Equipment
Clean application equipment thoroughly by using a strong detergent or commercial sprayer cleaner, according to the manufacturer’s directions, and then triple rinsing the equipment before and after applying this product.

Application Instructions
Clarity can be applied to actively growing weeds as aerial, broadcast, band, or spot spray applications using water or sprayable fertilizer as a carrier. For general Clarity application rates for control or suppression by weed type and growth stage see Table 2. Clarity Application Rates for Control or Suppression by Weed Type and Growth Stage. For crop-specific application timing and other details, refer to section VI. Crop-Specific Information.
To avoid uneven spray coverage, Clarity  should not be applied during periods of gusty wind or when wind is in excess of 15 mph.
Avoid off-target movement. Use extreme care when applying Clarity to prevent injury to desirable plants and shrubs.

DO NOT cultivate within 7 days after applying Clarity .

Sensitive Crop Precautions
Clarity may cause injury to desirable trees and plants, particularly beans, cotton, flowers, fruit trees, grapes, ornamentals, peas, potatoes, soybeans, sunflowers, tobacco, tomatoes, and other broadleaf plants when contacting their roots, stems, or foliage. These plants are most sensitive to Clarity during their development or growing stage.

Precautions to avoid herbicide drift
Use coarse sprays (volume median diameter of 400 microns or more) to avoid potential herbicide drift. Select nozzles that are designed to produce minimal amounts of fine spray particles (less than 200 microns). Examples f nozzles designed to produce coarse sprays via ground applications are Delavan Raindrops, Spraying Systems XR (excluding 110º tips) flat fans, Turbo Teejets®, Turbo Floodjets, or large capacity flood nozzles such as D10, TK10, or greater capacity tips.
Keep the spray pressure at or below 20 psi and the spray volume at or above 20 gallons per acre (for ground broadcast applications), unless otherwise required by the manufacturer of drift-reducing nozzles. Consult your spray nozzle supplier concerning the choice of drift-reducing nozzles.
Agriculturally approved drift-reducing additives may be used.

Aerial Application Methods and Equipment
Water Volume: Use 1 - 10 gallons of water per acre (2 - 20 gallons of diluted spray per treated acre for preharvest uses). Use the higher spray volume when treating dense or tall vegetation.

Application Equipment: Select nozzles designed to produce minimal amounts of fine spray particles. Make aerial applications at the lowest safe height to reduce exposing the spray to evaporation and wind.
The applicator must follow the most restrictive use cautions to avoid drift hazards, including those found in this labeling, as well as state and local regulations and ordinances.
DO NOT use aerial equipment if spray particles can be carried by the wind into areas where sensitive crops or plants are growing or when temperature inversions exist.

Ground Application (Banding)
When applying Clarity by banding, determine the amount of herbicide and water volume needed using the following formula.

Clarity Application Rates for Control or Suppression by Weed Type and Growth Stage
Use rate limitations are given in sections V. and VI. Crop-Specific Information.

Small, actively growing
Established weed growth
Rate Per Acre (fl oz) 8 - 16 16 - 24. 
Top growth suppression
Top growth control and root suppression
Noted perennials (footnote 1 in Table 1) Other perennials. 
Rate Per Acre (fl oz) 8 - 16 16 - 32 32 32
Rosette diameter 1 - 3"
Rosette diameter 3" or more
Rate Per Acre (fl oz)8 - 16 16 - 32 32
Woody Brush & Vines
Top growth suppression
Top growth control
Stems and stem suppression
Rate Per Acre (fl oz)  16 - 32 32 32

