Avocado leaf roller

Homona spargotis

Marked differences between the sexes occurs in the moth stage. The male is smaller (18 to 20 mm wingspan) than the female (25 to 30 mm wingspan). The forewings in the male are light brown with dark brown banding; in the female the forewings are dark tan to light brown with a darker oblique band and darker wing tip. The female has prominent wingtips and at rest the folded wings give the adult moths a bell shape.

Damage: The caterpillars of this moth roll and web leaves together and also web leaves to berries. Inside these shelters the larvae live and feed on the leaf and berry tissue. Although severe leaf damage may be caused, the damage inflicted on the berries is more important. Large areas of the skin of berries may be eaten, sometimes to a depth of four millimetres. Damaged berries may be infected with anthracnose and drop or the injury may heal, forming scar tissue. Trees in flush are most susceptible since larvae prefer to feed on young growth and cause proportionately more damage on small, unexpanded leaves.