- Manufacturer
- Arysta LifeScience
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- Registration expired
- Registration number
- 02353
- Active materials
- 2,4-D500 g/l
Contains 500g/l acid equiv.as the dimethylamine salt formulated as a soluble concentrate(SL).
A selective herbicide for the control of annual and perennial broadleaved weeds in winter and spring wheat, barley and rye, established agricultural and amenity grassland, managed amenity turf, grass floors beneath apple and pear trees.
IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
Grassland established for at least one year
DOSE: Most weeds: 2.8 L/ha Maximum 1 application per year
TIMING AND REMARKS: Apply in spring to autumn at the most opportune time when grass density is low, as after cutting or grazing, but weeds are at as susceptible stage.
Winter wheat, winter oats, winter rye
DOSE: 0.7 – 1.4 L/ha
TIMING AND REMARKS: Apply in spring after the crop has full tillered when the leafsheaths are erect but prior to the first node becoming detectable. Make no more than 1 application/crop.e.
Winter wheat, winter oats, winter rye
DOSE: 0.7 – 1.4 L/ha
TIMING AND REMARKS: Apply in spring after the crop has full tillered when the leafsheaths are erect but prior to the first node becoming detectable. Make no more than 1 application/crop.
Winter barley
DOSE: 0.7 - 1.4 L/ha
TIMING AND REMARKS: Do not apply between the start of tillering and the leaf-sheath becoming erect. Make no more than 1 application/crop.
Spring wheat Spring barley Spring rye
DOSE: 0.7 L/ha
TIMING AND REMARKS: Apply in spring when the crop has five leaves unfolded but prior to the first node becoming detectable. Make no more than 1 application/crop.
DO NOT treat barley intended for malting, spring oats or any cereal mixture with peas or beans or other legumes.
DO NOT spray undersown crops or crops to be undersown.
Do not spray where clovers or other legumes are an important part of the sward.
Damine may be applied to grassland or turf that has been established for a minimum of 12 months.
DO NOT mow or roll turf or amenity grassland for four days before or after application. The first four mowings after treatment must be composted for at least 6 months before use.
DO NOT ALLOW SPRAY TO DRIFT into greenhouses, or onto other agricultural or horticultural crops, amenity plantings or gardens. Not to be used in glasshouses.
Do not allow spray applications to come into any contact with desired broad-leaved trees. Beets, all brassicae including oilseed rape, lettuce, peas, tomatoes, potatoes, all fruit crops and ornamentals are particularly susceptible to 2,4D and may be damaged by spray drift.
Do not treat grass crops intended for seed production.
DO NOT sow any crop into soil treated with Damine for at least 3 months after application.
DO NOT treat cereals, grass or turf suffering from stress caused by drought, disease or other adverse factors, such as freezing conditions.
Ragwort is an injurious weed and those who permit it to grow unchecked on their land are liable for prosecution under the Weeds Act (1959).
Agricultural grassland destined for hay or silage in the spring, should be sprayed in the preceding autumn.
Damine may be used on all varieties of the listed crops within the recommended rates of application and weed growth stages for best results.
The following weeds are moderately resistant at 1.4L/ha (where applications are made at the cotyledon to 2 leaf stage):. Black-bindweed (Polygonum convolvulus), Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum), Bugloss (Lycopsis arvensis), Common Chickweed (Stellaria media), Common field-speedwell (Veronica persica), Common fumitory (Fumaria officinalis), Common Mouse-ear (Cerastium holosteoides), Doveʼs-foot Craneʼs-bill (Geranium molle), Field Gromwell (Lithospermum arvense), Green Field speedwell (Veronica agrestis), Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris), Ivy-leaved Speedwell (Veronica hederifolia), Knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare), Pale Persicaria (Polygonum lapathifolium), Redshank (Polygonum persicaria), Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis), Shepherdʼs-needle (Scandix pectinveneris), Sun spurge (Euphorbia helioscopia), Viperʼs-bugloss (Echium vulgare), Wall speedwell (Veronica arvensis).
Apply Damine preferably to young and actively growing weeds that have well developed foliage, but before the flower buds have opened, usually in late spring or summer but not when rain is imminent nor in periods of drought or very hot or cold weather. Control may be reduced if rain falls within 12 hours of application. Broad-leaved weeds are best treated when they have a well-developed 'rosette' of leaves.
Before mixing, ensure that the spraying equipment has been thoroughly decontaminated from any previous use, and that it has been equipped and calibrated to apply the recommended spray volume and spray quality. Place half the required amount of water in the spray tank, followed by the recommended quantity of Damine. In the case of using the entire container of Damine, rinse the container thoroughly and add the washings to the spray tank. Add the remaining water requirement to the spray tank. When using overall application with a tractor sprayer, maintain agitation throughout the mixing and spraying operation. When using a knapsack sprayer, agitate the container before use.
Traces of herbicide left in the sprayer may damage susceptible crops if these are subsequently sprayed using the same equipment. After use with agricultural field sprayer, dilute 10 fold the remaining spray solution and spray it onto the field. Once the sprayer is empty, clean the spray tank thoroughly with water and spray the remaining dilution onto the field. After use with knapsack sprayer, rinse the sprayer three times with clean water.
Overall Application
This method is recommended when weed populations are high and there is a large area to be treated. Apply Damine in 200 to 400 litres of water per hectare, as a MEDIUM spray at a pressure of 3 bar. Where weed foliage is dense or tall, use the higher volume of water. Make sure that all foliage to be controlled is covered by the spray
Knapsack Application
This method is recommended for spot treatment of weeds. Add 20 ml of DAMINE per litre of water and apply as a MEDIUM spray to ensure even coverage of the weeds (but not to run-off).
When herbicides with the same mode of action are used repeatedly over several years in the same field, selection of resistant biotypes can take place. These can propagate and may become dominating. A weed species is considered to be resistant to a herbicide if it survives a correctly-applied treatment at the recommended dose. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. This should include integrating herbicides with a programme of cultural control measures. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer.
Damine is compatible with products containing the following herbicides when used according to the manufacturers instructions: Dicamba, MCPA and Mecoprop-P (MCPP-P).
Conditions of Supply
Seller warrants that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label thereof and is reasonably fit for purposes stated on such labels, only when used in accordance with directions under normal use conditions. It is impossible to eliminate all risks inherently associated with use of this product. Crop injury, ineffectiveness or other unintended consequences may result because of such factors as weather conditions, presence of other materials, or manner of use or application, all of which are beyond the control of the seller. In no case shall seller be liable for consequential, special or indirect damages resulting from the use or handling of this product. All such risks shall be assumed by the buyer. Seller makes no warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose nor any other express or implied warranty except as stated above.
Registered for cultures | Rate |
Winter wheat | 0.7 - 1.4 l |
Winter barley | 0.7 - 1.4 l |
Winter oats | 0.7 - 1.4 l |
Winter rye | 0.7 - 1.4 l |
Spring wheat | 0.7 l |
Spring barley | 0.7 l |
Spring rye | 0.7 l |
Grassland | 2.8 l |