
Dow AgroSciences
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Product Information
For use only on field corn, field seed corn, field silage corn, and yellow popcorn, which collectively will be referred to as “corn” in this label. Resicore herbicide may be used preplant, preemergence (after planting but prior to crop emergence), or postemergence (after crop emergence) in field corn, field seed corn, and field silage corn fields. For yellow popcorn, Resicore must be applied prior to crop emergence (i.e., preplant or preemergence) or severe crop injury may occur.
Resicore is a combination of the herbicides acetochlor (group 15), mesotrione (group 27), and clopyralid (group 4), plus the crop safener furilazole. This combination of three herbicide modes of action controls many grass and broadleaf weeds by interfering with normal germination, growth, and seedling development. When applied after weed emergence, Resicore will provide control of many broadleaf weed species but will not provide consistent control of emerged grass weeds.

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