Palmer Powell  Spiny Amaranth
Slender Aster
Catchweed Bedstraw
Florida Beggarweed
Common Broomweed
Tartary, Wild  Buckwheat
California Burclover
Corn, Creeping, Roughseed, Western Field Buttercup
Nightflowering Catchfly
Corn  Chamomile
Bur Chervil
Common Chickweed
Corn, Cow, White Cockle
Common Cocklebur
Hophornbeam  Copperleaf
Cornflower (Bachelor Button)
Woolly  Croton, Tropic
English Daisy
American  Dragonhead,
Cutleaf  Eveningprimros
Smallseed  Falseflax
Annual Fleabane
Nettleleaf  Goosefoot
Knawel (German Moss)
Prostrate Knotweed
Common  Lambsquarters
Prickly Miners Lettuce
Venice  Common Mallow
Marestail (Horseweed)
Tall Ivyleaf  Morningglory
Mustard, Black, Blue, Tansy, Treacle, Tumble, Wild, Yellowtops
Cutleaf Nightshade, Black
Field  Pennycress(Fanweed, Frenchweed, Stinkweed)
Virginia (Peppergrass) Pepperweed
Prostrate, Redroot (Carelessweed), Rough, Smooth, Tumble Pigweed
Red-horned Poppy
Common Purslane
Florida  Pusley
Wild Radish
Common, Giant (Buffaloweed), Lance-Leaf Ragweed
London, Yellow Rocket
Bitter (Bitterweed) Rubberweed
Coffee Senna
Hemp  Sesbania
Prickly (Teaweed) Smartweed, Green, Pennsylvania Sida
Bitter Sneezeweed
Spiny Annual Sowthistle
Spanish Needles
Common  Spikeweed
Prostrate, Leafy  Spurge
Corn  Spurry
Bristly  Starbur
Little  Starwort
Rough Sumpweed
Common (Wild), Volunteer Sunflower
Russian  Thistle
Winged  Waterprimrose

Common  Burdock
Wild (Queen Anne’s Lace) Carrot
White  Cockle
Common  Eveningprimrose
Carolina Geranium
Diffuse Knapweed
Dwarf  Spotted Mallow
Bracted  Plantain
Tansy  Ragwort
Yellow Starthistle
Plumeless Thistle, Bull, Milk, Musk

Jerusalem  Artichoke
Whiteheath  Aster, Spiny
Smooth  Bedstraw
Hedge Bindweed, Field
Texas Blueweed
Bursage Woollyleaf (Bur Ragweed, Povertyweed)
Woollyleaf (Bur Ragweed, Povertyweed)
Tall Buttercup
Bladder  Campion
Field, Mouseear  Chickweed
Hop Clover
Dock Dandelion
Broadleaf (Bitterdock), Curly Dock
Hemp Dogbane
Bracken  Fern
Wild Garlic
Canada, Missouri Goldenrod
Common  Goldenweed
Black Henbane
Carolina Horsenettle
Black, Diffuse, Russian , Spotted Knapweed
Common, Honeyvine, Western Whorled Milkweed
Stinging Nettle
Nightshade, Silverleaf (White Horsenettle)
Wild Onion
Broadleaf, Buckhorn Plantain
Western  Ragweed
Lespedeza  Sericea
Swamp  Smartweed
Broom  Snakeweed
Red (Sheep Sorrel) Sorrel
Perennial Sowthistle
Leafy Spurge
Canada, Scotch  Thistle
Dalmatian  Toadflax
Tropical Soda Apple
Trumpetcreeper (Buckvine)
Spotted Waterhemlock
Creeping  Waterprimrose
Yellow  Woodsorrel , Creeping
Louisiana Wormwood
Common Yarrow

Cottonwood Creosotebush
Cucumbertree Dewberry
Hawthorn (Thornapple)
Poison Ivy
Black Locust
Maple Mesquite
Poison Oak
Russian Olive
Eastern Persimmon
Pine Sand (Wild Plum)
Sand (Wild Plum)
Poplar Rabbitbrush
Eastern  Redcedar
Multiflora  Rose , McCartney, Multiflora
Fringed Sagebrush
Spruce Sumac

Rate: Apply 8 - 16 fluid ounces of Clarity per acre to control annual sowthistle, black mustard, Canada and Russian thistle, and redroot pigweed, (carelessweed).
Critical comments: 
Apply Clarity herbicide to emerged and actively growing weeds in 40 - 60 gallons of diluted spray per treated acre immediately after cutting the field, but at least 24 hours before the next cutting. Multiple applications may be made per growing season.

