- Manufacturer
- Albaugh
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- Registration expired
- Registration number
- 42750-76
- Active materials
- glyphosate0 lb/gallon
- Links
- LabelView
Thundermaster is a postemergence herbicide for control or suppression of emerged weeds in fallow and reduced tillage systems, industrial and noncrop areas. Thundermaster can also be applied prior to planting or emergence of small grains (wheat, barley, oats) corn, sorghum (grain or forage), through hooded sprayers between rows of corn, as a spot treatment in corn, sorghum, forage grasses, as a preharvest treatment in wheat, and as a postharvest treatment following grain harvest. AVOID CONTACT WITH FOLIAGE OF CROP OR OTHER DESIRABLE VEGETATION SINCE SEVERE INJURY OR DESTRUCTION MAY RESULT.
Read the entire label before using this product.
Use only according to label instructions.
Thundermaster is a postemergence herbicide for control or suppression of emerged weeds in fallow and reduced tillage systems, pasture and rangeland, airports, dry canals, industrial plant sites, parking areas, parks, schools, storage areas, farmsteads, ditches, fencerows, roadside and highway rights-ofway, other public areas, and similar industrial and noncrop sites. Thundermaster can also be applied prior to planting or emergence of wheat, barley, corn, oats, sorghum (grain or forage), through hooded sprayers between rows of corn, as a spot treatment in corn, sorghum, forage grasses, as a preharvest treatment in wheat, and as a postharvest treatment following grain harvest.
This product enters the plant through the foliage and moves throughout the plant. Visual effects of control are a gradual wilting or yellowing of the plant, which advances to complete browning of aboveground growth and deterioration of affected underground plant parts. Visible symptoms will usually develop on labeled weeds within 2 to 4 days after application, but may not occur for 7 or more days.
Extremely cool or cloudy weather following treatment may slow activity of this product and delay the visual effects of control.
Keep people and domestic animals off treated areas until foliage has dried.
Registered for cultures |
Winter wheat |
Spring wheat |