Surpass EC

Dow AgroSciences
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Product Information
Surpass EC herbicide is intended for preplant, preemergence, or early postemergence use in corn. Use of this product in corn is limited to field corn, production seed corn, silage corn, sweet corn and popcorn. Do not apply this product to any crop other than corn. Surpass EC is a unique combination of the herbicide acetochlor and the antidote or safener dichlormid. While the acetochlor provides weed control, the dichlormid safens corn against herbicide injury. Surpass EC may be applied to the surface or incorporated into the top 1 to 2 inch layer of soil. It is specified for control alone, or in tank mix combinations as indicated, for the weeds listed in the Target Weeds section of these use directions. Surpass EC controls weeds by interfering with normal germination and seedling development. Surpass EC will not control established or germinated weeds present at application.

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