Rate: Apply 16 fluid ounces of Clarity per acre on medium- or fine-textured soils containing 2.5% or greater organic matter. Use 8 fluid ounces of Clarity per acre on coarse soils (sand, loamy sand, and sandy loam) or medium- and fine-textured soils with less than 2.5% organic matter
Critical comments: 
Applications of Clarity to corn during periods of rapid growth may result in temporary leaning. Corn will usually become erect within 3 - 7 days. Cultivation should be delayed until after corn is growing normally to avoid breakage. Corn may be harvested or grazed for feed once the crop has reached the ensilage (milk) stage or later in maturity. Up to 2 applications of Clarity may be made during a growing season. Sequential applications must be separated by 2 weeks or more.

Rate: Apply up to 8 fluid ounces of Clarity per acre to control emerged broadleaf weeds prior to planting cotton in conventional or conservation tillage systems.
Critical comments: 
For best performance, apply Clarity when weeds are in the 2 - 4 leaf stage and rosettes are less than 2" across. Following application of Clarity and a minimum accumulation of 1" of rainfall or overhead irrigation, a waiting interval of 21 days is required per 8 fluid ounces per acre or less. These intervals must be observed prior to planting cotton.

Rate: Apply 2 - 4 fluid ounces of Clarity per acre to fall-seeded oat prior to the jointing stage. Apply 2 - 4 fluid ounces of Clarity per acre before spring-seeded oat exceeds the 5-leaf stage.
Critical comments: 
A waiting interval of 7 days is required before harvest. Clarity  herbicide may be tank mixed with MCPA amine or ester for applications in oat. DO NOT  tank mix Clarity with 2,4-D in oat.

Rate: Apply 4 ounces of Clarity per treated acre with 0.375 pounds a.i. of 2,4-D.
Critical comments: 
Apply the tank mix of Clarity + 2,4-D as a broadcast or spot treatment to emerged and actively growing weeds and when proso millet is in the 2 - 5 leaf stage. Use directions for 2,4-D products vary with manufacturers. Refer to a 2,4-D product with labeling consistent with the crop stage timing for Clarity . Some types of proso millet may be affected adversely by a tank mix of Clarity + 2,4-D.DO NOT  apply unless possible proso millet crop injury will be acceptable.

Rate: Up to 8 fluid ounces of Clarity may be applied per acre if applied at least 15 days before sorghum planting.
Critical comments: 
Clarity  herbicide may be applied preplant, postemergence, or preharvest in sorghum to control many annual broadleaf weeds and to reduce competition from established perennial broadleaf weeds, as well as control their seedlings.

Rate: Apply 4 - 16 fluid ounces of Clarity per acre to control emerged broadleaf weeds prior to planting soybeans. DO NOT  exceed 16 fluid ounces of Clarity per acre in a spring application prior to planting soybeans.
Critical comments: 
Following application of Clarity and a minimum accumulation of 1" rainfall or overhead irrigation, a waiting interval of 14 days is required for 8 fluid ounces per acre or less, and 28 days for 16 fluid ounces per acre. These intervals must be observed prior to planting soybeans or crop injury may occur. DO NOT  make Clarity preplant applications to soybeans in geographic areas with average annual rainfall less than 25".

Rate: Apply 8 - 24 fluid ounces of Clarity per acre for control of annual weeds, 16 - 32 fluid ounces for control of biennial weeds and for control or suppression of perennial weeds.
Critical comments: 
Clarity may be applied to sugarcane any time after weeds have emerged, but before the close-in stage of sugarcane. Applications of 32 fluid ounces of Clarity per acre made over the top of actively growing sugarcane may result in crop injury.

Rate: Apply 2 - 4 fluid ounces of Clarity per treated acre to triticale. Early season applications to fall-seeded triticale must be made prior to the jointing stage
Critical comments: 
Early season applications to spring-seeded triticale must be made before triticale reaches the 6-leaf stage.

