Flexstar GT

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Active materials

For non-selective burndown of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds and residual control of redroot pigweed and common ragweed in glyphosate-tolerant soybeans.

FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide may be applied pre-plant or pre-emergent to the crop in soybeans or as a post-emergence over-the-top application in glyphosate tolerant soybeans.
FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide provides burndown of many emerged annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds and residual control of redroot pigweed and common ragweed in soybeans. FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide should be applied under favorable environmental conditions that promote active weed growth. Avoid application to weeds that have been subjected to certain stress conditions such as cold temperatures, excessive moisture, drought, injury from hail or from prior herbicide applications. Avoid application to glyphosate-tolerant soybeans which may have been subjected to such stress conditions. Extremely cool or cloudy weather at treatment time may slow down activity of this product and delay visual effects of control. Some bronzing, crinkling or spotting of the glyphosate-tolerant soybeans may occur, but plants normally outgrow these effects with no adverse effects on maturity or crop yield.
Moisture is necessary to activate FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide for residual weed control. Dry weather following application of FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide may reduce effectiveness.
FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide activity is unaffected by rain falling 4 hours after application.

Use clean (non-turbid) water for spraying FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide. Muddy water will reduce the effectiveness of FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide. Poor control may also occur when treating weeds heavily covered with dust.
Avoid contact with desirable vegetation by direct application or spray drift as destruction may result.
Avoid drift or overspray to non-target vegetation and wildlife habitats.
Apply using ground equipment only.
Do not apply when wind velocity is greater than 15 km/h.
Do not apply FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide to any field more often than once every two years.
Mix only the amount of solution to be used during a one-day period, as reduced activity may result from use of leftover solution.
Drain and clean application equipment immediately after using this product.
Do not contaminate water sources by disposal of waste or cleaning of equipment.

FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide may be applied surface pre-plant (up to 7 days before planting) or pre- emergent to the crop in soybeans or as a post-emergence over-the-top application in glyphosate tolerant soybeans.
Glyphosate-tolerant soybeans are tolerant to FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide application made to plants in the 1 to 2 trifoliate leaf stage. Apply FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide when weeds are small and actively growing. Application should be made when the main flush of weeds is complete and the majority of the weeds are at the cotyledon to 3 or 4 true leaf stage.

Annual Grasses
Barnyard Grass
Bluegrass (annual)
Crabgrass (large, smooth)
Downy Brome
Fall Panicum
Giant Foxtail
Green Foxtail
Persian Darnel
Rye, tame
Volunteer Barley
Volunteer Corn
Wild Oats
Proso Millet
Volunteer Wheat
Yellow Foxtail
Annual Broadleaf Weeds
Chickweed, common
Corn Spurry
Cow Cockle
Fleabane (Canada)
Green Smartweed
Hairy Galinsoga
Hemp nettle
Low Cudweed
Narrow-Leaved Hawk's-Beard
Narrow-Leaved Vetch
Night-Flowering Catchfly
Nightshade, Eastern black
Volunteer canola
Pennsylvania Smartweed
Prickly Lettuce
Russian Thistle
Prostrate Knotweed
Round-Leaved Mallow
Smooth Pigweed
Sowthistle (annual)
Stork’s Bill
Volunteer Flax
Wild Buckwheat
Wild Mustard
Wild Tomato
Wormwood (Absinth)

Perennial Grasses/Sedges
Blue Grass (Canada)
Blue Grass (Kentucky)
Bromegrass (smooth)
Cattail (common)
Foxtail Barley
Orchard Grass
Quack Grass
Wirestem muhly
Yellow Nutsedge
Perennial Broadleaved Weeds
Chickweed, mouse-eared
Clover, white
Curled Dock
Dandelion, common
Field Bindweed
Goldenrod, Canada
Hemp Dogbane
Hoary Cress
Jerusalem Artichoke
Knotweed (Japanese)
Milkweed (common)
Plantain, broad-leaved
Poison Ivy
Purple Loosestrife
Sheep Sorrel
Smooth Bedstraw
Sowthistle (perennial)
Stitchwort, grass-leaved
Thistle (Canada)
Yellow Toadflax
Wild Carrot
Wild Grape

ANNUAL WEEDS- Residual Control
Annual Broadleaf Weeds
Ragweed (common)
Redroot Pigweed

When applying FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide, it is essential to achieve good coverage and ample penetration of the foliage in order to obtain acceptable weed control. As glyphosate kills weeds by affecting the root system, visible effects may take 7 to 10 days to occur.
Do not apply more than once per season and to any field only every second year.
Under stress conditions and for larger weeds, addition of TURBOCHARGE is required at 0.25% v/v of spray solution.
NOTE: Always use pedigreed (i.e. certified) glyphosate tolerant soybean varieties. Soybeans which are not designated as glyphosate tolerant will be damaged or destroyed by this treatment.
CAUTION: Do not graze the treated crop or cut for hay; sufficient data are not available to support such use.