Rate: Apply 2 - 4 fluid ounces of Clarity per treated acre to wheat unless using one of the fall-seeded wheat specific programs below
Critical comments: 
Early season applications to spring-seeded wheat must be made before wheat exceeds the 6-leaf stage. Early developing wheat varieties such as TAM 107, Madison, or Wakefield must receive application between early tillering and the jointing stage

Rate: Apply 2 - 4 fluid ounces of Clarity per treated acre to fallseeded barley prior to the jointing stage. Apply 2 - 3 fluid ounces of Clarity per acre before spring-seeded barley exceeds the 4-leaf stage.
Critical comments: 
For spring barley varieties that are seeded during the winter months or later, follow the rates and timings given for spring-seeded barley.

Mixing Order
1) Water. Begin by agitating a thoroughly clean sprayer tank three-quarters full of clean water.
2) Agitation. Maintain constant agitation throughout mixing and application.
3) Inductor. If an inductor is used, rinse it thoroughly after each component has been added.
4) Products in PVA bags. Place any product contained in water-soluble PVA bags into the mixing tank. Wait until all water-soluble PVA bags have fully dissolved and the product is evenly mixed in the spray tank before continuing.
5) Water-dispersible products (dry flowables, wettable powders, suspension concentrates, or suspoemulsions).
6) Water-soluble products. (such as Clarity )
7) Emulsifiable concentrates (such as oil concentrate when applicable).
8) Water-soluble additives (such as AMS or UAN when applicable).
9) Remaining quantity of water.

Maintain constant agitation during application.

Tank Mixing Information

Tank Mix Partners/Components
The herbicide products listed may be applied with Clarity  herbicide according to the specific tank mixing instructions in this label and respective product labels.
See section VI. Crop-Specific Information for more details. Read and follow the applicable Restrictions and Limitations and Directions For Use on all products involved in tank mixing. The most restrictive labeling applies to tank mixes.
Clarity may also be used in tank mixtures with foliar applied insecticides including synthetic pyrethroids such as Ambush, Asana, Pounce and Warrior insecticides or with the carbamate insecticide Furadan. DO NOT apply Clarity in tank mixtures with Lorsban insecticide.
Physical incompatibility, reduced weed control, or crop injury may result from mixing Clarity with other pesticides (fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, or miticides), additives, or fertilizers. BASF does not recommend using tank mixes other than those listed on BASF labeling. Local agricultural authorities may be a source of information when using other than BASF recommended tank mixes.

Restrictions and Limitations

Maximum seasonal use rate: Refer to Table 4. Crop-Specific Restrictions and Limitations for crop-specific maximum seasonal use rates. DO NOT exceed 64 fluid ounces of Clarity® herbicide (2 pounds acid equivalent) per acre, per year.
Preharvest Interval (PHI): Refer to section VI. Crop-Specific Information for preharvest intervals.
Restricted-Entry Interval (REI): 24 hours
Crop Rotational Restrictions:
The interval between application and planting rotational crop is given below. Always exclude counting days when the ground is frozen.Planting at intervals less than specified below may result in crop injury. Moisture is essential for the degradation of this herbicide in soil. If dry weather prevails, use cultivation to allow herbicide contact with moist soil.
Planting/replanting restrictions for Clarity applications of 24 fluid ounces per acre or less: No rotational cropping restrictions apply at 120 days or more following application. Additionally, for annual crop uses in this label including corn, cotton, sorghum, and soybean, follow the preplant use directions in section VI. Crop-Specific Information. For barley, oat, wheat, and other grass seedings, the interval between application and planting is 15 days per 8 fluid ounces per acre applied east of the Mississippi River and 22 days per 8 fluid ounces per acre west of the Mississippi River.
Planting/replanting restrictions for applications of more than 24 fluid ounces and up to 64 fluid ounces of Clarity per acre: Corn, sorghum, cotton (east of the Rocky Mountains) and all other crops grown in areas with 30" or more of annual rainfall may be planted 120 days or more after application. Barley, oat, wheat, and other grass seedings, may be planted if the interval from application to planting is 30 days per 16 fluid ounces per acre east of the Mississippi River and 45 days per 16 fluid ounces per acre west of the Mississippi River. For all other crops in areas with less than 30" of annual rainfall, the interval between application and planting is 180 days or more.
Rainfast period: Rainfall or irrigation occurring within 4 hours after postemergence applications may reduce the effectiveness of Clarity.
Stress: DO NOT apply to crops under stress due to lack of moisture, hail damage, flooding, herbicide injury, mechanical injury, insects, or widely fluctuating temperatures as injury may result.
DO NOT apply through any type of irrigation equipment. DO NOT treat irrigation ditches or water used for crop irrigation or domestic purposes.