Geography - Eastern Canada
Rate of FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide - 3.5 L/ha
Rate of TOUCHDOWN TOTAL Herbicide - N/A
Spray timing - Pre-plant surface (up to 7 days before planting) or pre-emergence application before crop emergence OR Early post-emergent (1-2 trifoliate leaf stage) (glyphosate tolerant soybeans only)
Rate of water - 150 – 200 L/ha
Rate of TURBOCHARGE (1) - 0.25% v/v
OTHER - Apply at a pressure of 210 – 420 kPa. Do not apply at pressures which exceed 420 kPa. See “Tank Mixing Instructions” below for further information.

Geography - Red River Valley of Manitoba
Rate of FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide - 2.1 L/ha
Rate of TOUCHDOWN TOTAL Herbicide - 0.7 – 2.46 L/ha
Spray timing - Early post-emergent (1-2 trifoliate leaf stage) (glyphosate tolerant soybeans only)
Rate of water - 150 – 200 L/ha
Rate of TURBOCHARGE (1) - 0.25% v/v
OTHER - Apply at a pressure of 210 – 420 kPa. Do not apply at pressures which exceed 420 kPa. See “Tank Mixing Instructions” below for further information. Will not provide residual control of common ragweed or redroot pigweed.
(1) Use TURBOCHARGE only under stress conditions and for larger weeds

1. Fill the spray tank with 1/2 the required amount of water.
2. Add TURBOCHARGE at 0.25% v/v, if required, and agitate to ensure complete mixing.
3. Fill the spray tank to 3/4 the required amount of water.
4. Add FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide and agitate to ensure complete mixing.
5. Add TOUCHDOWN TOTAL Herbicide.
6. Finish filling the spray tank with water, maintaining gentle agitation.

FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide can remain active in the soil for several months after application and the residues of FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide present potential carry-over damage to certain crops.
Refer to the table below for a list of crops that may be seeded following an application of FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide at the recommended rate of 3.5 L/ha. Prior to seeding any crop that is not listed including sweet corn, a field bioassay should be conducted. A field bioassay involves seeding a test strip of the crop(s) intended for production the following year and growing the crop(s) to maturity.

Crop to be Planted / Minimum Rotation Interval (Months After Last FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide Application):
Winter Wheat – 4
Spring Wheat – 10
Soybeans, dry edible beans, field corn – 10
All other crops – Bioassay

Field Bioassay: Select an area in the field previously treated with FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide which most closely approximates the soil conditions of the field as a whole. Test strips should be seeded perpendicular to the direction in which the site was sprayed using standard seeding equipment and following normal cultivation practices. Strips of sufficient length to transect several spray swaths should be seeded to the crops intended for later planting. Reliability of the bioassay results will increase with the number and length of the test strips used. A check strip in an adjacent, untreated area should also be seeded for comparison purposes.
Examine the test strips for possible germination or stand reductions and other symptoms of injury such as colour, vigour and height. Should results of the bioassay suggest that germination or plant development is affected by residues of FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide, do not seed until a future bioassay indicates that growth of the crop is normal.

A 15 m buffer zone is required between the point of direct application and the closest downwind edge of sensitive terrestrial habitats (such as grasslands, forested areas, shelter belts, woodlots, hedgerows, riparian areas and shrublands), sensitive freshwater habitats (such as lakes, rivers, sloughs, ponds, prairie potholes, creeks, marshes, streams, reservoirs and wetlands) and estuarine/marine habitats.
HARMFUL to aquatic organisms. Avoid direct application to any body of water populated with fish or used for domestic purposes. Do not use in areas where adverse impact on domestic water or aquatic species is likely. Do not contaminate water by disposal of waste or cleaning of equipment. Avoid all drift to or contact with other vegetation for which treatment is not intended as damage or destruction may occur.

Spray solutions of FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide should be mixed, stored and applied only in stainless steel, fibreglass, plastic and plastic-lined steel containers.
DO NOT MIX, STORE OR APPLY FLEXSTAR GT HERBICIDE OR SPRAY SOLUTIONS OF FLEXSTAR GT HERBICIDE IN GALVANIZED STEEL OR UNLINED STEEL (EXCEPT STAINLESS STEEL) CONTAINERS OR SPRAY TANKS. FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide or spray solutions of FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide react with such containers and tanks to produce hydrogen gas, which may form a highly combustible gas mixture. This gas mixture could flash or explode, causing serious personal injury, if ignited by open flame, spark, welder's torch, lighted cigarette or other ignition source.

For resistance management, FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide is a Group 9 and 14 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide and other Group 9 or 14 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field. Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. Appropriate resistance-management strategies should be followed.
To delay herbicide resistance:
Where possible, rotate the use of FLEXSTAR GT Herbicide or other Group 9 and 14 herbicides with different herbicide groups that control the same weeds in a field.
Use tank mixtures with herbicides from a different group when such use is permitted.
Herbicide use should be based on an IPM program that includes scouting, historical information related to herbicide use and crop rotation, and considers tillage (or other mechanical), cultural, biological and other chemical control practices.
Monitor treated weed populations for resistance development.
Prevent movement of resistant weed seeds to other fields by cleaning harvesting and tillage equipment and planting clean seed.

Approved provinces - MB, NB, NS, ON, PE, QC

Registered for culturesRate
Soybeans2.1 - 3.5 g
Glyphosate who kills all plants2.1 - 3.5 g