Storage and Disposal
DO NOT contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal. Open dumping is prohibited. This product may not be mixed, loaded, or used within 50 feet of all wells including abandoned wells, drainage wells, and sinkholes.
Pesticide Storage: Groundwater contamination may be reduced by diking and flooring of permanent liquid bulk storage sites with an impermeable material. Store in original container in a well-ventilated area separately from fertilizer, feed, and foodstuffs. Avoid cross-contamination with other pesticides.
Pesticide Disposal:
Wastes resulting from this product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility.
Pesticide, spray mixture, or rinsate that cannot be used according to label instructions must be disposed of according to federal, state or local procedures under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Improper disposal of excess pesticide, spray mix, or rinsate is a violation of federal law.
Container Disposal:
Nonrefillable Container. DO NOT reuse or refill this container. Triple rinse or pressure rinse container (or equivalent) promptly after emptying; then offer for recycling, if available, or reconditioning, if appropriate, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill, or by incineration, or by other procedures approved by state and local authorities.
Triple rinse containers small enough to shake (capacity ≤ 5 gallons) as follows: Empty the remaining contents into application equipment or a mix tank and drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. Fill the container 1/4 full with water and recap. Shake for 10 seconds. Pour rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank, or store rinsate for later use or disposal. Drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. Repeat this procedure two more times.
Triple rinse containers too large to shake (capacity > 5 gallons) as follows: Empty the remaining contents into application equipment or a mix tank. Fill the container 1/4 full with water. Replace and tighten closures. Tip container on its side and roll it back and forth, ensuring at least one complete revolution, for 30 seconds. Stand the container on its end and tip it back and forth several times. Empty the rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank, or store rinsate for later use or disposal. Repeat this procedure two more times.
Pressure rinse as follows: Empty the remaining contents into application equipment or mix tank. Hold container upside down over application equipment or mix tank, or collect rinsate for later use or disposal. Insert pressure rinsing nozzle in the side of the container and rinse at about 40 PSI for at least 30 seconds. Drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip.
Refillable Container. Refill this container with pesticide only. DO NOT reuse this container for any other purpose. Triple rinsing the container before final disposal is the responsibility of the person disposing of the container. Cleaning before refilling is the responsibility of the refiller.
Triple rinse as follows: To clean the container before final disposal, empty the remaining contents from this container into application equipment or mix tank. Fill the container about 10% full with water. Agitate vigorously or recirculate water with the pump for 2 minutes. Pour or pump rinsate into application equipment or rinsate collection system. Repeat this rinsing procedure two more times.

When this container is empty, replace the cap and seal all openings that have been opened during use; return the container to the point of purchase or to a designated location. This container must only be refilled with a pesticide product. DO NOT reuse the container for any other purpose. Prior to refilling, inspect carefully for damage such as cracks, punctures, abrasions, worn-out threads and closure devices. Check for leaks after refilling and before transport. DO NOT transport if this container is damaged or leaking. If the container is damaged, or leaking, or obsolete and not returned to the point of purchase or to a designated location, triple rinse emptied container and offer for recycling, if available, or dispose of container in compliance with state and local regulations.


Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Asparagus8 - 16 oz1
Corn16 oz
Cotton8 oz
Millet4 oz7
Sorghum8 oz30
Soybeans32 oz7
Sugarcane32 oz87
Spring triticale4 oz7
Spring wheat8 oz7
Spring barley8 oz7
Spring oats8 l7